Gidzhak: what is it, instrument composition, history, sound, use
Gidjak belongs to a variety of stringed bowed musical instruments and is actively used by the Turkic peoples and Tajiks.
Its appearance dates back to the XNUMXth century – according to legend, the creator is the scientist, doctor and philosopher of Central Asia Avicenna.
The bowl-shaped body of the gijak has been made from wood, pumpkin peel, and coconut shells since ancient times. The outer side is covered with leather. The long neck and body are fastened with a metal rod, the protruding end of which acts as a stand when playing. In early samples, there were 2 or 3 silk strings, but now 4 metal strings are most common.
Hold the tool in a vertical position. Modern musicians prefer to work with a violin bow, but some are more accustomed to playing with what looks like a bow for shooting.
The range is one and a half octaves, the system is a fourth. The instrument creates a dull, creaky sound.
Gidjak is a member of the Uzbek national instrumental orchestra. It plays folk melodies. In musical practice, improved varieties of the instrument (viola, bass, double bass) are used.