Signal music |
signal music – music for applied purposes, from ancient times used in the armed forces and in civilian life. It includes military, hunting, pioneer and sports signals for the trumpet (bugle) and drumming, fanfare greeting and warning signals of truce, heralds, heralds, S. м. folk festivals and international official ceremony. At an early stage in the development of the strength of S. м. becomes one of the important means regulating the training, combat operations and life of the troops. Rus. chronicles and miniatures illustrating them testify to the existence of signaling instruments in Dr. Russia since the 10th century. Horns, straight pipes, tambourines (drums) and nakras (timpani) were widely used at that time. These instruments were available in every more or less large detachment of troops and were used as combat signaling instruments. They served as a reliable means of warning, communication and command and control of troops during hostilities. The signal for the beginning of a battle or an assault on a fortress was usually given by the loud sound of all the military. signaling tools. In the same way, a retreat was announced, a gathering of soldiers after the battle, an order to change the direction of movement. During the battle, especially in the 17th-18th centuries, drumming was used. Signal instruments have found application in music. the design of such military rituals as the dawn, the setting of guards, the meeting of ambassadors, the burial of dead soldiers. At 17 in. signaling tools have been greatly improved. The pipes began to be made in several turns, the drums became cylindrical. form and, unlike the previous ones, began to be supplied with not one, but two membranes, timpani began to be made of copper or silver and decorated. From the 18th century an infantry horn appeared in the troops. After the formation of the Russian regular army and the introduction of the first military regulations, signal music becomes one of the military services. With the development of weapons. forces began to take shape and the military. signals reflecting the specifics of the conduct of hostilities and the service of each type of troops. This also determined the nature of the use of signal instruments. Thus, pipes, which had a strong sound and the largest range of natural sounds, were used in cavalry and artillery, where all actions in training and combat were carried out with the help of sound alarms, horns – in the infantry and navy, flutes and drums – in the infantry, timpani – in the cavalry. C. м. retained its meaning even when it reached the meaning. development of military music, full-time military bands appeared, attached to military units and formations. Some signal instruments (pipes, horns) acquired the value of relics and were equated with the highest military awards of military units. The first such award took place in 1737, when one of the battalions of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky regiment, which distinguished itself in battles during the capture of the Ochakov fortress, was awarded a silver signal trumpet. Since then, for special military merits, the Russian regiment. armies began to be awarded silver and St. George’s silver trumpets and horns.
After Great Oct. socialist. of the revolution, S. m. continued to be widely used both in the army and in civilian life. In connection with a radical change in the methods and means of warfare, some military. signals have lost their significance in the army (for example, cavalry and artillery). However, in general, signals in the army and navy remain one of the means of warning and command and control of troops, contribute to the accurate implementation of the daily routine, the achievement of coherence and clarity in the actions of units in battle, on the march, maneuvers, shooting ranges, and in training practice. The performance of S. m. on trumpets, fanfares and drums during military rituals gives them a special solemnity and festivity. In the ground forces of the Soviet The army uses the trumpet in C tuning, the fanfare in Es tuning and the company drum, in the navy the bugle in B tuning. also during sporting events (Olympic Games, sports days, championships, competitions, artistic performances), in arts. and educational films. Shepherd’s, postal, railroad. signals. The intonations of S. m. are the basis of many others. heroic and pastoral music. topics; it played a particularly important role in the formation of the combat military genre. march.
References: Odoevsky V. F., Experience about the musical language, or telegraph …, St. Petersburg, 1833; Altenburg JE, Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Pauker-Kunst, Halle, 1795.
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