Concert Russian Orchestra of Gnesin Music Academy |
Concert Russian Orchestra of Gnesin Music Academy
Concert Russian Orchestra “Academy” of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music was founded in 1985. Its founder and artistic director is the Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Boris Voron.
From the very beginning of its concert activities, the orchestra attracted attention due to its high professionalism. The team was awarded the title of laureate at the XII World Festival of Youth and Students, won the Grand Prix at the International Festival in Bruchsal (Germany, 1992) and at the I All-Russian Festival-Competition of Folk Musical Art for Youth and Students “Sing, Young Russia”, as well as I Award of the Student Festival “Festos”.
The ensemble’s repertoire includes works by Russian and foreign composers of various eras, masterpieces of world classics, original compositions for Russian orchestra, arrangements of folk melodies, and pop compositions. The orchestra took part in many television and radio programs dedicated to folk instrumental art. They have released several CDs.
Young talented musicians, students of the Gnessin Academy of Music, play in the orchestra. Many of them are laureates of All-Russian and international competitions. Well-known folk music ensembles performed with the orchestra: the instrumental duo BiS, the vocal trio Lada, the folk music ensemble Kupina, the ensemble Voronezh Girls, the Classic Duet, and the Slavic Duet.
The orchestra conducts active touring activities – the geography of its trips covers the cities of Central Russia, Siberia and the Far East. Performs in concert halls in Moscow, collaborates with the Moscow Philharmonic and Mosconcert.
Boris Raven – Honored Artist of Russia, professor, laureate of international competitions and festivals, head of the Department of Orchestral Conducting for Performing Specialties of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.
Boris Voron led the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Gnessin State Musical College (1992-2001), the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (1997-2002 and 2007-2009), the Symphony Orchestra of the Pushkino Musical College named after S. S. Prokofiev (1996-2001), Symphony Orchestra of the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov (2001-2006).
In 1985, on the basis of the State Musical College and the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after the Gnessins, Boris Voron created the Concert Russian Orchestra, which he leads to this day. Together with this team, he became a laureate of international and All-Russian festivals and competitions, the owner of two Grand Prix at the International Festival in Bruchsal (Germany) and the All-Russian Festival-Competition in Moscow. He toured in many cities of Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan. The orchestra often performs in prestigious halls in Moscow, on the territory of various embassies and exhibition centers.
In 2002, B. Voron became the chief conductor of the variety and symphony orchestra of the New Year’s “Blue Light on Shabolovka” and the program “Saturday Evening” on RTR. He toured extensively as a conductor, held more than 2000 concerts with various Russian ensembles, including the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov, the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after N.N. Nekrasov of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company, the State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble ” Russia, the State Symphony Orchestra of Radio and Television of Russia, the Chamber Music Orchestra “Gloria” of the Khabarovsk Philharmonic, the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Astrakhan State Philharmonic, the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Togliatti Philharmonic, the State Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after V. P. Dubrovsky of the Smolensk Philharmonic, the Orchestra Russian Folk Instruments of the Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic, Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Belgorod Philharmonic, Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Samara Philharmonic, Symphony Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Boris Voron was the first to stage productions of the operas Avdotya the Ryazanochka and Ivan da Marya by J. Kuznetsova, The Last Kiss by L. Bobylev, the children’s opera Geese and Swans, and the fairy tale ballet The Happy Day of the Red Cat Stepan by A. Polshina, as well as the operas “Eugene Onegin” by P. Tchaikovsky and “Aleko” by S. Rachmaninov were staged for the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin.
Boris Voron is a regular participant in the subscriptions of the Moscow Philharmonic “Museum of Musical Instruments”, “Conductors of Russia”, various festivals: “Moscow Autumn”, folklore music in Bruchsal (Germany), “Bayan and Bayanists”, “Musical Autumn in Tushino”, “Moscow meets friends”, vocal art named after V. Barsova and M. Maksakova (Astrakhan), “Wind Rose”, Moscow International Festival of Youth and Students, “Music of Russia” and others. As part of these festivals, many new works by Russian composers were performed for the first time under his leadership. Many famous singers and instrumental soloists have performed with orchestras conducted by Boris Voron.
Boris Voron is the head of the creative commission of the folk instrumental art of the Moscow Musical Society, the editor-compiler of 15 collections “The concert Russian orchestra of the Gnessin Academy of Music plays”, a number of CDs.
Source: meloman.ru