Celebrate, have fun, Angels in the sky… notes and texts of two more Christmas carols
Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays in Russia. A long time ago, it was a tradition to congratulate each other by singing Christmas carols during the celebration of this joy-filled holiday.
Carols are very different: some retell to us the Gospel events of the night on which the Savior descended to the earth to people, others sprinkle with the genuine joy of a national holiday, others are completely comic.
There are only a few days left before the holiday, and together with you we will continue preparing for it. Today I have prepared two more Christmas carols for you: “Be joyful” and “The angels in the sky are singing a song.”
As always, in the attached file you will find the text and notes of both of these carols. The file you need is Christmas Carols
I have already written several times about how and how to open such a file. This is a pdf format and for it to open, you need to have the free Adobe Reader installed on your computer.
If the first link didn’t work, here’s a spare one: download the file with the notes and texts of the carols “Triumph, Be Merry” and “Angels in the Sky” from “the people” – Christmas Carols.pdf
I hope that everything went well for you, you have the notes and text, now it’s time to listen to one of the carols to understand how to perform it. I found a cool video: a carol is sung with a guitar, you can hear someone singing along behind the scenes. The recording is simply amazing!
Carol “Celebrate, have fun”
By the way, listen to another carol from this series – “Silent Night Over Palestine” – I also posted the notes of this Christmas spiritual verse, they are here.
Carol “Silent Night Over Palestine”
In addition to what has already been mentioned, the text (+ notes, of course) of the Ukrainian carol “Good Evening Toby” has long been posted on the site – here you go.
Well, now with such a supply you definitely won’t be left without carols at Christmas. I wish you to celebrate this great celebration with dignity. All the best! Many years!