Music Terms – P
Pacatamente (it. pacatamente), con pacatezza (con pacatezza), Pacato (pacato) – calmly, meekly
Pacatezza (pacatezza) – calmness
Padiglione (it. padillone) – bell
Padiglione in aria (padillone in aria) – [play] bell up
Padovana (it. padovana), Paduana (paduana) – old slow Italian. dance; literally Padua; the same as pavana
Page (French page, English page), Pagina (Italian pajina) –
Paisible page (French pezible) – peaceful, quiet, meek, serene
Palpitant (French palpitant) – trembling, trembling
Palotas(Hungarian palotash) – Hungarian moderately slow dance
Pâmé (French pame) – as if in a swoon [Scriabin. Symphony No. 3]
Pandean pipe (English pandian pipe) – Pan’s flute; the same as syrinx
Pandeiro (Portuguese pandeiro), Pandero (Spanish pandero) – tambourine
Pansflöte (German pansflete) – pan flute
Pantomima (Italian pantomime), Pantomime (French pantomime, English pantomime), Pantomime (German . pantomime) – pantomime
Parallel (German parallel, English parallel), Parallele (French parallel), Parallelo (Italian parallel) – parallel
Parallelbewegung(German parallelbewegung – parallel movement
Paralleloktaven (paralleloctaven) – parallel octaves
Parallelquinten (parallelquinten) – parallel fifths
Paralleltonart (German parallel Nart) – parallel key
Paraphrase (French paraphrase) – paraphrase, paraphrase (free arrangement of op.)
Parfaite (fr . parfet) – perfect [cadence]
Parlando (it. parlyando), Parlante (parlyante), parlant (fr. parlyan), Parlé (parle) – with the patter of
Parodia (it. parodia), Parodie (fr. parody), Parodie (German .parody), Parody (English paredi) – a parody of
Parola (It. password), Parole (French password) – the word
Parole (It. Password), Paroles (French password) – words, text
Part (English paat), Parte (It . parte), Partie (fr. party), Partie (German party) – 1) party in the ensemble; 2) part of the cyclic music works; colla Parte (It. Colla Parte) – follow the voice of
Partialton (German Partialton) – overtone
Particella (It. Partichella) – preliminary, outline of the score
Parties de remplissage (parti de ramplissage) – minor voices
Partimento (it. partimento) – digital bass; the same as basso continue
Partita (it. partita) – old, multi-part cyclic. form
Partitino (it. partitino) – a small additional score attached to the main one and containing parts later added
Partition (fr. partison) – score
Partition de piano (partition de piano) – arrangement for piano
Partitur (German score), Partitura ( it. score) – score
Partiturlesen (German. partiturlezen) – reading the scores
Partiturspielen (partiturshpilen) – playing the piano, from the score
Partizione (it. Partizione) – score
Part-song (English paat sleep) – wok. work for several voices
Partwriting (eng. paat raitin) – voice leading
Pas (fr. pa) – not, no, not
Pas trop lent (pa tro lan) – not too slow
Pas (fr. pa) – step, pa (in dance )
Pas d’action (pas d’axion) – dance of drama. – plot character
Pas de deux (pas de deux) – dance for two
Pas de trois (pas de trois) – dance for three
Pas de quatre (on de quatre) – dance for four performers
Pas seul (pas sel) – solo ballet number
Pas accéléré (fr. pas accelere), Pas redouble(pa reduble) – fast march
Paso doble (Spanish: paso doble) – dance of Latin – American origin; literally double step
Passacaglia (It. passacaglia), Passacaille (French passacai) – passacaglia (old dance)
Passage (French passage, English pasidzh), Passaggio (Italian passagio) – passage; literally transition
Passamezzo (it. passamezzo) – dance (accelerated pavan)
Passepied ( fr . paspier ) – old French dance
Passing-note (eng. pasin note) – passing note
Passio (lat. passio) – suffering English pesheng), Passione
(it. passionone) – passion, passion; con passione (con passione) – passionately
Passion (French Passion, German Passion, English Passione), Passione (Italian Passione) – “Passion” – musical drama, a work about the sufferings of Christ (such as an oratorio)
Passional (English Passionate ( pashenit ), Passionato (It. passionato), Passionné (French passionone) – passionate, passionate
Passionmusik (German passionmusic) – music for the “Passion”
Pasticcio (It. pasticcio), Pastiche (French pastish , English pastish) – pasticcio (opera, composed of excerpts from other operas by one or several authors); literally mixture, pate
Pastorale (Italian pastoral, French pastoral, English pasterali), Pastorale (German pastoral), Pastorella (Italian pastorella) pastoral
Pastoso (Italian pastoso) – soft, soft
Pastourele (French pasturel) – middle – century . French song (became widespread among troubadours and trouveurs of the 12th-14th centuries)
Pateticamente (it. pateticamente), patetico (patetiko), Pathetic (English petetic), Pathétique (French pathetic), Pathetisch (German pathetish) – pathetically, enthusiastically
Patimente (it. patimente) – expressing suffering
Pauken (German pauken) – timpaniPaukenschlag (German spider) – timpani strike
Paukenschlägel (spider schlögel) – mallet for timpani
Paukenwirbel (German spiderenvirbel) – timpani tremolo
Pausa (it. pause), Pause (fr. pos), Pause (German pause) – pause
Pause ( English poses) – fermata
Pavana (Italian pavan), Pavane (French pavane) – pavane (an old slow dance of Italian origin); the same as radovana, paduana
Paventato (it. paventato), Paventoso (paventoso) – timidly
Pavilion (fr. pavillon) – the bell of the wind instrument
Pavilion en l’air(pavilion anler) – [play] bell up
Pavilion d’amour (pavilion d’amour) – pear-shaped bell with a small hole (used in the English horn and instrument of the 18th century)
Pedal (German pedal), Pedal (English padl ) – pedal: 1) at a musical instrument; 2) foot keyboard of the
Pedale organ (it. pedal) – 1) the pedal of a musical instrument; 2) sustained tone in the middle and upper voices
Pédale (French pedal) – 1) fermata; 2) the pedal of a musical instrument; 3) sustained tone
Pedale inférieure (pedal enferier) – sustained, tone in bass (organ, point)
Pédale intérieure (pedal enterier) – sustained, tone in environments, voices
Pédale intérieure ( superyor pedal) – sustained
, tone up , voices (French pedalization) – pedalization Pedalklavier (German pedalklavier) – piano with hand and foot keyboards Pedal point (English paddle point) – organ point Pedes muscarum (Latin pedes muscarum) – a kind of Nevm Peg (English peg) – ring Peg box (peg box) – peg box (for bowed instruments) Pegli
(It. Pei) – the preposition per in conjunction with the definite article of the masculine plural – for, because of, through, with
Pei (It. Pei) – the preposition per in conjunction with the definite article of the masculine plural – for, because of for, through, with
Peitsche (German paitshe) – scourge (percussion instrument)
Pel (it. pel) – the preposition per in conjunction with the definite article masculine singular – for, because of, through, with
Pell ‘ (it. pel) – the preposition per in conjunction with the definite article of the masculine and feminine singular – for, because of, through, with
Pella (it. pella) – the preposition per in conjunction with the definite article of the feminine gender singular – for, because of , through, at
Pelle (it. pelle) – the preposition per in conjunction with the feminine plural definite article – for, because of, through, with
Pello (it. pello) – the preposition per in conjunction with the singular masculine definite article – for, from – for, through, with
Pendant (French pandan) – during, in continuation
Penetrant (French penetran) – heartfelt
Pensieroso (It. Pensieroso) – thoughtfully
Pentachordum (gr.-lat. Pentachordum) – Pentachord (sequence of 5 stupas , diatonic scale)
Pentagramma (it. pentagram) – stave
Pentatonic (English pentatonic), Pentatonik (German pentatonic), Pentatonique (fr. pantatonic) – pentatonic
Per (it. peer) – for, through, with
Per anche (it. peer anke) – still, still.
Per violino o flauto (
per violino o fluto) – for violin or flute on the piano) Perdant (French perdan), Perdendo (it. perdendo), Perdendosi (perdendosi) – getting lost, disappearing Perfect (English pefmkt) – 1) clean [interval]; 2) perfect [cadence] Perfectio
(lat. perfection) – “perfection” – 1) the term of mensural music, meaning 3 beats; 2) in the 12th-13th centuries. the duration will conclude, the notes
Perfetto (it. perfetto) – perfect, complete, complete
Performance (English performance) – 1) theatrical performance; 2) performance of
Period (English pieried), Periode (German periode), Periode (French period), Periodo (It. periodo) – period
Perkussionsinstrumente (German percussionsinstrumente) –
Perlé percussion instruments (French pearl) – pearl, beady, distinctly
Perlenspiel (German perlenspiel) – beaded piano playing
Permutation(German permutation) – 1) moving the topic into razi, voices (in a polyphonic work); 2) moving the sounds of the series (in serial music)
Perno (it. perno) – emphasis on large bowed instruments
Però (it. pero) – therefore, but, nevertheless,
Perpétuel (fr. perpetuel) – endless [canon]
Perpetuo moto ( it . perpetuo moto), Perpetuum mobile ( lat . perpetuum mobile) – perpetual motion – t) – small, – th Petite clarinette (petite clarinet) – small clarinet
Petite flûte (petite flute) – small flute
Petite note (petite note) – grace note
Petite trompette (petite trompette) – small pipe
Peu (fr. pe) – a little, little, a few
Peu à reu (fr. pe and pe) – little by little , little by little, gradually
Peu à peu sortant de la brume (peu a peu sortant de la brum) – gradually emerging from the fog [Debussy. “Sunken Cathedral”]
Pezzo (it. pezzo) – a play; literally a piece
of Pezzo di musica (pezzo di musica) – a piece of music
Pezzo concertante (pezzo concertante) – a concert piece
Pezzo dell’imboccatura (it. pezzo del imboccatura) – flute head
Pfeife(German pfeife) – flute, pipe
Pfropfen (German pfropfen) – cork [at the flute]
Phantasie (German fantasy) – fantasy
Phantastisch (fantastic) – fantastic, whimsical
Philharmonic (English Philharmonic), Philharmonie (French Philharmonic) , Philharmonie (German Philharmony) – Philharmonia
Philharmonische Gesellschaft (German Philharmonische Gesellschaft) – Philharmonic Society
Phone (Greek phone) – sound, voice
Phrase (French phrases, English phrases), Phrase (German phrase) – phrase, phrasing, (eng.) phrasing
Phraser (fr. phrase) – phrasing, highlighting music. phrases
Phrasierung (German phrasing) – phrasing
Phrygische Sekunde (German frigishe sekunde) – Phrygian second
Phrygius (lat. frigius) – Phrygian [lad]
Piacere (it. pyachere) – pleasure, desire, a piacere (and pyachere) – at will , rhythmically free, arbitrarily
Piacevole (it. piachevole) – nice
Piacimento (it. pyachimento) – pleasure; a piacimento (a pyachimento) – at will, arbitrarily; the same as a piacere
Pianamente (it. pyanamente) – quietly
Piangendo (it. pyandzhendo), Piangevolе (pyanzhevole), Piangevolmente(pyandzhevolmente) – plaintively
Pianino (Italian piano, English pianinou), Pianino (German piano) – piano
Pianissimo (Italian pianissimo) – very quiet
Piano (Italian piano) – quietly
Piano (Italian piano, French piano , English pianou), Piano (German piano) – piano
Piano à queue (French piano a ke) – piano
Piano droit (French piano droit) – piano
Pianoforte (It. pianoforte, English pianoufoti) – piano
Pianoforte a coda (it. pianoforte a coda) – piano
Pianoforte verticale (it. pianforte verticale) – piano
Piano mécanique(French piano makanik) – mechanical. piano
Pianto (It. Piatto) – sorrow, complaint
Piatti (It. Piatti) – cymbals (percussion instrument)
Piatto sospeso (It. Piatto Sospeso) – hanging cymbal
Pibroch (English pibrok) – Variations for bagpipes
Piccante (It. Piccante) – piercing, sharp, spicy
Picchiettando (it. pichiettando) – abruptly and easily
Piccolo (it. piccolo) – 1) small, small; 2) (it. piccolo, eng. pikelou) – small flute
Piece (eng. pis) – 1) a play; 2) musical instrument (in the USA)
Pièce (French pieces) – a piece, a piece of music
Pied(fr. pie) – 1) foot (poetic); 2) foot (a measure adopted to indicate the height of the pipes of an organ); 3) emphasis on large bowed instruments
Pieghevole (it. piegevole) – flexibly, softly
Pieno (it. pieno) – full, full-sounding; a voce piena (and voche piena) – in full voice; coro pieno ( koro pieno ) – mixed, choir Pietà (
it . pieta) – mercy, compassion ); 2) flute; 3) one of the registers of the Pince body
(fr. pense) – 1) [play] with a pinch on bowed instruments; the same as Pizzicato; 2) cutesy, cold, sharp [Debussy], 3) mordent
Pince continu (French pense continu) – a trill with a lower auxiliary note (in French music of the 16th-18th centuries)
Pincé double (French pense double) – extended mordent (in French music of the 16th-18th centuries)
Pincé étouffé (French pense etufe) – 1) [on the harp] take the strings, muffling them with your hand; 2) type of decoration
Pincé renversé (French pense ranversé) – a mordent with an upper auxiliary note (in French music of the 16th-18th centuries)
Pincé simple (French pense sample) – a mordent with a lower auxiliary note (in French music of the 16th-18th centuries) 18 centuries Couperin’s term)
Pipe (English pipe),Pipeau (French pipo) – flute, pipe
Piqué (French pike) – jerky, jumping stroke of the bowed instruments
Piston (French piston), Pistone (It. Pistone), Piston valve (English Pisten valve), pump valve ( pump valve) – pump valve (for a brass instrument)
Pitch (eng. pich) – pitch
Pittoresco (it. pittoresco), Pittoresque (fr. pitoresk) – picturesque
Più (it. piu) – more than
Più forte (piu forte) – stronger, louder
Più andante (it. piu andante) – somewhat slower than andante; in the 18th century meaning somewhat livelier than andante
Più sonante(it. piu sonante) – with greater sounding power
Più tosto, Piuttosto (it. pyu tosto, piuttosto) – most likely, for example, Piuttosto lento (piuttosto lento) – closest to the slow pace of
Piva (it. beer) –
Pizzicato bagpipes (it. pizzicato) – [play] with a pluck on bowed instruments
Placabile (it. placabile), Pliacabilmente (placabilmente) – quietly, calmly
Placando (placando) – calming down, calming down
Placidamente (it. placidamente), con Placidezza (con placidezza), Placido (placido) – quietly, calmly
Plagal (French, German. Plagal, English. Plagal),Pliagale (It. plagale), Plagalis (Latin plagalis) – plagal [mode, cadence]
Plain (French plan) – even
Plainchant (French plane) – Gregorian singing
Plain-song (English Plainson) – Gregorian singing, choral singing
Plainte (fr. plant) – 1) complaint, plaintive song; 2) melismas (17-18 centuries) Plaintif (pluntif) – mournful
Plaisamment (fr. plezaman), Plaisant (plaisant) – funny, funny
Plaisanterie (fr. pleasanteri) – an entertaining piece of music, a joke
Plantations songs (eng. Plantations songs listen)) – Negro songs on
Plaque plantations(fr. plyake) – simultaneous extraction of all sounds of the chord
Play (eng. play) – 1) game, joke; 2) play, performance; 3) perform
Play music at sight (play music at site) – play from the
Playbill sheet (eng. playbil) – theater poster,
Playful pizzicato program (eng. playful pitsikatou) – fun (joking) pizzicato [Britten. Simple symphony]
Plectre (French plectrum), Plectrum (Latin plectrum), Plettro (It. Plettro) –
Plein-jeu plectrum (French Plane) – the sound of a “full organ” (organ tutti)
Plenamente (It. Plenamente) – full-sounding
Plenus (lat. plenus) – full
Plenus corus (plenus corus) – the entire choir
Plica (lat. plika) – a sign of non-binding writing, denoting decoration
Plica ascendens (plika ascendens) – with the upper auxiliary note
Plica descendens (plika descendens) – with the lower auxiliary note
Plötzlich (German pletslich) – suddenly, suddenly
Plug (English plug) – cork [at the flute]
Plump (German plump) – clumsy, awkward, rude
Plunger (English plange) – mute in the form of a felt hat (at a wind instrument)
Plus (French plus ) – 1) more, more; 2) moreover
Plus lent (plus lan) – slower
Plus à l’aise(plus a climb) – [play] more freely [Debussy]
Pocchetta (it. pocchetta), Pochette (fr. pochet) – small. violin
Pochetto (it. poketto), Pochettino (pokettino), Pochissimo (pokissimo) – a little, a little bit
Poso (it. poco) – a little, not very
Poco allegro (poco allegro) – not very soon
Poco andante (poco andante) – not very slowly, un roso (it. un poco) – a little, un poco piu (un poco piu) – a little more, un poco meno (un poco meno) – a little less
Poso a roso (it. poco a poco) – little by little
Poco meno(it. poko meno) – somewhat less; poco piu (poko piu) – a little more
Poso sonante (it. poko sonante) – quiet sounding
Podwyższenie (Polish podvyzhshene) – increase (in particular, a slight increase in sound compared to temperament) [Penderetsky]
Poem (German poems) , Poem (English pouim), Poema (Italian poem) – poem
Poema sinfonico (Italian poem sinfonico), poème symphonique (French poem senfonik) – symphonic poem
Poème (French poem) – 1) poem; 2) the libretto of the opera
Poi(it. poi) – then, then, after; for example, scherzo da capo e poi la coda (scherzo da capo e poi la coda) – repeat the scherzo, then (skipping the trio) play the
Poi segue coda (it. poi segue) – then follows
Point (fr. puen, eng. point) – point
Point d’orgue (French point d’org) – 1) organ point; 2 ) fermata
Pointe ( French pointe) – the end of
the bow cadans or fermata Polacca (it. polakka) – polonaise; alia polacca (alla polacca) – in the character of the Polonaise Polca
(Italian polka), Polka (Czech, French polka, English polka), Polka (German polka) – polka
Polifonia (Italian polyphony) – polyphony
Polifonico (polyphonico) – polyphonic
Politonalità (Italian politonalita) – polytonality
Pollice (it. Pollice) – thumb; col pollice (col pollice) – [decree. for guitar] to play bass notes with your thumb
Polo (Spanish polo) – Andalusian dance
Polonaise (French Polonaise) –
Polska Polonaise (Swedish, Polish) – Swede. nar. dance song
Poly (Greek poly) – [prefix] a lot
Polymetrik (German polymetric) – polymetry
Polyphonic (English polyphonic), Polyphonique (French polyphonic), Polyphonisch (German polyphonic) – polyphonic
Polyphonie (French polyphony), Polyphonie (German polyphony), Polyphony (English palifani) – polyphony
Polyrythmie (French polyrhythms) , Polyrhythmik (German polyrhythmic) – polyrhythm
Polytonalität (German polytonality), Polytonalité (French polytonalite), Polytonality (English polytonality) –
Pommer polytonality (German pommer) – old, bass woodwind instrument .; the same as Bombart
Pomp (German pomp) – solemnity;mit Pomp (mit pomp) – solemnly
Pompа (it. pomp) – 1) backstage; 2) crown
Potnpeux (fr. pompe), Pomposamente (it. pompozamente), Pomposo (pomposo) – majestically, solemnly, magnificently
Ponderoso (it. ponderoso) – weighty, with importance, heavy
Ponticello (it. ponticello) – bowed stand tools; sul Ponticello (sul ponticello) – [play] at the stand
Pop music (eng. pop music) – pop music (genres of modern, popular music in the West)
Populate (it. popolare), Populaire (fr. populaire), Popular(English popule) – folk, popular
Portamento (it. portamento), Portando (portando) – portamento: 1) in singing and when playing a wind instrument, a sliding transition of one sound to another; 2) in playing the piano, an instruction to play protractedly, but not coherently; 3) a stroke at bowed instruments – sounds are taken somewhat extended in one direction of movement of the bow and with caesuras
Portare la voce (it. portare la voce) – move in voice from one sound to another, sliding along the intermediate sounds
Portatif (French portatif), Portativ (German portable), Portativo (it. portable), Portative organ (eng. potetiv ogen) – a portable organ
Port de voix (French port de voix) – move with your voice from one sound to another, sliding over intermediate sounds
Port de voix double (French port de voix double) – type of grace note of 2 notes
Portée (French porte) – musical camp
Posata (it. poseta) – pause, stop
Posatamente (it. pozatamente) – calmly
Posaune (German pozaune) – trombone: 1) brass wind instrument; 2) one of the registers of the organ
Pose de la voix (French poses de la voix) – voicing
Posément (French Pozeman) – slowly, quietly, important
Positif (French positive), Positivo (It. positive) – 1) side organ keyboard; 2) small organ
Position (French position, English position), Posizione (Italian position) – position – position of the left hand on bowed instruments
Position natureile (French position naturel) – natural position – return to the usual way of playing the instrument after special performance techniques
Position du pouce (French position du pus) – bet (reception of playing the cello)
Positiv (German positive), Positive organ (English positive ogen) –
Possibile small organ (it. Possibile) – possible, possibly più forte possibile ( piu forte possibile) – as much as possible
Possible (fr. possible, eng. posible) – possible; que possible(French ke possible) – as soon as possible
Possibly (English posable) – possibly
Posthorn (German posthorn) – postal, signal horn
Posthume (French posthum) – posthumous; oeuvre posthume (evr posthume) – posthumously. work (not published during the life of the author)
Postludium (lat. postludium) – postludium; 1) add, section of muses. works; 2) little music. a play performed after a large work; 3) instrumental conclusion after singing
Postumo (it. postumo) – posthumous
Potpourri (fr. potpourri) – potpourri
Pour (fr. pur) – for, for, for, because of, etc .; for example, Pour finir (pur finir) – for the end
Poussée, Poussez (French pousse) – upward movement [bow]
Prächtig (German prehtich), Prachtvoll (Prachtvol) – magnificent, majestic, pompous
Praeambulum (lat. preambulum) – prelude
Praefectus chori (lat. prefectus chori) – leading chore; student of the school choir, replacing the cantor
Praefectus – perfect
Praeludium (Latin prelude) – prelude, introduction
Pralltriller (German pralthriller) – a type of grace note in music of the 18th century.
Prästant (German prestant) – chapters, open labial voices of the organ; the same as Prinzipal
Präzis (German Precis) – exactly, definitely
Précédemment(French presedaman) – before, before this
Précédent (French presedan) – previous, previous
Precedente (it. precedente) – 1) previous; 2) the theme of the fugue; 3) the initial voice in the canon; tempo precedente (tempo prachedente) – the previous tempo
Precipitando (it. pracipitado), Precipitato (precipitato), Precipitoso (prechipitoso), Precipite (fr. presipite) – hastily, swiftly
Précis (fr. presi), Preciso (it. prechiso), con precisione (con precision) – definitely, exactly
Precisione (precision) – precision, certainty
Préface(fr. preface) – preface
Pregando (it. pragando) – begging, begging
Prelude (fr. prelude), Prelude (English prelude), Preludio (it. preludio) – 1) prelude (play); 2) introduction [to the music. work]
Preluder (fr. prelude) – 1) tune a musical instrument; 2) prelude, play out, sing
Premier (fr. premier) – first
Premiere (fr. premier, eng. premier) – premiere, 1st performance
Prendere (it. prendere), Prendre (fr. prandre) – take, take
Prenez (prene) – take [instrument]
Préparation(French preparasion) – preparation [detention, dissonance]
Preparare (it. preparare), Prepare (English prepee), Preparer (fr. prepare) – prepare, prepare [instrument, mute, etc.]
Prépared piano (English pripeed pianou) – a “prepared” piano [with objects hung on the strings of metal or wood); introduced by the composer J. Cage (USA, 1930s)
Près (fr. pre) – close, about; à peu près (a pe prè) – almost
Près de la table (pre de la table) – [play] at the soundboard (indicated, for harp)
Presque (fr. presk) – almost
Presque avec douleur (fr. presque avec duler) – with a hint of sorrow
Presque en délire (French presque an delir) – as if in delirium [Skryabin]
Presque rien (French presque rien) – almost disappearing
Presque plus rien (presque plus rien) – completely fading [Debussy]
Presque vif (French presque vif ) – quite quickly
Pressante (it. pressante) – hastily, hastily
Presser, pressez (fr. presse) – speed up, speed up
Prestant (fr. prestan), Prestante (it. prestante) – chapters, open labial voices of the organ; the same as principale
Prestissimo (it. prestissimo) – in the highest. degrees quickly
Presto (it. presto) – quickly; al più presto – as soon as possible
Presto assai(presto assai) – very fast
Presto prestissimo (presto prestissimo) – ultra-fast pace
Prima (it. prima) – 1) prima interval; 2) 1st violin; 3) top string; 4) the upper voice in a polyphonic op.; 5) earlier, at the beginning
Prima, primo (it. prima, primo) – 1) first, first; 2) in pieces for piano in 4 hands, the designation of a higher part
Primadonna (it. prima donna) – 1st singer in the opera or operetta
Prima volta (it. prima volta) – 1st time; a prima vista (a prima vista) – from a sheet; literally at first sight
Primgeiger (German primgeiger) is the performer of the 1st violin part in ans. or orc.
Primiera(it. primera) – premiere, 1st performance
Primo rivolto (it. primo rivolto) – 1) sixth chord; 2 ) Quintsextaccord Primo
uomo (It . Primo Uomo ) – 1st tenor in an opera or operetta pace Principale (it. Principale) – 1) main, main; 2) principal (heads, open labial votes of the body); 3) performer of the solo part in the orchestra. work; the same as solo Prinzipal (German principal) – principal (heads, open labial voices of the organ) Prinzipalbaß (German principal bass) – one of the registers of the Probe organ
(German probe) – rehearsal
of Procelloso (it. Procelloso) – violently; the same as tempestoso
Producer (English preduse) – 1) director, director; 2) in the USA, the owner of a film studio or theater, the director of the theater
Profond (fr. profond) – deep
Profondément (profondeman) – deeply
Profondément calme (fr. profondeman kalm) – with deep calmness
Profondément tragique (fr. profondeman trazhik) – deeply tragic
Profondo ( it. profondo) – 1) deep; 2) low bass in the choir
Program-music (English programm music), Programmusik (German programmatic) – program music
Progression(French progression, English progression), progressione (Italian progressione) –
Progressive jazz sequence (English pregresiv jazz) – one of the areas of jazz art; literally progressive jazz
Progressivement (fr. progressiveman) – gradually
Prolatio (lat. prolacio) – 1) in mensural music, the definition of the relative duration of notes; 2) determination of the duration of semibrevis in relation to minima)
Prolongation (French prolongation) – retention
Pronunciation (French
prononciation ) – pronunciation ,
diction con prontezza(con prontetstsa), Pronto (pronto) – nimbly, lively, quickly
Pronunziato (it. pronunciato) – distinctly, distinctly; il basso ben pronunziato (il basso ben pronunziato) – clearly highlighting the bass
Proportio (Latin proportion) – 1) in mensural music, the designation of tempo; 2) determining the duration of notes in relation to the previous ones and to others sounding at the same time; 3) 2nd dance (usually mobile) in a pair of dances
Proposta (lat. proposta) – 1) fugue theme; 2) initial voice in the canon
Prosa (Italian prose), Prose (French prose) – prose (a type of medieval church chants)
Prunkvoll (German prunkfol) – magnificent, magnificent
Psalette(French psalt) – church. choral school; the same as maîtrise
Psalm (German psalm), Psalm (English Sami) – psalm
Psalmodia (Latin psalmodia), Psalmodie (French psalmody), Psalmodie (German psalmody), Psalmody (English salmedi) – Psalmodia
Psalterium (lat. psalterium) – starin, stringed plucked instrument
Psaume (fr. psom) – psalm
Pugno (it. punyo) – fist; col pugno (col punyo) – [hit] with a fist [on the piano keys]
Puis (fr. puis) - then, then, after, in addition
Puissant (fr. puisan) – powerful, strong, powerfully, strongly
Pulpet (German pulppet), Pult (remote) – music stand, remote control
Pultweise geteilt (German pultweise geteilt) – divide parties into remotes
Pumpventil (German pump valve) – pump valve (for a brass wind instrument)
Punctum (lat. Punctum) – dot in non-mental notation
Punkt (German paragraph) – dot
Punktieren (German dotted) – replacement of high or low notes in vocal parts for ease of performance
Punta (it. Punta) – end of the bow; literally the tip of
Punta d’arco (punta d’arco), a punta d’arco – [play] with the end of the bow
Punto (it. punto) – point
Pupitre(French music stand) – music stand, console
Purfling (eng. pefling) – mustache (for bowed instruments)
Put the bow aside (eng. put de bow aside) – put off the bow
Pyramidon (eng. pyramidn) – labial pipes narrowed in the organ up