Study at a music school
- Because it’s cool to be able to play and compose music! And because you have a desire to learn it!
- Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Then it will be expensive!
- At a music school they teach more than just notes! They teach many useful things there!
- Because music lessons help your studies in secondary school!
Why shouldn’t you miss the opportunity to study at a music school?
Probably, each of us has friends who once went to music school and for various reasons dropped out without completing the course. Many of them sometimes express regrets about this: for some, musical skills could unexpectedly come in handy at work, others look at this as a missed opportunity for creative self-realization (although in fact, you can start playing music and achieve success at any age) , well, something like that.
Because it’s cool to be able to play and compose music! And because you have a desire to learn it!
In a word, one fine day a person suddenly realizes how cool it is to be able to play some musical instrument and how much he wants to master this skill, and then he has a desire to start learning again (or for the first time).
But the trouble is that a person may simply not realize these aspirations, because he will need to find free time for classes, a private teacher or a course for adults. The services of private tutors and schools for adults can be quite expensive, and rare lessons with a teacher are ineffective.
Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Then it will be expensive!
Is it a matter of children’s music school? Tuition fees at children’s music schools and children’s art schools are still pennies (100-200 rubles per month) compared to the amount for which services are sold in private schools (50-70 thousand per year). Studying at a music school lasts 5-7 years, during which the student receives about 1050-1680 hours of quality lessons in several disciplines.
Try to calculate how much the same result will cost if you study with private teachers. Multiplying the average cost of a private lesson (500 rubles) by the average number of hours (1260), we get a product equal to this very price – 630 thousand rubles… Impressive! This is despite the fact that in a music school the same result will cost an amount not exceeding 10 thousand rubles (for 7 years!).
At a music school they teach more than just notes! They teach many useful things there!
Someone might object: “You can learn to play from a private teacher faster!” This is true, a good experienced teacher will shorten the training period by three to four times, you will get almost the same result, but a bad teacher may simply not teach you many important things (in children’s music schools, the work of a teacher is checked by the student’s public performances at concerts and competitions and is discussed by the team , so such problems simply do not arise).
In addition, at children’s music schools, students are offered a whole range of diverse knowledge, while a private teacher or school, as a rule, deals with only one thing. Read a separate article about what they teach at music school. Over the years of study, you can actually master several instruments, learn to sing clearly and beautifully, compose songs and plays yourself, and learn a lot of interesting things about music.
Well, it’s worth recognizing that skills that are honed and strengthened at school over the years are more valuable than those acquired spontaneously; the latter disappear as quickly as they are obtained. However, the ability to read notes and the ability to play will remain forever in any case, just like the ability to walk, or hold a spoon.
Because music lessons help your studies in secondary school!
Combining studies at a music school and a regular general education school is not at all difficult. The weekly workload at children’s music schools is usually 5-6 hours, divided into 2-3 days (2 hours of specialty, one hour each of solfeggio, musical literature, choir and orchestra). At a music school, a child communicates with students from other schools in the city; such communication cannot but motivate effort and diligence. Modern scientists have concluded that music lessons develop the ability to study mathematics (music was once a branch of mathematical science) and foreign languages (activating hearing allows you to more accurately capture and repeat the correct pronunciation).