“Case history” recorder
The impetus for this hobby (no, it’s more than a hobby) was given by one girl. Several years ago. Thanks to her, an acquaintance with this musical instrument, the recorder, took place. Then the purchase of the first two flutes – plastic and combined. And then the months of study began.
How much is…
The story is not about the very first flute. It was made of plastic, and later it was no longer possible to play on it – the sound seemed sharp, “glassy”. So there was a transition to the tree. More precisely, on a tool that is made of any kind of wood. From ash, maple, bamboo, pear, cherry, etc. There are many options. But all the same, when you buy an instrument, you take it in your hands, bring it to your lips, touch it, make a sound – and only then do you feel whether it is your instrument or not. You still have to get to know each other, get to know each other, become one whole – ideally. But at first you don’t know about it and don’t think about it. In front of you is a recorder, which “got sick”.
This is the story …
The search for a worthwhile (and real!) instrument led to the regional center – Perm. Through the well-known resource Avito. It was December, New Year’s Eve. And here’s the story. Flute of East German origin. Approximately 1981. The guy who owned it is now actively involved in business. The instrument itself is a family heirloom. They didn’t want to sell at first. He actively played it when he was at the age of three or four years. And even won some prizes at competitions. Then he abandoned it and the instrument lay for fourteen years in a suitcase on the mezzanine. It’s amazing that it didn’t crack or crack. That’s what it means – a quality tool!
What’s the hardest part?
It turned out that learning the notes (it was also a kind of complex since school) is not the worst and not the most difficult. Much more difficult is to learn how to keep the sound, set the right breathing and achieve harmony. Work on this is still ongoing. Sometimes it seems that all efforts go down the drain. Sometimes, on the contrary, you feel almost like a Master. The last feeling is false and dangerous. It is better when someone is found in time who will click on the nose and lower it to our sinful earth. It is useful.
Is there any benefit?
What are the benefits of exercising? There are many. First, overall health improves. Secondly, you learn to control your breathing. Thirdly, it is enough just to play a little and surrender to the power of sound, as you understand how small our daily squabbles and squabbles are. Music is a bottomless abyss. And it’s scary to plunge into it, and it beckons like a magnet.
Plans – the sea …
The history of the flute, which began in December several years ago, received a completely unexpected continuation this summer. Yes, the game has gotten better. In someone’s eyes and on someone’s hearing – much better. Let it be so – from the side it is more visible and audible. But the hero of this article never directly answered the questions of what I want to achieve. But really, what does he want? Giving solo concerts with one flute? God forbid! There are people who can’t stand the sound of it, they can’t stand it for an hour and a half. Yes, and playing the same (albeit beloved) instrument for so much time yourself will involuntarily get bored. So in this sense, man is at a crossroads. I noticed more than one paradoxical pattern: the better you play, the less you want to play at events. But in public and for people – you are always welcome!
What is this about? The fact that the tool began to lead. About making money. From three hundred rubles to one and a half thousand for an hour of playing on the street. Few? A lot of? It’s not the same for everybody. It’s not about boasting. On the contrary, a lot of plans for the next warm season. You will have to enter your ability to play the flute into the system. I really don’t want to. If only the soul did not leave the game. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen. The flute is now both a nurse and an inspirer. What more could you want?