State Wind Orchestra of Russia |
State Wind Orchestra of Russia
The State Brass Band of Russia is rightfully recognized as the flagship of the brass bands of our country. Its presentation took place on November 13, 1970 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. The team immediately attracted the attention of the audience. “A whole range of shades,” wrote the famous musicologist I. Martynov, “sometimes powerful, sometimes calm, the purity of the ensemble, the culture of performance — these are the main features of this orchestra.”
Brass bands have long been promoters of musical art in Russia. Composers such as N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov made a lot of efforts to ensure that the level of Russian brass bands was the highest in the world. And today the State Brass Band of Russia conducts extensive musical and educational activities. The group performs in concert halls and outdoors, participates in state events and festivals, performing Russian and foreign classics, original compositions for a brass band, as well as pop and jazz music. The orchestra toured with great success in Austria, Germany, India, Italy, Poland and France. At international festivals and competitions of wind music, he received the highest awards.
Many domestic composers wrote specially for the ensemble: G. Kalinkovich, M. Gottlieb, E. Makarov, B. Tobis, B. Diev, V. Petrov, G. Salnikov, B. Trotsyuk, G. Chernov, V. Savinov… The orchestra was the first performer of A. Petrov’s music for the film “Say a Word About the Poor Hussar” and participated in the filming of this picture.
The founder and first artistic director of the orchestra was Honored Art Worker of Russia, Professor I. Petrov. B. Diev, N. Sergeev, G. Galkin, A. Umanets later became his successors.
Since April 2009, the artistic director and director of the orchestra has been Vladimir Chugreev. He graduated with honors from the military conducting faculty (1983) and postgraduate studies (1990) from the Moscow Conservatory. He headed various creative teams both in Russia and abroad. For more than 10 years he was deputy head of the Military Conducting Faculty at the Moscow Conservatory for educational and scientific work. Candidate of Art History, professor, author of numerous scientific papers devoted to the study of the nature of the national identity of original compositions for a brass band, conductor’s education. He created over 300 instrumentations and arrangements for wind, symphony and pop orchestras, more than 50 of his own compositions in various genres. For services to the fatherland, he was awarded ten medals, received commendations from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and was awarded numerous honorary diplomas from state and public organizations.
Victor Lutsenko graduated from the Military Conducting Department of the Moscow Conservatory, in 1992 he became the winner of the 1993st All-Russian competition of military conductors of the CIS countries. He was one of the founders and leader of the symphony orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (2001-XNUMX).
The musician successfully collaborates with symphony orchestras, choirs and theater groups. He worked with famous singers and instrumentalists: I. Arkhipova, V. Piavko, I. Kobzon, A. Safiullin, L. Ivanova, V. Sharonova, V. Pikaizen, E. Grach, I. Bochkova, S. Sudzilovsky and other artists .
Viktor Lutsenko pays great attention to the musical education of the younger generation. Since 1995, he has been teaching at the Gnesins State Music College, leading an orchestral class. Artistic director and conductor of three professional orchestras of the College – symphony, chamber and brass. Since 2003, Viktor Lutsenko has been leading the orchestra of the Moscow Theater Et cetera under the direction of A. A. Kalyagin. Awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.
Veniamin Myasoedov – a musician of a wide range, owning a rich instrumentation. He plays the saxophone and zhaleika, sopilka and duduk, bagpipes and other instruments. He performs with great success as a soloist in Russia and abroad, collaborates with famous orchestras.
V. Myasoedov graduated from the military conducting faculty of the Moscow Conservatory. He taught the saxophone class and headed the Department of Military Band Instruments at the Institute of Military Conductors of the Military University, currently continuing his teaching activities, Associate Professor. Author of numerous scientific articles and methodical works. Awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.
Source: Moscow Philharmonic website