Music terms – A
A (German a, English hey) – the letter designation of the sound la
A (it. a), a (fr. a) – on, y, k, s, with, in, before, like, in character, in style
A battuta (it. a battuta) – return to rhythmically precise performance (after rubato, ritardando, etc.)
A bocca chiusa (it. a bocca chiusa) – [sing] with your mouth closed
A bene placito (it. a bene crying) – tempo and rhythm at the discretion of the performer, the same as a piacere, a piacimento
A cadenza (it. a cadenza) – in the nature of cadence, freely
A cappella (it. a cappella), alla cappella (alla cappella) – singing choir 6ez accompaniment A capriccio (it. a capriccio) – optional
Á deux(fr. a de) – together, on 2 instruments
Á deux mains (a de man) – in 2 hands
A due (it. a due) – together, on 2 instruments
A due mani (a due mani) – in 2 hands
And due voci (and due voci) – for 2 voices
À la (fr. a la) – like, in character
À l’aise (fr. alyez) – freely in tempo and rhythm
À la mesure (fr. a la mesure) – 1) to the beat; 2) at the same pace
A libito (it. a libito) – at will
A little quicker (eng. e little kuike) – a little faster
À livre ouvert (fr. a livre uver) – [play] from sheet
A metà d’arco (it. meta d’arco) – [play] with the middle of the bow
A mezza voce(it. a mezza voche; traditional pron. – a mezza voche) – in an undertone
À quatre mains (fr. a quatre main), a quattro mani (it. a quatro mani) – in 4 hands
À peine (fr. a pen ) – barely, barely
À peine alenti ( fr. a pen alanti) – barely slowing down [Ravel]
À plein son (fr. a plan son) – with a full sound (appoko) – little by little, gradually À premiere vue (fr. a premiere vue) – [play] from sheet A prima vista (it. a prima vista) – [play] from sheet À quatre mains (fr. a quatre maine ), a quattro mani (it. a quattro mani) – in 4 hands À quatre parties
(fr. a katr party), a quattro voci (it. a quattro vochi) – for 4 votes
A suo arbitrio (a suo arbitrio) – at your discretion
A suo comodo (it. a suo komodo) – at will
A tempo ( it. a tempo) – at the same pace
A tempo di … (it. a tempo di …) – at a pace usually inherent in any musical genre
A tempo di marcia (a tempo di marcha) – at the pace of the march
And tempo libero (it. a tempo libero) – at ease; literally at a free pace
A tre (it. a tre), a tre voci (a tre vochi), a trois parties (fr. a trois party) – in 3 voices, three together
A tre corde(it. a tre corde) – on 3 strings, i.e. remove the left pedal when playing the piano
À trois temps (fr. a trois tan) – 3-beat size
A tutte corde (it. a tutte corde) – on all strings, i.e., remove the left pedal when playing the piano
A una corda (it. a una corda) – on one string; take the left pedal on the piano
A vicenda (it. a vichenda) – in turn, alternately
A vista (it. a vista) – play from sheet
A voce piena (it. a vóche drunk) – in full voice
A voce sola (it. a voche sola) solo for voice
А voglia (а volya) – at will
À volonté (а volonte) – at will, as you like
Аb(German ab) – away, remove
Abaisser (French abesse) – lower
Abandon (French abandon) – ease; avec abandon (avek abandon) – at ease, surrendering to the feeling
of Abbandonatamente (it. abbandonatamente), con abbandono (con abbandono) – at ease, surrendering to the feeling
of Abbandono – the ease
of Abbassamento (it. abbassamento) – lowering
Abbassamento di mano (abbassamento di mano) – with playing the piano putting one hand
under the
.(it. abbellendo) – decorating, adding arbitrary decorations
Abbellimento (it. abbellimento)
Abbellitura (abbellitura) – decoration
Abbreviation (English abbreviation), abbreviature (it. abbreviation), Abbreviaturen (German abbreviaturen) – abbreviated signs. notn. letters
Abdämpfen (German abdempfen) – muffle [sound]
Aber (German Aber) – but, however,
Aber gewichtig (German Zimlich Bevegt, Aber Gevichtich) – quite mobile, but hard
Abgerissen (German abgerissen) – cut off
Abgestimmt (German abgeshtimt) – tuned
Ab initio (Latin ab initio) – first
Abkürzungen(German abkyurzungen) – signs of abbreviation of musical notation, the same as Abbreviaturen
Abnehmend (German abnemand) – weakening [sound]
Abreger (fr. abrezhe) – shorten, shorten
Abrege (abrezhe) – 1) abbreviated; 2) tractura (control mechanism in the organ)
Аbreißend (German abraissend) – cut off
Аbreviations (fr. abreviation) – signs of abbreviation of musical notation
Аbruptio (lat. abruptio) – break, sudden pause
Аbschwellen (German abshwellen) – subside
Аbsetzen (German . abzetsen) – in pop music, music – a sharp cessation of the sound
of Absolute music (English absolut music), absolute Musik (German absolute music) – non-program music
Аbstoßen (German: abshtossen) – abruptly;
detachment Аbstrich ( German abstroh) – bow down movement
Аbteilung (German abteilung) – section, part of
Аbwechselnd (German abvekselnd) – alternating [with another instrument]
Аbwechslungsreich (German abvekslungs-reich) – with various changes in tempo and nuances
Аbwogend (German abvogend) – restraining
Accablement (fr. akableman) – despondency,
dejection Aavec accablement (avek akableman) – dejectedly
Accademia (it. akkademia) – 1) academy – a higher educational institution or scientific institution; 2) the name of the concert in Western Europe in the 18th century.
Accademia spirituale(accademia spirituale) – spiritual concert
Accarezzevole (it. accarezzevole) – affectionately
Acceleramento (it. acceleramento) – acceleration; con acceleramento (con acceleramento), accelerando (accelerando) – accelerating Accelerato (accelerato) – accelerating Accélération (fr. Acceleration) – accelerating
Accelérez (accelere) – speed up Accent (English excent), Accento (it. Accento), Accentuation (fr Accentuation, English expression), Accentuazione (It. Accentuatione) – accent, stress Accent (French Aksan) – 1) stress, accent; 2) in antiquity, music, grace note or nachschlag
Accentando (it. accentando),
accentato (accentato), accentuato (accentuato), accentué (French axantue), accentuated (English exentueytid) – accentuating
Accentus (lat. accentus) – chanting
Accesoire (fr. aksesuar) – additional
Acciaccato (it. accciaccato) – sharply Acciaccatura (it. accaccatura) – kind of grace
note Accidents (fr. aksidan), accidenti (it. accidenti) – signs of alteration
Accolada (it. accolade), accolade (fr. accolade) – accolade
Accompagnamento (it accompanimento),Accompagnement (French accompanieman), Accompaniment (English accompaniment) – accompaniment, accompaniment
Accompagnando (It. accompanyando), Accompagnato (accompanyato) – with accompaniment, accompanying
Accompagnando up peu velouté (Italian-French accompanimento ep peu velute), Aaccompagnando slightly velvety (it. – English accompaniment of lightly velvety) – to accompany slightly veiled
Accoppiamento it.
accompiamento ) – copula (a mechanism in the organ that allows you to connect the registers of other keyboards when playing on
one keyboard )
(fr. akor) – 1) chord; 2) normal tool setting; 3) the structure of the transposing instrument (for example, French horn in F); 4) in the 15th and 16th centuries – ensembles of instruments of the same family
Accord á l’ouvert (akor al uver) – the sound of open strings
Accord brisé (fr. akor breeze) – arpeggio
Accord de neuvième (fr. akor de neviem) – nonaccord
Accord de quarte et sixte (fr. akor de cart e sixt) –
quartsextakkord Accord de quinte et sixte (fr. akor de cant e sixt) – quintsextakkord
Accord de seconde (fr. akor de seconde) – second chord
Accord de septième (fr. akor de satem) – seventh chord
Accord de sixte (fr. akor de sixt) – sixth chord
Accord de tierce et quarte (French akor de tiers e cards) –
tertsquartaccord Accord parfait (French akor parfe), Accordo perfetto (Italian accordo perfetto) – triad
Accord plaqué (French akor plyake) – simultaneous sounding of all notes of the chord [ as opposed to arpeggio]
Accordage (French accordion) – tuning
Accorder (French acorde) – tuning
Accordando (It. Accordando) – matching
Accordare (It. Accordare) – tuning
Accordatura (Accordatura) – normal instrument tuning
Accordate subito (It. Accordate subito) – rebuild immediately
Accordatoio (it. Accordatoyo) – tuning fork
Accordéon (fr. accordion) – accordion
Accordière (fr. accordion) – a peg box for bowed instruments
Accordo (it. accordion) – 1) chord; 2) an old string instrument
Accordo di nona (it. accordo di nona) – nonaccordo
accordo di sesta (it. accordo di sesta) – sixth chord
Accordo di settima (it. accordo di settima) – seventh chord
Accordoir (fr. accorduar) – steel key for tuning pianos, harps and other instruments
Accouplement (French akupleman) – a copula (in the organ is a mechanism that allows you to connect registers of other keyboards when playing on one keyboard)
Accoupler (French accescendo
)(it. akkreshendo) – amplifying the sound; the same as crescendo
Accuratezza (it. Accuratezza) – accuracy; con accuratezza (kon neatetstsa) – exactly
Accusé (fr. akyuse) – emphasized
Acerbamente (it. acherbamente) – severely, sharply, rudely
Achtel (German akhtel), Achtelnote (axtelnote) – 1/8 note
Аchtelpause (German akhtelpause) – 1/8 pause
Acoustics (English acoustics), Acoustique (French acoustics) – Acoustics
Act (English ect), Acte (French act), Action ( aksion ) – act, action
Action(English action) – 1) action; 2) the mechanism of music. tool; 3) tractura (control mechanism in the organ)
Аcustica (it. acoustics) – acoustics
Аcuta (lat. akuta), acutus (akutus) – mixed, register of the organ
Аcuto (it. akuto) – piercing, sharp
Ad libitum (lat. ad libitum ) – at will, at the discretion of
Ad un tratto (it. ad un tratto) – at the same time
Adagietto (it. adagiotto) – rather slowly, but somewhat more mobile than adagio
Adagio (it. adagio; traditional pronunciation adagio) – slowly; often the tempo of the slow part of the sonata cycle
Adagio assai (it. adagio assai), Adagio di molto (adagio di molto) – very slowly
Adagio ma non troppo (adagio ma non troppo) – slowly, but not too much
Addolcendo (it. addolchendo) – softening, more and more gently
Addolcito ( addolcito ) – softened, gently
Addolorando (it. addolorando) – more and more mournfully – mournfully Ader (German ader) – mustache at the stringed instrument Adirato (it. adirato) – angrily adornando (it. adornando), adornato (adornato) – decorating Adórnate (adornare) – decorating Aeolius (lat. eólius) – Aeolian mode Аequal
(Latin – German ekual) – 1) an instrument or voices of the same range; 2) the name of the pieces for ensembles of identical instruments (ecuali for trombones – Beethoven, Bruckner); 3) one of the registers of the organ
Aérien (French aeryon) – airy
Aeusserst (German Oysserst) – very, highly
Affabile (It. Affabile) – friendly, affectionate
Affannato (It. Affannato) – anxious
Affectueux (French afektue) – gently
Affettatamente (it. affettatamente) – affectively
Affetto (it. affetto) – feeling; con affetto (con affetto), affettuoso (affettuoso) – with a sense
of Affinité (fr. affinite), affinity(English efiniti) – affinity [tonality]
Afflitto (it. afflitto), Aflizione (afflisione) – despondency, sadness; con Afflitto (con afflitto), con afflizione (con afflizione) – sad, sad
Affrettando (it. affrettando) – accelerating
Affrettato (affrettato) – accelerated
After (eng. afte) – after
After beat (afte beat) – the conclusion of the trill
Agevole ( it. adzhevole) – agevolmente (adzhevolmente), con agevolezza
( kon adzhevolezza) – easily, at
ease(it. ajatetstsa) – convenience; con agiatezza (con ajatezza), Agiato (ajato) – convenient, calm
Agile (it. agile, fr. azhil), con agilita (it. con agilita) – fluently, easily
Agilità (agilita), Agilité (fr. agilite) – fluency ,
lightness _ _ _ _ Acon agitazione (it. con agitatione) – excitedly, excitedly
Agitazione – excitement
Agli (it. alya) – a preposition a in conjunction with a definite masculine plural article – by, on, to, before, in
Agnus Dei(lat . agnus dei) – “Lamb of God” – the initial words of one of the parts of the mass and the
requiem melismas (term of the 18th century) Аi (it. ai) – a preposition and in conjunction with a definite article of the masculine plural – by, on, to, to, in Аigu (fr. aigu) – sharp, piercing Аilé (fr eleu) – inspired Аimable (fr. emblem) – friendly, kindly Air (fr. er, eng. ea) – aria, chant, song Air varié (fr. er varie) – theme with variations Airy (eng. eri), airily (erili ) – easy, graceful
Akkolade (German accolade) – accolade
Akkord (German chord) – chord
Akkordeon (German accordion) – accordion
Akt (German act) – act, action
Akustik (German acoustic) – acoustics
Akzent (German accent) – accent , accent
Akzentuierend (German accentuirand) – accentuating
Akzidenzien (German accidentien) – accidentals
Al (it. al) – the preposition a in conjunction with the masculine singular definite article – by, on, to, before, in
Al bisogno ( it. al bisonno) – if you need
Al fine (it. al fine) – until the end of
Al loco(it. al loco) – after changing the tessitura, return to the previous one; literally in place of Al
più (it. al piu) – in extreme cases,
Alquanto ( it.
alcuanto ) – a little, a few to any sign [play] Al tallone (it. al tallone) – [play] at the bow block Alberti-Bässe (German alberti – besse) – Alberti basses Albisifono (Italian albizifono), Albisiphon (German albizifon), Albisiphone (French Albiziphone) – basses, flute Alborada (Spanish Alborada) – morning serenade Alcuna licenza
(it. alcuna licenza) – some freedom, deviation from the tempo and rhythm
Aleatorik (German aleatoric), Aléatorique (French aleatoric) – aleatorique – a modern method, composition based on introducing an element of chance, improvisation of the beginning into the structure of the work
Alenti (fr . alyanti) – slow
Alerte (fr. alert) – lively,
nimbly Aliquotton (German aliquotton) – overtone
All ‘ (it. al) – preposition a in conjunction with the definite article male. and feminine singular – by, on, to, before, in; like, in the character of
Alia(it. alla) – the preposition a in conjunction with the feminine definite article of the singular – by, on, to, to, in; like, in the character of
Alia breve (it. alla breve) – a 4-quarter measure, in which the score is not in quarters, but in half notes
Alia caccia (it. alla kachcha) – in the character is willing. music
Аlia camera (it. ayala camera) – in the character of chamber music
Аlia marcia (it. alla marcha) – like the march
Аlia mente (it. alla mente) – in the mind, by heart [play], without an instrument [hear]
Аlia moderna ( it. alla moderna) – in the latest style
Allant (French Alyan) – movably
All ‘antica (Italian al antica) – in the old style,
Alia polacca(it. alla polakka) – in the character of the polonaise
Alia pulcinella (it. alla pulcinella) – caricature, caricaturing
Alia stretta (it. alla stretta) – accelerating
Alia tedesca (it. alla tedeska) – in the German spirit
Alia testa (it. alla testa) – returning to the beginning
of Alia zoppa (it. alla tsoppa) – syncopated; literally lame
Allargando (it. allargando) – expanding, slowing down
Alle (it. alle) – a preposition but in conjunction with the feminine plural definite article – by, on, to, before, in
Alle (German alle) – all
Allegramente ( it. allegramente) – fun, joyful, fast
Allegretto(it. allegretto) – the pace is slower than allegro, and faster than andante
Allegrezza (it. allegretstsa) – joy, fun; con allegrezza (con allegrezza) – joyfully, cheerfully
Allegro (it. allegro) – soon; traditional tempo of the first part of the sonata cycle; in the 18th century allegro was understood as cheerful, joyful music, in the present, time serves only to indicate the tempo
Allegro agitato (It. Allegro ajitato) – soon and excitedly
Allegro appassionato (It. Allegro appassionato) – soon and passionately
Allegro assai (It. Allegro assai) – very soon
Аllegro brillante (it. allegro brillante) – soon and brilliantly
Аllegro comodo (it. allegro komodo) – soon, but calmly
Allegro con brio (It. Allegro con brio) – soon, fun, lively
Allegro con fuoco (It. Allegro con fuoco) – soon, with fire
Allegro de concert (It. – French Allegro de conser) – concert Allegro
Allegro di bravura (It. Allegro di bravura) – soon and bravura
Allegro furioso (It. Allegro furioso) – soon and furiously, furiously
Allegro impetuoso (It. Allegro impetuoso) – soon and violently, impetuously
Allegro maestoso (It. Allegro maestoso) – soon and majestically
Allegro ma non tanto (It. Allegro ma non tanto), Allegro non tanto (Allegro non tanto), Allegro ma non troppo(Allegro ma non troppo) – quickly, but not too
Allegro moderate (it. allegro moderato) – moderately soon
Allegro molto (it. allegro molto), Allegro di molto (allegro di molto) – very quickly
Allegro vivace (it. allegro vivace ) – faster than allegro, but slower than presto
Allein (German Aleyn) – one, only
Alleluia (lat. Alleluia) – “Praise God” – starin, chant of the jubilant character
Allemande (fr. Almand) – allemande (starin, dance)
Allentando (it. allentando) – slowing down
Allentato (allentato) – slow
All’estremita delta membrana(it. al estremita della membrana) – [play] along the edge of the membrane (on a percussion instrument)
Аlles übertonend (German allee ubertönend) – [play] with more force than the rest of the orc. [Berg. “Wozzeck”]
Alle Vorschläge stets vor dem betreffenden Taktteil (German Alle forschlege states for dem betreffenden tact tail) – perform all grace notes before acc. beat [Mahler]
Аll’improvviso (it. al improvviso) suddenly, unexpectedly
Аll’inverso (it. al inverso) – in circulation
Аllmählich (German almelich) – gradually
Аllmählich im Zeitmass etwas steigen (almelich im zeitmas etwas steigen) – gradually speed up a little [R. Strauss. “The Life of a Hero”];
Allmahlich sich beruhigend(almelikh zih beruigend) – gradually calming down [Mahler. Symphony No. 5]
Allo (it. allo) – preposition a in conjunction. with a definite masculine singular article – by, on, to, before, in
Allontanandosi (it. allontanandosi) – moving away
All’ottava (it. al ottava) – play an octave above or below
Allow to vibrate (English elau to vibrate) – with the right pedal; literally vibrating
Аll’unisono (it. al unisono) – in unison
Аllzusehr (germ. alcuseer) – too, too much
Alourdir (fr. alurdir) – to make heavier
Alphorn (it.
alphorn ) – alpine horn Alt (germ. viola) – viola ( voice)
Alteramente(it. alteramente) – proudly
Alterando (it. alterando), Altéré (fr. alteration) – changing, changing
Alteratio (lat. alteration), Alteration (German alteration), Alteration (English alteration), Alteration (fr. alteration ), Alterazione (it. alteratione) – alteration, change: 1) chromatic. sound change; 2) changing the duration of notes in the mensural notation
Alternative (it. alternative) – 1) changing, alternately; 2) the designation of dance pieces with a trio; sometimes the trio
Altflöte (German altflete) was also called that – the alto flute
Althorn (German Althorn), Alto horn(eng. altou hoon ) – alto horn
Altklarlnctlr (it Altklarinette) – alto clarinet
Alto (it, viola), (eng. Altou) – alto (voice)
Alto (fr. viola) alto (bowed instrument)
Alto clarinet (eng. altou clarinet) – alto clarinet
Alto flute (English altou flute) – alto flute
Alto trombone (English altou trombone) – alto trombone
Alto trumpet (English altou trampit) – alto trumpet
Altposaune (German altpozaune) – alto trombone
Altri (it . altri) – group members without soloists
Altschlüssel (German Altshussel) –
Alttrompete alto clef(German alttrompete) – alto pipe
Altvaterisch (German altfayterish) – in the old-fashioned spirit
Always (English olwayz) – always, all the time
Always marked (olwayz makt) – highlighting all the time, emphasizing
Alzamento (it. Alzamento) – rise, exaltation
Alzare (it. alzare) – raise, remove [mute]
Am Rande des Fells (German am rande des fels) – [play] along the edge of the membrane
Amabile (it. amabile), con amabilita (con amabilita) – kindly, affectionately
Amabilità – courtesy of
Amaramente (it. amaramente), con Amarezza (con amarezza) – with bitterness
Amarezza – bitterness
of Amateur(French amater, English amete), Amatore (it. amatore) – amateur, amateur
Ambito (it. ambito), Ambitus (lat. ambitus) – range, voice volume, melody instrument
Amboß (German ambos) – anvil ( used as a percussion instrument) [Wagner. “Gold of the Rhine”; Orff. “Antigone”]
 me (fr. am) – 1) soul; 2) darling at bow instruments
Amore (it. amore) – love
Amorevole (it. amorevole), Amorosamente (amorosamente), Amoroso (amoroso) – gently, passionately
Ampiamente, ampio (it. ampiamente, ampio) – wide, drawn
out Amplitude ( French amplitude),Amplitudine (It. Amplitude) – amplitude [oscillations]
An (German An) – k, on
Anacrouse (French anakruz), Anacrusi (It. Anakrusi) –
zatakt Anche (It. Anke) – also, even, still; e.g. Fl. Ill Anche Piccolo – 3rd flutist, also Spanish. on piccolo
Anche (fr. ansh), anche battante (ansh batant) – 1) a reed for woodwind instruments; 2) tongue in the pipes of the Anche double organ
( ansh double) – a double reed at the woodwind instrument
Anche libre (ansh libre) – a free tongue [in the harmonica, harmonium]
Ancia (it. ancha), Ancia battente(ancha battente) – 1) a reed at a woodwind instrument; 2) tongue in the pipes of the organ
Ancia doppia (it. ancha doppia) – a double reed at the woodwind instrument
Ancia libera (ancha libera) – a free tongue [in the harmonica, harmonium]
Ancien (fr. ansion) – old, ancient
Ancora (it. anchor) – yet, repeat
And (English end) – and
Andacht (German Andaht) – reverence; mit Andacht (mit andaht) – reverently
Andamento (it. Andamento) – 1) interlude in a fugue; 2) the theme of the fugue means length or melodically completed
Andante(it. andante) – a moderate tempo in the nature of the usual step, sometimes the tempo of the slow part of the sonata cycle; in the 18th century was understood as a movement graceful, not very slow
Andante cantabile (it. andante cantabile) – slowly and melodious
Andante maestoso (it. andante maestoso) – slowly and majestically
Andante pastorale (it. andante pastorale) – slowly, pastorally
Andante vivace (it . andante vivache) – at the pace of andante, but lively and passionately [Beethoven. “Song from a distant land”]
Andantino (it. andantino) – the tempo is somewhat faster than andante, but slower than allegretto
Andare a battuta (it. andare a battuta) – perform following the beats of the metronome
Аnello(it. anello) – an annular valve (for wind instruments)
Anfang (German anfang) – the beginning; wie im Anfang (she im anfang) – as in the beginning, vom Anfang (fom anfang) – first
Anfangen (anfangen) – start
Angenehm (German angenem) – nice anglaise (French angles) – the common name of the old English. dances
Angoissé (French anguasse) – anxious, languid, melancholy
Angosciosamente (It. angoshozamente), Angoscioso (angoshózo) – anxious, restless
Angustia (Spanish angustia) – longing; con angustia (con angustia) – in anguish [de Falla. “Love is a sorceress”]
Anhalten (German anhalten) – stop, restrain
Anhaltend (anhaltend) – delaying, restrained
Anhang (German anhang) – adding
Anima (it. anima) – 1) soul; 2) darling of bowed instruments; con anima (con anima) – with a feeling
of Animando (it. animando), Animant (fr. animan), Animez (aiime) – inspiring,
enlivening Animate (it. animato), Animoso (animoso), Animé (fr. anime), Animated (English animated) – enthusiastically, lively
Anklang (German enklang) – consonance, chord
Amutig (German anmutich) – gracefully
Anneau mobile(French ano mobile) – annular valve [for wind instruments]
Anpassen (German anpassen) – follow …
Ansatz (German Ansatz) –
Anschlag embouchure (German full house) – 1) blow; 2) touch; 3) type of grace note of 2 notes
Anschließen (German anschließen) – tie [from the next. part of the op.]
Anschwellen (German Anshvallen) – swelling, growing
Ansioso (It. Ansioso) – alarming
Answer (English Anse) – satellite, answer in fugue
… Ante (It. Ante) – … shchy,. .. more – in it. lang. ending communion time and images, adverbs from it; for example: brillante – brilliant, brilliant (from brillare – to shine)
Antecédént (French antesedan),Antecedente (it. antechedente) – 1) the theme of the fugue; 2) early voice in the canon
Anteludium (lat. Anteludium) – introduction; the same as praeludium
Anthem (English entem) – antem: 1) a hymn, a solemn song; 2) church. chorale, cult form, music in England
Anticipatio (Latin anticipation), Anticipation (French antisipasion, English anticipation)
Antizipation (German anticipation) Anticipazione (Italian anticipatione) – predem; literally antico (Italian antico), Antik (German antique), Antique (French antique, English
entic ) – 1) old; 2) antique Antienne (French Antion), Antiphone
(lat. antiphone) – antiphon, alternate (dialogical) singing of the soloist and choir or 2 parts of the choir
Antiphonariurn (lat. antiphonarium) – a collection of antiphons
Antique cymbals (eng. antik simbles) – antique
cymbals Anwachsend (German anvaksend) – growing, with growing strength
Aolsharfe (German eolsharfe) – aeolian harp
Apaisé (French apeze) – peacefully [Debussy, Jolivet]
Aperti, aperto (it. aperti, aperto) – [play] on brass and percussion instruments without mutes; literally open
Apertura (it. aperture) – overture
Apoteosi (it. apoteosi), Apothéose (fr. apoteosis), Apotheose(German apoteóze), apotheosis (English apothiousis) – the apotheosis of
Appassionato (It. nppasesonato) – passionately
Appel mystérieux (French apel mysterie) – a mysterious call [Skryabin. Sonata No. 6]
Appena (it. appena) – barely, barely
Appenato (it. appenato) – suffering
Appendix (lat. appendix) – addition, application
Applicatura (it. fingering), Applikatur (German fingering) – fingering
Appoggiando (It. Appogiando) – maintaining
Appoggiare la voce (It. Appoggiare la voche) – emphasize, clearly shade the transitions
Appoggiatura (It. Appoggiatura) – 1) grace note; 2) detention
Appunto, a punto(it. a punto) – exactly, punctually
Appuuer (fr. appyuye) – accentuate, highlight, emphasize
 pre (fr. apr.) – sharply, hard
Après (fr. apre) – after
Apressado (portuguese aprissado) – movably
Arabeschi (Italian arabesque), Arabeske (German arabesque), Arabesques (French arabesque, English arabesque) –
Arbitrio arabesques (Italian arbitrio) – discretion; a suo arbitrio (a suo arbitrio) – at your discretion
Arcata (it. arcata) – [play] with a bow
Archeggiare (it. arkejare) – lead the bow [along the strings]
Archet (fr. arche) – bow;avec archet (avek arshe) – [play] with a bow
Archet à la corde (French arche a la corde) – “bow on a string”: highlight each note
Archi (it. arches) – strings, string instruments
Archicembalo (it. archicembalo) , Arcicembalo ( archicembalo ) – an old keyboard instrument
_ _ _ _
_ , Architettonica (it. arkitettonika) – architectonics of Archiviola di lira
(it. arkiviola di lira) – starin, bowed contrabass instrument; the same as Hronen
Arco (it. Arco) – a bow; coll’arco (col arco) – [play] with a bow
Ardent (fr. ardan), avec ardeur (avek arder), Ardente (it. ardente) – ardently, fiery
Arditatnente (it. arditamente) – Ardito (ardito) – boldly, brave
Argentin (French argentin) – silvery
Ä rgerlich (German Ergerlich) – angrily, irritably [Reger]
Aria (It. Aria, English Arie) – aria, song
Aria da capo (It. Aria da capo) – 3- private aria (III part – repetition of I); literally aria first
Aria da chiesa (It. Aria da chiesa) – church. aria
Aria di bravura (it. aria di bravura) – bravura aria
Arie (German aria) – aria
Arietta (it. arietta) – a small aria, song
Arioso (it. arioso) – 1) melodious; 2) – a little. vocal number in the opera
Armonia (it. Armonia) – 1) harmony; 2) chord
Armonica (it armonica) – glass harmonica
Armonici (it armonici) – harmonic sounds
Artnonico (it. armonico) – 1) euphonious; 2) overtone
Armonio (it. armónio) – harmonium
Armoniosamente (it. armoniosamente), Armonioso (armonioso) – harmonically
Armonizzamento (it. armonizamento) – harmonization
Armonizzare (ap-monizare) – harmonize
Armure (fr. armur) – signs in the key
Arpa (it. arpa) – harp Arpanetta (it. arpanetta) – a small instrument in the form of a harp
Arpège (fr. arpeggio), Arpeggio (it. arpeggio; traditional pron. arpeggio) – arpeggio; literally like on a harp
Arpeggiando (arpenjando) – arpeggiating
Arpeggione (it. arpeggione) – a bowed instrument that combines the features of a cello and a guitar
Arraché (fr. arrache) – abruptly, jerkily Arrangement
( fr.
(fr. arre) – stop
Arrêter (arrete) – stop
Ars antiqua (lat. are antiqua) – old art (music of the 12th-13th centuries)
Arsis (rp., lat. arsis) – weak, unaccented tact time; in conducting practice – raising the hand
Ars nova (lat. Ars nova) – new art (music of the 14th century)
Art (fr. ar, eng. aat), Arte (it. arte) – the art of
Articolando (it. artikolando), Articolato (articolato), Articulé (French article) – clearly articulating
Articolazione (It. articolatione), Articulation (French articulation, English articulation), Artikulation(German articulation) – articulation
Artist (English atist), Artista (Italian artist), Artiste (French artist) – artist, artist, artist
Artistic (English atistic), Artistico (Italian artist), Artistique ( fr. artist) – artistic, artistic
Arythmie (fr. arrhythmias) – arrhythmia, lack of rhythm
As (English ez) – like
As before (ez bifo) – as before
As near the bridge as possible (English ez nie de bridge ez posebl) – [play] as close to the stand as possible
Aspirare (it. aspirare) – sing with
Aspiration while breathing(French aspiracion) – breath, caesura
Aspramente (it. aspramemte), Aspro (aspro) – severely, harshly, sharply [Verdi. “Othello”]
Assai (it. assai) – very, very
Assai vivo (assai vivo) – very quickly
Assez (fr. asse) – quite
Assez vif (fr. asse vif) – pretty quickly
Assez doux, mais d’une sonorite large (French asse du, mae dune sonorite large) – rather gentle, but sonorous [Ravel, “Pavane”]
Assieme (it. assieme) – together
Assoluto (it. assoluto) – absolute, unconditional
Assouplir (fr. assuplir) – soften
As staccato as possible(eng. ez staccatou ez posable) – as abruptly as possible [Britten]
Atmen (German atmen) – take a breath, take a breath
.. Ato (it. … ato) – … n, … no, … that, … then – in it. lang. the end of the past participle and the adverb formed from it, for example: moderato – moderately (from moderare – moderate) Atonalita
( it . atonalita), Atonalité ( fr . atonality, lack of modal connections Attacca (it. attacca) – without interruption, proceed to the next part of the production ” Attacca subito (subito) – immediately start the next part of Attacco
(it. attakko) – a short theme of a fugue or imitation
Attack (eng. etek) – attack; in modern jazz: 1) sharply dynamic “entrance” to the sound; 2) acceleration of the tempo
Attenue, attenuer (fr. attenue) – muffled, softened, softened
At the rim of the head (English et de rim ov de head) – [play] along the edge of the membrane (on a percussion instrument)
Atto (it. atto) – action, act
Attune (eng. etyun) – tune [music. instrument]
Aubade (fr. obad) – morning serenade
Au bord de la membrane (fr. about bord de la mambrand) – [play] along the edge of the membrane (on a percussion instrument)
Auch (German auch) – also, too, and
Audace (it. audache),avec audace (fr. avek odas) – boldly
Audition (fr. odison) – 1) hearing, hearing; 2) performance, concert; premiere audition (premier odison) – 1st performance
Auf (German auf) – on; for example, Sordinen Auf (sordinen auf) – put on mutes
Auf dem Rand der gro & en Trommel zu schlagen (German: auf dem rand der grössen trommel zu schlagen) – [play] along the edge of the membrane is large. drum [Berg]
Auf der … Saite (German auf der zaite) – [play] on the string …
Aufführung (German auffurung) – staging [the performance]
Aufgehoben (German aufgehoben) – [play] with a bell up
Aufgeregt (German aufgeregt) – excitedly, excitedly
Auflage (German auflage) – edition of
Auflösung (German auflösung) – resolution [of dissonance]
Auflösungszeichen (German auflösungs-zeichen) –
backer Aufrichtig (German aufrichtich) – sincerely
Aufschwung (German aufschvung) – impulse; mit Aufscwung (mit aufschvung) – in a fit [Mahler]
Aufsetzen (German aufzetzen) – put on, put on
Auf Singstimme warten (German auf singshtimme warten) – follow the voice [Berg]
Aufstrich (German aufstrich) – [movement] with a bow up
Auftakt (German auftakt) –
Zatakt Auftritt (German Auftrit) – phenomenon, performance of
Aufwallung(German aufvallung) – excitement, flash, rush
Aufwogend (German aufvogend) – accelerating
Aufzug (German aufzug) – action, act
Augmentant (fr. ogmantan) – strengthening, growing
Augmentatio (lat. Augmentatio) – 1) increase, rhythmic theme expansion; per augmentationem (per augmentationem) – with an increase in durations (in imitation, canon); 2) in mensural notation – restoring the usual duration of the note
Augmentation (fr. ogmantasion, eng. ogmenteyshen), Augmentation (German augmentation) – increasing the duration
of Augmenté (fr. ogmante), Augmented (eng. ogmentid) – increased [interval, triad]
aulos(gr. aulos) – other – Greek. wood, wind instrument
Aumentando (it. aumentando) – amplifying
Aumentato (it. aumentato) – increased [interval, triad]
Aumentazione (it. aumentatione) – increase
Au milieu de I’archet (fr. about milieu de larshe) – [play ] the middle of the bow
Аu mouvement (fr. o muvman) – return to the previous tempo
Аu mouvement en serrant jusqu’à la fin (fr. o muvman en saran jusque a la fan) – return to the previous tempo and accelerate to the end [Debussy]
Aus (German aus) – from, by, with
Ausbreitend (German ausbreitend) – expanding, slowing down
Ausdruck (German ausdruk) – expression; mit Ausdruck(mit ausdruk), Ausdrucksvoll (ausdruksvol) – expressively
Ausdruckslos (German ausdruxlez) – without expression [Berg]
Ausgabe (German ausgabe) – edition
Ausgelassen (German ausgelassen) – unbridled; immer ausgelassener (immer ausgelassener) – more and more unbridled [R. Strauss]
Ausgewählt (German Ausgevelt) – favorites
Aushalten (German Aushalten) – withstand [sound]
Aussi (French axes) – so, too, also, just as; e.g., Aussi légèrement que possible (axes legerman ke posible) – as easy as possible [Debussy]
Austero (it. austero), con austerità (con austerita) – strictly, severely
Ausweichung(German ausvayhung) – deviation in other tonality
Auszierungen (German austzierungen) – decorations
Autentico (It. Autentiko), Authentic (English otentik), Authentique (French otantik), Authentisch (German Autentish), Authentus (lat auteitus) – authentic [mode, cadence]
Automaticamente (it. automatikamente) – automatically
Auxiliary (English ogzilieri) – auxiliary
Auxiliary note (ogzilieri note) – auxiliary. note
Avant (fr. avant) – before, before, before, before; en avant (en avan) – forward [faster]
Avanti (it. avanti) – ahead, earlier, forward;poco avanti (poco avanti) – speeding up a little
Ave (lat. ave) – hello
Ave, Maria (ave Maria) – an appeal to Mary
Avec (fr. avek) – with, together
Avec abandon (avek abandon) – at ease, surrendering to the feeling
of Avec charme (avek charm) – charmingly
Avec de brusques oppositions d’extrême violence et de passionnée douceur (French avec de brusque opposition d’ekstrem violans.e de pacione douceur) – with sudden outbursts of violent strength and passionate tenderness [Debussy. Prelude “Gate of the Alhambra”]
Avec defi (avek defi) – defiantly
Avec delice (avek delis) – enjoying
Avec des broches(French avec de broch) – to hit metallic. knitting needles (when playing on plates)
Аvec eclat (avek ekla) – sparkling
Аvec elan (avek elyan) – with a rush
Аvec émotion (fr. avek emosbn) – excitedly
Аvec émotion et ravissement (avek emosón e ravissman) – excitedly, with a sense of admiration [Skryabin]
Avec enchantement (fr. avek anshantman) – charmingly
avec entrain (avek entren) – enthusiastically
Avec entraînement et ivresse (fr, avek entrenman e ivres) – enthusiastically, intoxicated {Skryabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec grâce (French avek grae) – with grace, gracefully
Аvec grâce et douceur (avec grâce e ducer) – gracefully and gently [Scriabin]
Аvec incertitude (avek assertity) – hesitantly
Аvec la brosse (fr. avek la bros) – [rub] with a brush [over the skin of the drum]
Аvec la liberté d’une chanson populaire (fr. avec la liberte dune chanson populaire) – in a relaxed manner nar. songs [Debussy. “Hills of Anacapri”, “Movement”]
Аvec la pointe (avek la pointe) – [play] with the end of the bow
Аvec langueur (fr. avek langer) – languidly, as if exhausted
Аvec lassitude et langueur (fr. avec lassitude e langueur) – wearily, in languor [Scriabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec le balai (French avek le bale) – [play] with a whisk (on a percussion instrument)
Аvec le bois de l’ archet(French avec le bois dellarche) – [play] with the shaft of the bow
Avec le pouce (fr. avec le pus) – [hit] with your thumb [on the skin of the drum]
Avec lenteur (fr. avec lanter) – slowly
Avec les baguettes (fr avec le baguette) – [play] with sticks
Аvec les cordes relâchées (fr. avec le cord relache) [play] with weakened strings (on the snare drum]
Аvec lourdeur (avek lurder) – hard
Аvec mystere (avek myster) – mysteriously
Аvec ravissement et tendresse
( French avec ravissman e tandres) – with admiration ,
gently(avek riger) – strictly, precisely [observing the rhythm]
Аvec sourdine (fr. avek surdin) – with a mute
Аvec suavité (avek suavite) – pleasantly, gently
Аvec taquinerie (avek takineri) – with enthusiasm
Аvec tragique effroi (fr. avek trazhik Efrua) – in tragic horror [Scriabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec transport (avek transport) – with an impulse
Аvec trouble et effroi (fr. avek trubl e effroi) – in confusion and fear [Scriabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec un balai en metal (fr avec en bale en metal) – [hit] with a metal whisk on a plate
Аvec une ardeor profonde et voilée (French avekün arder profonde e voilée) – with a deep but hidden heat [Scriabin. Sonata No. 10]
Аvec une celéste volupté (fr. avekün selast volupte) – with heavenly pleasure [Scriabin. Sonata No. 7]
Аvec une chaleur contenue (fr. avekün chaleur contenue) – with restrained heat [Scriabin. Sonata No. 6]
Аvec un éclat éblouissant (French avec en ekla ebluissant) – with a dazzling brilliance [Skryabin, “Prometheus”]
Аvec une douce ivresse (French avekün dos ivres) – in gentle intoxication [Skryabin. Sonata No. 10]
Аvec une douce langueur de plus en plus éteinte (French avecun dous langueur de pluse plus plus etent) – in a gentle, gradually fading languor [Scriabin. Sonata No. 10]
Аvec une douceur cacheé (French: avecun douceur cacheé) – with hidden tenderness [Scriabin. “Mask”]
Аvec une douceur de plus en plus caressante et empoisonnee (French avekün douceur de plusan plus caresant e enpoisonne) – with tenderness, more and more caressing and poisonous [Skryabin. Sonata No. 9]
Аvec une émotion naissante (fr. avekün emosón naissante) – Scriabin with nascent excitement. “To the Flame”]
Аvec une étrangeté subite (French avekün etrangete subite) – with a sudden strangeness [Scriabin. “Strangeness”]
Аvec une fausse douceur (French avecun fos douceur) – with deceptive tenderness [Scriabin. “Strangeness”]
Аvec un effroi contenu (fr avek en effroi contenu) – with a restrained expression of fear [Scriabin. “Prometheus”]
Аvec une grâce caprkieuse (French avekün grâce capricious) – with capricious grace [Scriabin. Nocturne poem]
Аvec une grâce doiente (fr. avekün grâe doiente) – with sad gracefulness [Scriabin. “Dark Flame”]
Аvec une grâce languissante (French avek yun grae langissant) – with languid grace [Skryabin, “Garlands”]
Аvec une ivresse débordante (Fr. avek yun ivres debordant) – in overflowing intoxication [Skryabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec une ivresse toujours croissante (fr, avec un ivresse toujours croissant) – in a continuously growing intoxication [Scriabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec une joie débordante (French avek yun zhui debordante) – with overflowing joy [Scriabin. Sonata No. 7]
Аvec une joie de plus en plus tumultueuse (French avekün joie de plusan plus tumultueuse) – with more and more stormy joy [Scriabin “To the Flame”]
Аvec une joie éclatante (fr. avecun joie éclatante) – with sparkling joy, an explosion of joy [Scriabin. Symphony No. 3]
Аvec une joie éteinte (French avekün joie etente) – with an expression of faded joy [Skryabin, “Prometheus”]
Аvec une joie voilée (French avekün joie voilé) – with hidden joy [Skryabin. “To the Flame”]
Аvec une joyeuse exaltation (French: avekün joyeuse exaltasón) in joyful delight [Scriabin. Sonata No. 10]
Аvec une langueur naissante (French avekyun langueur naissant) – with nascent languor [Scriabin. Sonata No. 9]
Аvec une noble et douce majesté (French avecun noble e dous majeste) – with noble grandeur and tenderness [Scriabin. “Poem of Ecstasy”]
Аvec une passion naissante(French avekyun pasion nessant) – with nascent passion [Scriabin. Poemano-octurne]
Аvec une volupté de plus en plus extatique (French avecun volupte de plusan plus ecstatic) – in growing, ecstatic pleasure [Skryabin. Poem of ecstasy]
Аvec une volupté dormante (French avekün volupte dormant) – with pleasure, as in a dream [Scriabin. Poem-nocturne]
Аvec un intense désir (French avek en en-tans dezir) – with a strong desire [Skryabin. “Prometheus”]
Аvec un profond sentiment d’ennui (French avec en profond centiman d’annuy) – with a deep feeling of chagrin, boredom [Leaf]
Аvec un profond sentiment de tristesse (French avec en profond centiman de tristes) – with deep feeling of sadness [Leaf]
Avvicinandosi(it avvichinandosi) – approaching
Avvivando (it. avvivando) –
reviving Azione (it azione) – action, presentation
Azione sacra (it. azione sacra) – spiritual performance, oratorio on a biblical story