How to keep a child’s interest in learning music? Part II
Many people are familiar with the situation when a child enthusiastically starts studying at a music school, but after a couple of years goes there under duress or even wants to quit. How to be?
In the last article , it was about how to push the child to search for his own goal. Today – a couple more working tips.
Tip number two. Eliminate misunderstanding.
Music is a special field of activity. It has its own specifics and special words that constantly fall on the child. And most often these are concepts about which he has a vague idea.
When you don’t understand, it’s hard to do it right. The result is failure and defeat. And I don’t want to have anything to do with this whole area!
What is incomprehensible must be found and disassembled! Clarify with him how “solfeggio” differs from “specialty”, “ chord ” from “interval”, simple scale from chromatic, “adagio” from “stoccato”, “minuet” from “rondo”, which means “transpose” and etc. Even such simple words as “note”, “eighth”, “quarter” can raise questions.
Understanding simple concepts, you yourself will find a lot of interesting things, and the child will stop guessing what is required of him in the lessons. He will be able to be successful – and will begin to communicate more with music and the “musician”.
If you have a toddler, make learning new concepts a game! This will help our music academy and simulators .
Be vigilant :
- As soon as you see that the child does not want to go to classes, especially solfeggio, immediately look for misunderstanding and eliminate it!
- In no case do not swear! He must be sure that you will not get angry and make fun of him.
- Let him see you as an assistant, not a tyrant, and come with questions, and not close in on himself!
When you don’t understand, it’s hard to do it right!
Tip number three. Set a good example.
If all you do is watch TV series or play computer games, don’t expect your child to be drawn to music by itself! And the cry “Until you learn, so that you don’t get up because of the instrument!” in the long run will work against you.
Study music yourself, listen to the classics, show examples of virtuoso playing. Craving for beauty, excellent taste and the desire to develop skills – this is a special way of life that is easiest to instill in the family.
Focus not on consumption, but on how to become a professional, know your business and create something worthwhile.
In your piggy bank – a virtuoso game by Luca Stricagnoli:
Praise your child for work, emphasize successes, not failures, be a good example for him!