How to come up with a band name that will bring success?

For many, the name of the group leaves the first impression of the musical group that remains forever. A sonorous and easy-to-remember name will allow you to immediately stand out among numerous groups and facilitate the promotion of the team to the top of Olympus. There are some proven ways to come up with a “selling” name for an ensemble.

Name – symbol

A word that will cause the public to associate with the group and its individuality will increase the memorability of the group by 40%. The symbol of the ensemble is a clear, brief description of it, expressing the ideology and worldview of the participants. For example, groups that promote national Russian culture are often called “Slavs”, “Rusichs”. How to come up with a group name – a symbol? Try to describe the team, its members and the main idea in one word.

Matching style

The name of the group, which is associated with its real activities, adds 20% to its popularity. Agree, the poster of a male band performing songs in the heavy metal style with the children’s name “Domisolki” will look quite unexpected. Focusing on style, you need to choose a word that characterizes the musical direction of the group. For example, a name such as “Phonograph Jazz Band” will tell a lot about the playing style of the participants.

Memorable phrase

An easy-to-remember name raises the ensemble’s popularity rating by 20% compared to its competitors. Short and catchy – “Aria”, unusual and reflecting the worldview of the musicians – “Crematorium”, the most suitable in meaning, shocking, biting and radical – “Civil Defense”, these are the names that immediately attract attention. In order to name a musical group with a memorable phrase, you can use a dictionary.

Famous names, geographical places

According to producers, 10% of a musical group’s success comes from already “promoted” names of historical figures, characters in novels, movie characters, or names of popular geographical places. This is how they chose the name Rammstein, Gorky Park, Agatha Christie.


A short and easy-to-pronounce abbreviation will increase the team’s memorability by 10%. Many well-known ensembles today used the first letters or syllables of the initials of their members for their names. Thus, ABBA and REM were born. The abbreviation “DDT” is derived from the abbreviation of the word dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane (pest control agent).

Finding the name of a group, of course, is a responsible and difficult task, but this should not stop musicians in their activities. Many newcomers to the stage begin their performances with a temporary name. If you can’t come up with a name for a musical group, you can conduct a survey among the target audience or even organize a competition for the best name.

the young team will have to think not only about how to come up with a group name, but also a strategy for promoting their own brand. Read about how you can help this here. If you don’t yet have a band or are unable to organize full-fledged rehearsals, then the advice in this article should help you.

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