Music terms – O
O (it. o) – or; for example, per violino about flauto (per violino about fluto) – for violin or flute
Obbligato (it. obbligato) – obligate, obligatory
Oben (German óben) – above, above; for example, linke Hand oben (linke hand óben) – [play] with the left hand from above
Oberek, obertas (Polish oberek, obertas) – Polish folk dance
Oberstimme (German óbershtimme) – upper voice
Oberton (German óberton) – overtone
Oberwerk ( German óberwerk) – side keyboard of the organ
Oblige (French oblizhe) – obligate, obligatory
Obliquus (lat. Obliquus) – indirect
Obnizenie(Polish obnizhene) – lowering [temper. tones] [Penderetsky]
Oboe (it. obbe) – oboe; 1) woodwind instrument
Oboe baritono, Oboe basso (oboe baritono, oboe basso) – baritone, bass oboe
Oboe da caccia (oboe da caccia) – hunting oboe
Oboe d’amore (oboe d’ambre) – oboe d’amour
Oboe piccolo (obóe piccolo) – small oboe; 2) one of the registers of the organ
Oboe (German obóe), Oboe (English óubou) – oboe
Obstiné (French obstiné) – ostinato
Ocarina (it. ocarina) – a small clay or porcelain wind instrument
Ochetus(lat. ohetus) – starin, a form of 2-3-voice compositions (counterpoint fun)
Octava (lat. octave), Octave (fr. octave, eng. oktiv) – octave
Octave flute (eng. oktiv flute) – small. flute
Octet (English óktet), Octette (French octet), Octuor (octuór) – octet
Od (it. od) – or (before a vowel)
Ode (Greek ode) – ode, song
Odoroso (it. odorozo) – fragrant [Medtner. Fairy tale]
Oeuvre (French Evre) – composition
Oeuvres choisies (French Evre choisey) – selected works
Oeuvres complètes (Evre konplet) – complete works
Oeuvres inedites ( evr inedit ) – unpublished works
Oeuvre posthume (evr postum ) – posthumous work (not published during the author’s lifetime) óffen) – openly, openly [sound], without mute Offertorium (Latin offertorium) – “Offertory” – one of the parts of the Mass; literally the offering of gifts Officium (lat. officium) – Catholic church service Officleide (it. offikleide) – ofikleid (brass instrument) Oft (germ. oft) – often Ogni (it. óny) – each, everyone, all Ohne (German. óne) – without, except for Ohne Ausdruck
(German: one ausdruk) – without expression [Mahler. Symphony No. 4]
Ohne Dampfer
( German óne dampfer) – no mute the same as rubato
Oktave (German octave) – octave
Oktave höher (octave heer) – an octave above
Oktave tiefer (octave tifer) – an octave below
Oktett (German octet) – octet
Ole (Spanish óle) – Spanish dance
Omnes ( lat. omnes), Omnia (omnia) – all; the same as tutti
Omofonia (it. homophony) – homophony
Onde caressante (fr. ond caressant) – caressing wave [Scriabin. Sonata No. 6]
Ondeggiamente (it. ondejamente), Ondeggiando (ondejando), Ondeggiato (ondejato) – swaying, undulating
Ondes Martenot (fr. ond Martenot), Ondes musicales (ond musical) – an electric musical instrument designed by the French engineer Martenot
Ondoyant (fr. onduayan) – waving, swaying [like waves]
One cymbal attached to bass drum (eng. uán simbel attachid to base drum) – a cymbal attached to the big drum
One-step (eng. uán-step) – dance of the 20s. 20th century; literally, one step
On ne peut plus lent (fr. he ne pe plu liang) – as slowly as possible [Ravel]
On the… string(eng. he de … strin) – [play] on … string
Onzième (fr. onzyem) – undecima
Open (eng. óupen) – open, open
Open diapason (eng. óupen dáyepeysn) – main open labial voices organ
Open notes (English óupen nóuts) – natural sounds (on a wind instrument)
Open string (English óupen string) – open string
Oper (German óper), Opéra (French operá), Opera (English ópere) – opera
Opera (it. ópera) – 1) opera; 2) opera house; 3) work, composition
Opera buffa (it. opera buffa) – opera buffa, comic opera
Opera burlesca(it. ópera burléska) – funny, comic opera
Opéra comique (fr. ópera comedian) – comic opera
Opera d’arte (it. ópera d’árte) – a work of art
Opera omnia (lat. ópera omnia) – the complete works of
Opera pitch (English ópere pich) – the pitch set in opera houses
Opera seria (it. ópera seria) – opera series (“serious opera”)
Opere complete (it. ópere completete) – the complete works of
Operetta (it. operetta , English Operzte), Opérette (French Operette), Operette (German Operette) –
Opernton operetta(German ópernton) – the pitch set in opera houses
Ophicléīde (French ophicleid), Ophicleide (English ophicleid), Ophikleīde (German ophicleide) – ophikleide (brass instrument)
Oppressé (French opresse) – dejectedly [Scriabin . Symphony No. 3]
Oppure (it. oppure) – or, or
Opus (lat. opus) – work
Opus posthumum (lat. opus postumum) – posthumous work (not published during the author’s lifetime)
Opusculum (lat. opusculum) – small the work of
Orageux (French orage) – violently
Oratorio (Italian oratorio, French oratorio, English oretóriou), Oratorium (Latin oratorium),Oratorium (German oratorium) – Oratorio
Orchester (German orchestra), Orchestra (Italian orchestra, English orchestra), Orchestre (French orchestra) – Orchestra
Orrchester … (German orchestra), Orchestral (French orchestra, English orchestral), Orchestrale (Italian orchestra) – orchestral
Orchestrare (Italian orchestra), Orchestrate (English ókistrait), Orchestrer (French orchestra), Orchestrieren (German orchestration) – to orchestrate Orchestration
( French orchestration, eng. okestration), Orchestrazione (Italian orchestration), Orchestrierung (German orchestration) – orchestration
Orchestrelle (English ókistrel) – a small orchestra, variety orchestra (USA)
Orchestrion (Greek – German orchestra) – 1) a portable concert organ (18th century); 2) a mechanical musical instrument (the first part of the symphonic work “Victory of Wellington” by Beethoven was written for it)
Ordinaire (French ordiner), Ordinär (German ordiner) – ordinary, simple
Ordinario (it. ordinário) – usually; an indication to restore the usual way of performing (after special tricks of the game)
Ordre (fr. ordre) – the designation of the suite in french. music of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Organ (English ógen), Organo (Italian organo); Organum (lat. organum), Orgel(German órgel), orgue (fr. org) – organ (musical instrument)
Organetto (it. organetto) – small organ
Organetto a manovella (organetto and manovella) – barrel organ; literally, a small organ with a handle
Organetto a tavolino (organetto a tavolino) – harmonium
Organo dì legno (it. organo di legno) – organ with wooden pipes
Organo pleno (it. organo pleno) – a set of different. registers, giving a powerful sound (baroque term)
Organ-point (eng. Ogen point) – organ point; same as pedal point
Organ stop(English ógen stop) – organ register: 1) a group of pipes of a certain range and the same timbre; 2) a mechanical device that allows you to turn on various groups of pipes
Organum (lat. organum) – starin, a type of polyphonic music
Orgelleier (German órgellayer) – a lyre with a rotating wheel, strings and a small organ device; Haydn wrote 5 concertos and plays for her
Orgelpunkt (German órgelpunkt) – organ item
Orgelstimme (German órgelshtimme) – organ register (a group of pipes of a certain range and the same timbre)
Orgue de barbarie (French org de barbari) – barrel organ
Orgue de salon (French org. de salon) –
Oriental harmonium (French Oriental, English Oriental),Orientale (It. Orientale), Orientalisch (German Orientalish) – Oriental
Oriental timpani (English Oriental Timpani) – timplipito (percussion instrument)
Ornament (German ornament), Ornament (English ónement), Ornamento (Italian ornament), Ornement (French orneman) – decoration
Orphéon (French orfeon) – orpheon (common name for male choral societies in France)
Osanna (lat. Osanna) – glory, praise
Oscuro ( it.
oskyro ) – dark, gloomy, gloomy osservantsa) – observance [of the rules]; con osservanza (kon osservanza) – exactly observing the indicated, shades of performance
Ossia (it. ossia) – or, that is, a valid option (usually facilitating the main text)
Ostinato (it. ostinato) – a term denoting the return of a theme with a modified counterpoint to it; literally, stubborn; basso ostinato ( basso
ostinato ) – a melody that invariably repeats in the bass de music stand) – remove the mutes gradually, one after another, starting with the accompanists of the groups [Ravel. “Daphnis and Chloe”] Ottava (it. ottava) – octave Ottava alta (ottava álta) – an octave above Ottava bassa
(ottáva bassa) – an octave below
Ottavino (it. ottavino) – piccolo flute (small flute)
Ottetto (it. ottotto) – octet
Ottoni (it. ottoni) – brass instruments
Oule (fr. uy) – hearing
Ouīes ( French uy) – 1) resonant holes in bowed instruments; 2) “sockets” for plucked instruments
Ouvert (fr. uver) – open, open [sound]; accord à l’ouvert (akor al uver) – the sound of open strings
Ouverture (fr. overture), overture (eng. ouvetyue) – overture
Overspun string (eng. ouverspan strin) – entwined string
Overtone (eng. ouvetoun) – overtone
Own tempo(English ón tempou) – tempo according to the nature of the piece