Chords without barre. Schematics and song list for beginner guitarists

The content of the article
- 1 How to play guitar without barre
- 2 Chord charts without barre
- 2.1 Chords C: C, C7
- 2.2 D chords: D, Dm, D7, Dm7
- 2.3 Mi chords: E, Em, E7, Em7
- 2.4 Chords G: G, G7
- 2.5 Chords A: A, Am, A7, Am7
- 3 Let’s play the chords F, Fm, B, Bb, Bm, Gm
- 3.1 F without barre – three simple schemes
- 3.2 Chord Fm
- 3.3 B and Bb chords
- 3.4 Bm chord without barre
- 3.5 Gm chord without barre
- 4 List of songs without barre
- 5 Some helpful tips.
How to play guitar without barre
Barre is the main scourge and stumbling block among all beginner guitarists. Chords with this technique literally appear in nightmares, and become one of the reasons why people give up the guitar and stop learning further. However, the technique actually takes only a little time to master, after which it becomes very simple and not scary at all.
Chord charts without barre
Chords C: C, C7
These are classic C tonic chords that don’t require a barre to play. C7 is the so-called seventh chord, which is formed by adding an additional note to the standard triad – in this case, B.
D chords: D, Dm, D7, Dm7
Some more schemes basic chords for beginners –this time from Re tonic. Along with the classic triads, seventh chords are also inserted, which will expand the musical sound of your compositions.
Mi chords: E, Em, E7, Em7
Now below are chord charts from the root of E that do not require barre playing skills. As in the previous two sections, in addition to classical triads, seventh chords are also shown here to expand your guitar melodic reserve.
Chords G: G, G7
These are schemes of major chords from the tonic Sol. They are given because, unlike the minor, they do not require barre skills. The seventh chord is also given along with the usual triad.
Chords A: A, Am, A7, Am7
Below is that how to put chords from the tonic La. As in the previous sections, in addition to classical triads, seventh chords are also indicated.
Let’s play the chords F, Fm, B, Bb, Bm, Gm
F without barre – three simple schemes
The classic F chord requires the skill of how to play barre,however, there are still several schemes that allow you to play the same triad without holding all the strings with your index finger.
1. Hold a standard E chord, and just move it one fret to the side. This is the first position. Of course, the chord will turn out not to be a pure F, but an F with a bunch of raised steps, but the tonic remains the same, and, accordingly, the triad sounds the same. This chord form is used in, for example, the acoustic composition of Thursday – Time’s Arrow.
2. Now take the position described above, but hold it with your middle, ring and little fingers. At the same time, your index finger pinches the second string at the first fret. This is also an F chord, which is taken without a barre.
3. Repeat the same position as in point two, but this time with your index finger, instead of the second, hold the sixth on the same first fret. This is a lower variant of the chord that will work for most songs.
Chord Fm
On the third fret, place your index finger on the fourth string. After that, with the middle, hold down the first on the fourth. On the fifth, you need to pinch the third string with your ring finger. The little finger is placed on the second on the sixth. This chord form is Fm without barre. Another thing is that jumping on the neck is not very convenient, so it would be much better to just set yourself this technique and play comfortably.
B and Bb chords
A barre B chord is most easily played in this position:
– The index finger is placed on the seventh fret of the sixth string; – The average is placed on the eighth third; – Nameless on the ninth fret fifth; – The little finger pinches the ninth fret of the fourth.
To play a Bb chord, simply shift this entire position to the sixth fret.
Another option is to play an A chord and move it to the fourth fret. At the same time, you need to do this so that your index finger remains free. After that, with your index finger, hold the first string at the second fret.
Alternative – hold down the fifth on the second. You get a deeper and deeper sound.
You can also change the B chord to a B7 chord. It is set up like this:
– The index is placed on the first fret of the fourth string; – Place the middle one on the fifth string at the second fret; – Nameless clamps the second fret of the third; – The little finger is placed on the second fret of the first string
Often they can really be used and interchanged with each other.
Bm chord without barre
1. Play the triad Am and move it to the third fret. It is important to do this with the ring finger, middle finger, and little finger – so that the index finger is free. Then place your index finger on the second fret of the first string.
Another way to put a chord with this scheme is to hold the fifth string instead of the second string, also on the second fret.
Gm chord without barre
There is only one scheme for setting this chord, and it looks like this:
– With your index finger, hold the fifth on the first; – With your middle finger, pinch the sixth on the third; – Nameless, hold the second on the third; – With your little finger, pinch the first on the third.
This position will actually require some stretching of the fingers, and may be uncomfortable for a beginner guitarist.
List of songs without barre
- Lyapis Trubetskoy – “I believe”
- Chizh and Co – “Tanks rumbled on the field”
- Time Machine – “One day the world will bend under us”
- Alice – “Sky of the Slavs”
- Nautilus – “Walking on Water”
- Hands Up – “Alien Lips”
- Factor 2 – “Lone Star”
- DDT – “In the last autumn”
- Zemfira – “Forgive me my love”
- Gas sector – “Kazachya”
- Gas sector – “Near your house”
- The King and the Jester – “The men ate meat”
- Semantic Hallucinations – “Forever Young”
Some helpful tips.
- Give yourself a bar. Of course, as we understood above, you can play the guitar without it, but it is as inconvenient as you can imagine. Barre, once you get the hang of it, will allow you to transpose chords faster without any problems, and generally make playing more comfortable.
- Try to use chord forms more often in your compositions. Just improvise some chord progression by inserting non-barre positions into it.
- Learn more songs from barre. This will allow you to better practice the technique.
- If possible, buy yourself a capo. With the knowledge of chord forms, you will be able to play any song using only standard chords by barring with the instrument.