How to make your voice beautiful: simple tips
The voice is as important in life as a person’s appearance. If you believe the statistics, then it is with the human voice that most of the information is transmitted during any communication. That is why it is very important to have a beautiful, velvety voice that will contribute to success in all your endeavors.
If you naturally have a voice that doesn’t quite suit you, don’t despair. After all, it, like everything else, can be improved. You just need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of how to train your own voice and then you will succeed.
Tips, tricks and exercises
You can do a simple experiment, right at home, in order to determine what kind of voice you have and identify its strengths and weaknesses. This is very simple to do, just record your speech on a voice recorder or video camera, then listen and draw conclusions about your voice. Mark what you liked and what you were horrified by. Appreciate it, because you probably know first-hand that you can listen to someone forever, while someone begins to irritate you with their voice at the very beginning of the conversation.
There are special exercises that will help you achieve the desired result if something turns you off when listening to your own speech. Each of these exercises must be performed daily for 10–15 minutes.
Relax completely and slowly inhale and exhale. Say the sound “a” in a calm, slow tone. Stretch it a little, tilting your head slowly in different directions, and watch how your “ah-ah” changes.
Try to yawn, and at the same time spread both arms in different directions. Then, as if, cover your open mouth with your hand.
If you constantly meow and purr every morning, new, soft notes will appear in your voice.
Try to read aloud as often as possible with sense, feeling and arrangement. Learn to breathe correctly, this is also important when training your own voice.
Pronounce various complex words slowly and clearly; it is advisable to record them on a voice recorder and listen to them periodically.
– Always try to express your thoughts tactfully. Don’t try to speak slowly and boringly, but at the same time don’t jabber.
– When you read an article in a magazine or a fiction book, try to do it out loud, while choosing the necessary intonation.
– Don’t be upset if you don’t notice any results right away, it will certainly come over time, the main thing in this matter is patience.
– If after a decent time no changes occur, then you may need to see an ENT doctor.
The way your voice sounds is really important, because it is thanks to this that the atmosphere that surrounds you is created, your well-being. Therefore, work on yourself, improve and develop and everything will be fine.