Rhapsode |
Rhapsode (Greek rapodos, from rapto – I sew, I compose and odn – a song) – ancient Greek. wandering singer-storyteller. Representatives of the archaic stage of development of antique. arts. creativity, R. are known as performers of musical and poetic. prod. “oyme” (oimn). There is evidence that sometimes R. performed epic. poems, dancing or actively gesticulating, which indicates their connection with the most ancient syncretic. lawsuit. In other cases, R. accompanied their compositions by playing the strings. instruments – lyre, cithara and forming. The art of R. was highly valued in Dr. Greece. Among the antique legendary or semi-legendary R. – Amphion, Orpheus, Musaeus, Lin, Pan, Famiris, Pamph, Eumolpus, Olen, Demodocus, Phemius, and others. era. The art of R. was characterized by a peculiar synthesis of traditionalism, manifested in a commitment to stable art. structure, and innovation associated with the introduction of individual melodic. revolutions. Muses. side of R.’s claim is still little studied. There is reason to believe that the modal norms of their work were due to the anhemitonic stage of the muses. thinking (see Anhemitone scale).
References: Tolstoy I., Aedy. Antique creators and carriers of the ancient epic, M., 1958; Losev A. F., Homer, M., 1960; Guhrauer H., Musikgeschichtliches aus Homer, Lpz., 1886; Diehl E., Fuerunt ante Homerum poetae, “Rheinisches Museum für Philologie”, 1940, No 89, S. 81-114; Henderson I., Ancient Greek music, in: New Oxford history of music, v. 1 – Ancient and oriental music, L., 1957, p. 376-78.
E. V. Gertzman