Paul Abraham (Paul Abraham) |
Paul Abraham
He studied at the Academy of Music in Budapest (1910-16). In 1931-33 he worked in Berlin, after the advent of fascism he went to Vienna, then he lived in Paris, Cuba, from 1939 – in New York. The last years of his life he worked in Hamburg.
At the beginning of his creative activity he wrote symphonic and chamber works; since 1928 he worked in the genre of operetta and musical. Author of 13 operettas, among them – “Victoria and her hussar” (“Victoria und ihr Husar”, 1930, Budapest and Leipzig), “Flower of Hawaii” (“Blume von Hawai”, 1931, Leipzig), “Ball in Savoy” ( “Ball im Savoy”, 1932, Berlin, staged in the USSR in 1943 in Irkutsk and other cities), “Roxy and her wonderful team” (“Roxy und ihr Wunderteam”, 1937, Vienna), etc.; music for films (more than 30), etc.