Emmanuel Chabrier |
Emmanuel Chabrier
Shabri. Rhapsody “Spain” (orchestra by T. Beechem)
Got a legal education. In 1861-80 he served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. affairs. He was fond of music, studied with E. Wolf (fp.), T. Seme and A. Inyar (harmony, counterpoint and fugue). In 1877, the first major production was successfully performed. Sh. – operetta “Star”. In the 70s. Sh. became close to V. d’Andy, A. Duparc, G. Fauré, C. Saint-Saens, J. Massenet. From 1879 he devoted himself entirely to music. activities. In 1881 he was a tutor in the choir of the Ch. Lamoureux Concerts, in 1884-1885 he was the choirmaster of the Château d’Eau t-ra. Among the best products Sh. – rhapsody poem “Spain” for orchestra (1883), opera “Gwendolina” (in libre. C. Mendes, 1886), comic. opera “King willy-nilly” (1887), numerous. fp. plays. A bold and original thinking artist, Sh. opposed the canonized rules in music. creativity and fetishization of stylistic devices; he stood up for the diverse embodiment of life in music. In many op. his characteristic wit and deep lyricism and creativity appeared. ingenuity and clarity of thought. His music is melodic. grace, sharp dynamism. Sh. rendered mean. influence on modern French composer school.
Compositions: operas – Gwendoline (1886, tr “De la Monnaie”, Brussels), King involuntarily (Le roi malgré lui, 1887, tr “Opera Comic”, Paris), lyricist. the drama Briseida (not finished, 1888-92); operettas – Star (L’étoile, 1877, tr “Buff-Parisien”, Paris), Unsuccessful Education (Une éducation manquée, 1879, Paris); lyric Shulamith scene for mezzo-soprano, choir and orc. (on verses by J. Richpen, 1885), Ode to music for a soloist, wives. choir and fp. (Ode a la musique, 1891); for orc. – Lamento (1874), Larghetto (1874), rhapsody poem Spain (1883), Joyful march (Joyeuse marche, 1890); for fp. – Impromptu (Impromptu, 1873), Pictorial plays (Pices pittoresques, 1881), Three romantic waltzes (Trois valses romantiques, for 2 fp., 1883), Habanera (Habanera, 1887), Fantastic burre (Bourrée fantastique, 1891); romances, songs, etc.
Письма: Letters of E. Chabrier, “Revue de la Société internationale de musique”, 1909, January 15, February 15, 1911, April 15; Letters to Nanine, P., 1910.
Literature: Musical Aesthetics of France in the 1974th century, comp. texts, enter. Art. and intro. essays by E. F. Bronfin, M., 240, p. 42-1918; Tiersot J., Un demi-siècle de musique française…, P., 1924, 1938 (Russian translation — Tierso J., Half a century of French music, in the book: French music of the second half of the 1930th century, introductory art. and edited by M. S. Druskin, M., 1935); Koechlin Ch., Pour Chabrier, “RM”, 21, janvier (Russian translation – Klkhlin Sh., In defense of Chabrier, ibid.); Prod’homme JG, Chabrier in his letters, “MQ”, 4, v. 1961, no 1965; Poulenc Fr., E. Chabrier, P., 1969; Tinot Y., Chabrier, par lui mkme et par ses intimes, P., 1970; Myers R., E. Chabrier and his circle, L., XNUMX; Robert Fr., E. Chabrier. L’homme et son oeuvre, P., XNUMX (“Musiciens de tous les temps”, (v.) XLIII).
EP Bronfin