Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach |
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
The fourth son of J. S. Bach (“Bückeburg” B.). He studied music with his father. Studied law at Leipzig University. From 1750 he was in the service as a musician, from 1758 – bandmaster at the court of Count Schaumburg-Lippe in Bückeburg. Author pl. works, to-rye, however, were inferior in their importance to the works. W. F. Bach and C. F. E. Bach. Author of 3 oratorios, spiritual and secular cantatas (including “The American” – “Die Amerikanerin”), 6 quartets for flute and strings. tools, production for clavier (2 sonatas in 4 hands, sonatas in 2 hands, variations), etc.
Литература: Schьnemann G., Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, в кн.: Bach Yearbook, XI, Lpz., 1914, pp. 45-165; Geiringer K., The Bach family…, NY-L., 1954; Schьnemann G., Thematic Index of the Works of Joh. Chr. Friedr. Bach, «DDT», Vol. 56, 1917; Wohlfart H., New List of Works by Joh. Chr. Friedrich Bach, “Die Musikforschung”, Vol. XIII, H. 4, 1960, pp. 404-17.
P. A. Wolfius