How is the Les Paul different from the Stratocaster?
When talking about electric guitar, many musicians then think of two companies – Gibson and Fender. Going further, two models that can be safely called the most meritorious for the development of guitar music come to mind. The Les Paul and the Stratocaster, because we are talking about them, are two different sound patterns that can be heard on countless recordings.
Both designs differ in practically everything – the type of pickups, the neck of the neck, the type of wood used, the length of the scale. All of this influences the sound and basically gives the character to the whole. There is also a very important thing to note here, none of these specifications is better or worse, they are just different. Therefore, it is not worth being influenced by opinions such as: “Les Paul is better, because it has a stick-in neck” – none of these things!
So let’s choose the guitar that suits your needs. We hope the video below will help you in this by showing you the difference between the two most important models of electric guitars.