Ferdinando Paer |
Ferdinand Paer
Member Institute of France (1831). He studied with G. Ghiretti and F. Fortunati in Parma, where his first opera Orpheus and Eurydice (1791) was written. He spent most of his life abroad: from 1797 – in Vienna, Prague, in 1802-07 he conducted the court. chapel in Dresden. Mn. worked in Paris for years, was adv. Kapellmeister (since 1807), conductor of the Opera Comic and Theater Italien (1812-27), leader of the King. chamber music (since 1832), as well as an honorary inspector (since 1834) and teacher (since 1837, composition) of the Paris Conservatory. P.’s operas were famous, many of them were created under the influence of the work of W. A. Mozart, some are examples of the “opera of salvation”: “Camilla” (1799), “Leonora” (1804, the plot of the opera served as the basis for libre. “Fidelio” by Beethoven). The best opera is Kapellmeister, or An Unexpected Dinner (Le maôtre de chapelle ou Le souper imprévu, 1821, Paris).
Compositions: operas (c. 50), including The Ridiculed Pretenders (I pretendenti burlati, 1793, Parma), Griselda (1798, ibid.), Camilla, or the Dungeon (Camilla ossia Il sotterraneo, 1799, Vienna), Leonora, or Conjugal love (Leonora ossia L’amore coniugale, 1804, Dresden), Abandoned Dido (Didone abbandonata, 1810, Paris); oratorios, cantatas; for orc. — 2 symphonies, plays; concerts with orc. – for piano, for organ; fp. plays; arias, duets, songs, etc.
References: Massй T., Deschamps A., Раеr et Rossini, P., 1820; Delia Corte A., The Italian comic opera in the 700th century. Bari, 1923; Radiсiоtti G., G. Rossini, t. 1-3, Tivoli, 1927-29; Englдnder R., F. Paer als sдchsischer Hofkapellmeister, в сб .: Neues Archiv fьr sдchsische Geschichte, 1929; его же, Paers «Leonora» und Beethovens «Fidelio», в сб .: Neues Beethoven-Jahrbuch, (Bd 4), 1929; Pelicelli N., Musicians in Parma in the 1935th century, в кн .: Archive notes for musical history, 37, p. 42-2; Tebaldini G., F. Paer, в кн .: Aurea Parma, v. 1939, Parma, XNUMX.
A. I. Gundareva