Jacopo Peri (Jacopo Peri) |
James Peri
Nickname Long-Haired – Zazzerino. Muses. education received at hand. C. Malvezzi. From 1591 he served at the Florentine court of the Medici (“chief director of music and musicians”). Member of the Florentine Camerata. P. is one of the creators of opera as a new genre and monody with instr. resist. like a new style. In 1592 he wrote the music (together with J. Corsi) for the first opera, Daphne (based on a text by the poet O. Rinuccini, staged 1597–98, Florence; P.’s fragments have not been preserved). In 1600 there was a fast at the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. P.’s opera “Eurydice” (to the text of Rinuccini) is the most striking example of the early opera that has come down to us (originally called “drama on music” or “fairy tale on music”). She will be distinguished. features – melodious recitation (accompanied by digital bass), small ariose and chorus. forms. P. isp. in this performance the center. the part of Orpheus, having won success both as a singer and as a representative of a new type of art, following the poetic. a text that enhances its impact (as it was believed at that time – in imitation of the Greek tragedians). Subsequent opera productions Items are of lesser importance. He often collaborated with other composers (C. Monteverdi, G. B. Signorini). He also owns chamber woks. op. in a new style, interludes, sacred music, etc.
Publications: The various music… а 1, 2 е 3 voices with some spirituals, Florence, 1609; L’Euridice, “Publikationen des Gesellschaft fьr Musikforschung”, 1881, Bd 10, то же, facsimile ed., Rome, 1934.
References: Ivanov-Boretsky M.V., Musical and historical reader, vol. 2, M., 1936; Solerti A. Le origini del melodramma, Torino, 1903; Rólland R., L’opéra au XVII sícle en Italie, in: Encyclopédie de la musique et dictionnaire du conservatoire…, fondateur A. Lavignac, pt. 1 (v. 1), P., 1913 (Russian translation – Rolland R., Opera in the 1931th century, M., 1919); Kretzschmar H., Geschichte der Oper, Lpz., 1925 (Russian translation – Krechmar G., Opera History, L., XNUMX).
T. N. Solovyova