How to quickly learn a poem?
Knowledge of how to quickly learn a poem can be useful not only to a schoolchild or student, but to any person. In principle, throughout your life you have to remember and memorize something.
There are several ways to learn a poem in the shortest possible time. Choosing the right method, or rather, more suitable for an individual, helps facilitate further movement and development in kindergarten, school, institute and of course in work.
Memory cycling
Memory has one remarkable property that allows you to quickly memorize a poem. Absolutely everything around is cyclical, memory is no exception. Therefore, you need to memorize a poem in portions, for example: break the material into quatrains and repeat the first line for five minutes, then you need to relax for five to ten minutes and after this time the memory itself will begin to produce the first lines of the poem. Do the same with all the remaining quatrains.
The most common way to memorize a poem is to repeat the lines until they are completely memorized. But it is very long and not at all entertaining, and besides, it has one big drawback – the first lines will be remembered better than the last. If you apply knowledge about the cyclical nature of memory to this method, things will go much faster and more fun, and most importantly, the memory will produce all the lines equally, without hesitation, since the information was received and remembered in portions.
Let’s have fun learning a poem
When approaching the question of how to quickly learn a poem, you should remember fun ways to memorize. There are a huge number of them and they all help children get rid of the fear of memorizing a poem. Let’s consider ways that allow you to quickly learn the material:
- In the first method, you need to use your imagination. That is, each line of the poem should be drawn mentally in your head. By imagining pictures associated with words, you can easily remember even the most complex poem.
- In the second method, you should show your vocal abilities. They don’t have to be perfect, the main thing is that they should be fun. By humming the lines of a poem, you can come up with your own melody, or you can use an existing one. This method allows you to literally remember the poem after three or four times and sing it without looking at the book.
- The third method can be used when learning a poem together with someone. Take turns reading one line at a time, changing the intonation on each line. Or experiment with the reading volume: increasing or decreasing it with each line.
To write or not to write
There is another way to quickly learn a poem, which is mainly used by adults. To memorize the material faster, you need to rewrite it by hand several times. And if you try to combine this method with imagination, you can greatly reduce the memorization time. It is necessary to imagine the process of writing the lines of a poem in your head, for example, with a pen on a piece of paper or clouds in the sky.
In the school curriculum there are often poems that are difficult for children to understand. Naturally, they cause certain difficulties in remembering. But you just have to parse each line, work on incomprehensible words, and the poem will succumb to memory much faster, especially if you use any of the methods given above.
And at the end of the topic, watch the video, which reveals the question of why and why you should learn poems: