Adolf Petrovych Skulte (Ādolfs Skulte) |
Adolf Skulte
He graduated from the Riga Conservatory in the class of the composer J. Vitol (1934). In the 30s, his first mature works appeared – the symphonic poem “Waves”, a quartet, a piano sonata.
The heyday of Skultė’s creativity refers to the next 10th anniversary, when the music for the film “Rainis” (1949), the Symphony (1950), the cantata “Riga”, the vocal symphony based on the text of the poem “Ave sol” by J. Rainis, etc. was created.
The ballet “Sact of Freedom” is one of the first Latvian ballets. The principle of leitmotif characteristics determined the methods of symphonic development of thematic material in dance and pantomime episodes; for example, the theme of Sakta, which runs through the entire ballet, the themes of Lelde and Zemgus, the ominous theme of the Headman. The picture of the wedding, the scene in the forest, the choral finale of the ballet are examples of the composer’s symphonic skill.