Music teacher self-education
Self-education of a music teacher, like any other teacher, begins during training. It includes several aspects of the development of his personality. It includes improving teaching methods, broadening one’s horizons, improving artistic taste, and studying modern and classical trends in music.
Each of these points increases the professional competence of a music teacher. Since he is responsible for the aesthetic education of his students and enriches their artistic and aesthetic experience.
When teaching music, a creative approach based on practical and methodological innovation is encouraged. Therefore, careful independent study is necessary.
The system of continuous self-education includes:
- reflective assessment of learning outcomes;
- visiting websites for teachers http://uchitelya.com, http://pedsovet.su, http://www.uchportal.ru;
- visiting performances, concerts, exhibitions;
- study of artistic works of literature;
- analysis of new techniques;
- attending scientific and subject-methodological seminars, master classes, pedagogical councils;
- Conducting your own research and participating in research conducted by colleagues;
It is necessary to analyze each lesson taught and the process of teaching music as a whole. Analyze which techniques had the greatest impact, attracted attention and aroused the interest of students.
Watching various performances and concerts is responsible for the emotional and spiritual enrichment of the music teacher. Helps him better understand modern trends in the development of art.
Exhibiting paintings and reading fiction also helps to better understand the emotional side of creation. It is especially interesting to study the autobiographies of various creative personalities; facts from them allow us to penetrate more deeply into the artist’s intentions. A better understanding of which makes it easier to convey knowledge to students and attract their attention to the subject being studied.
An original approach to teaching music
The development of teaching abilities is facilitated by participation in various studies. They help to independently develop new teaching methods, introducing into them an original approach based on the experimental data obtained. Unusual solutions in the classroom always find a positive response from students.
Increasing the professional competence of a music teacher through artistic self-education will help him become a specialist who can find a non-standard approach to teaching. He will be able to be creative in his activities and set an example for students to improve themselves. This is a path from the simple application of knowledge acquired during study to a higher research and search-creative level.