Clarion: what is it, tool composition, use
Clarion is a brass musical instrument. The name comes from Latin. The word “Clarus” means purity, and the related “Clario” literally translates as “pipe”. The instrument was used as an accompaniment in musical ensembles, perfectly combined with other wind instruments.
In the late Middle Ages, several similar instruments were called that. A common feature of the Clarions was the shape of the body in the shape of S. The body consists of 3 parts: a pipe, a bell and a mouthpiece. The body size is smaller than a standard trumpet, but the mouthpiece was massive. The bell is located at the end, looks like a sharply expanding tube. Designed to amplify the power of sound.
Tuning the system is done with the help of crowns. The crowns are made in the shape of a U. The overall action is regulated by pulling out the largest crown. The valves open and close as the player plays, producing the desired tone.
An optional element is a drain valve. May be present on the main and third crowns. Designed to remove accumulated fumes from the insides.
Modern musicians call the clarion the high sound of the clarinet. It is also sometimes called the reed stop for the organ.