How long does it take to learn how to play the guitar. How long does it take to learn how to play the guitar

How long does it take to learn how to play the guitar. general information
Another question that is asked by those who plan to master the instrument is How long does it take to learn how to play the guitar? There is not much information on the Internet about this, and in this article we will clarify in detail what the numbers may depend on and what they are on average.
Conditions of Learning
A very important factor in your progress in learning is how you approach it and what sources you use. In addition, it is very important to engage constantly and regularly do exercises and repeat the material. If you play the guitar once a week for half an hour without really studying anything, you will never learn. Here we will consider the variant of the average development of events, when the guitar is given half an hour or an hour a day. Of course, the final figures will depend solely on how often or less often you practice the instrument.
It should also be said that learning to play an instrument is an endless process. This article will provide information how long does it take to learn how to play the guitar from zero level to gaining the skills of a more or less average guitarist. There is only one reason – after that you begin to dig into private and separate moments, it is very difficult to evaluate training in terms of time.
Lessons with a teacher
When your fingers become rough, then after about two months you will be able to confidently play several compositions in battle, and one or two – by brute force. You may be able to play some simple pieces if you stick to fingerstyle yourself.
With purposeful practice of the barre, you will start to get it already in the third or fourth month of training, and after a little more time you will be able to play songs with it.
During this period, you can also optionally learn how to read tablature and play simple solo parts.
We can say that after about six months of effective work with a teacher, you will already be able to reach the level of a confident beginner who can even get into the middle group without any complaints.
And finally, after a year and a half of painstaking work with a teacher, you will most likely master the speed playing techniques at the initial level, and with due diligence, you can play almost any song, maybe at a slightly slower pace. You are still not a virtuoso, however, you have enough skills and knowledge to play in almost any band.
So, with the help of an experienced teacher, it will take you about a year and a half to go from a complete zero to the level of an average guitarist.
Otherwise, the time frame of online courses is very similar to private teachers – you will be able to perform the first full-fledged song in 2-3 weeks, and in six months you will know the instrument at a confident level.
Many of these courses are paid. If you are interested in trying it, but do not want to pay money, we recommend using our free guitar course for newbies. It will give you all the information you need to start learning guitar from scratch.
You can reach a more or less decent level in about 8 months of regular play. However, it is worth considering the considerable likelihood that in some aspects you will be inferior to the guitarists who studied with the teacher – in particular, in terms of technique and purity of execution. Around the same time, you will learn how to read tablature and how to barre.
But with regard to fast parts and passages, you may feel that you are running into the problem of technique and incorrect hand placement. Here you will have several options – you either go to relearn and lose time, or continue learning and master the material at a slow pace. In the second case, you will reach an acceptable level in about four to five months. In total, you will spend about a year on training.
It will take the next 6-8 months to learn how to play complex compositions, and it’s not certain that you will succeed – the reason will be the same hand placement. We can say that in this format you will reach the level of a confident guitarist in about two years.
See also: Is it difficult to learn to play the guitar
Common myths
In this section, we have collected the most common myths about guitar training.
You can learn how to play quickly
Remember that behind every trick of the game is a huge number of hours of practice and playing under the metronome. The first songs are really mastered quickly – but this is only a small drop from what hides such a huge layer of information.
Learning takes a lot of time
But, of course, in the future, in order to speed up the development of some tricks or learn a complex composition, you will have to sit at the guitar for several hours, but if your goal is just to learn how to play basic things, then you can not be afraid of such a prospect.
You need to start playing at a fast pace right away.
It doesn’t matter how the hands are placed
Therefore, during training, do not neglect the exercises for setting the hands, and devote time to this issue.
Theory can’t be taught.
If you are planning to take up music closely, give concerts and create your own material, then be sure to start studying music theory. Regularly analyze the songs you play, not only in terms of what is being played, but also in terms of why. In this way, you will greatly expand the space for creating music, as well as get an understanding of how to achieve this or that emotion in your songs.