Tetralogy |
Greek tetralogia, from tetra-, in compound words – four and logos – word, story, narration
Four dramas connected by a common idea, a single concept. The concept arose in other Greek. dramaturgy, where T. usually included three tragedies and one satyr drama (for example, the trilogy of 3 tragedies “Oresteia” and the lost satyr drama “Proteus” by Aeschylus). In music, the most striking example of theater is Wagner’s grandiose opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen, which was first staged in its entirety in 1876 in Bayreuth. R. Wagner himself, however, called his cycle a trilogy, since he contrasted the shorter (without intermissions) “Gold of the Rhine” with the rest of the parts as an opera-prologue. The concept of “T.” used in music. to the music stage. prod. and does not apply to cycles of 4 products. other genres (for example, the cycle of concerts “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi).
G. V. Krauklis