Kazu: what is it, instrument composition, playing technique, use
To master a musical instrument, it is not always necessary to have a special education. Kazu is one of them. A simple device can be mastered by anyone with even the slightest hearing.
Tool device
The time of appearance of kazoo is unknown, but it is clear that it was a very long time ago. The material used to create it was different. Today it is a wooden, metal or plastic object in the form of a cylinder. One end is narrowed, the other has a hole. In the center is inserted a round cork with a membrane of the thinnest tissue paper.

How to play kazoo
The performer takes one end of the cylinder into his mouth and “sings” his melody, blowing air. The air column is regulated by a finger or a cap that covers the cork with a membrane. The membrane is responsible for changing the size of the air column. The sound of a wind instrument resembles the sounds of a trumpet, a saxophone.
Americans do not know for sure who invented the kazoo. There is a version that one doctor was having fun like that. Bored, he simply began to blow into the stethoscope, singing some simple melody. In the Play on kazoo, the voice of a person matters. In the hands of each performer, a simple object sounds peculiar.

Where to use
Kazu stood at the origins of jazz. Musicians could use a variety of objects to create music. A washboard made of wood was used – a mallet was passed over it. A ceramic bottle was used, when air was blown into it, a powerful bass was obtained, and other objects. The membranophone sounds in jazz along with the saxophone, tuba, accordion.
American jazz bands began to actively play the instrument in the 40s of the last century. The Russians know Nikolai Bakulin. He performs jazz on the Russian button accordion and kazoo, playing amazing compositions by Astor Piazzolla. Doctors advise plastic inexpensive copies to small children. The toy helps to develop the lungs and just keeps the baby occupied.