Kubyz: description of the instrument, history, how to play, use

Kubyz: description of the instrument, history, how to play, use

Kubyz is a national musical instrument of Bashkiria, similar in tone and appearance to a jew’s harp. Belongs to the class of plucked. It looks like a small copper or maple frame-arc with a flat plate oscillating freely.

The history of the instrument goes far into the past: a device with a close sound was popular with a large number of ancient cultures and nationalities, many of which are listed as long gone. In Bashkortostan and nearby regions, it is made according to intricate rules, and playing it is considered an honorable thing. You can play with an ensemble or play folk tunes solo.

Kubyz: description of the instrument, history, how to play, use

To make the sample sound, the performer clamps it with his lips, holding it with his fingers. With your free hand, you need to pull the tongues, which begin to vibrate, making a quiet ringing (the movement of the mouth and breathing during performance becomes the causative agent of the sound).

The range of the instrument is one octave. Basically, onomatopoeia is performed on it with the help of an articulatory apparatus.

Bashkir kubyz is made of two types of materials: wood (agas-kubyz) and metal (timer-kubyz). A wood product is more difficult to manufacture, so the metal variety is much more popular. The sound of these two types is strikingly different from each other.

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