Guitar tuner
Any instrument requires fine tuning so that it can sound in accordance with its intended use. Some types require adjustment very often ( violin ), others – very rarely (piano, drums) or get special sound at the time of manufacture (woodwind). The guitar occupies an intermediate position: as a plucked stringed instrument, it requires tuning before each playing session.
However, if there is a long concert with active playing, then the adjustment may need to be adjusted several times during the performance.
About Guitar Tuners
In order to simplify the tuning process, various devices have been invented. Although a skilled musician should be able to tune the guitar by ear, this is not always convenient, and most importantly, not too fast. In addition , silence is desirable for this, which is not available in the conditions of rehearsals and concerts.
All tuning tools are divided into two types:
- Tuning forks . The simplest physical devices, which are presented in the form of a metal fork. When a tuning fork is struck on an object (most often on a half-bent palm ), its “horns” vibrate at a certain frequency – 44 Hz , which corresponds to the La of the 1st octave. Since the tuning is performed starting from the first string, then for the appearance of unison a, the first string is clamped on the fifth fret y.
- Tuner s . These are various electronic devices. They have different designs and features, but the general principle of operation is: with the help of special sensors, the device reads the sound of the string involved, after which it compares it with the standard and gives a signal of a mismatch or coincidence of frequencies. The tuner is compact, easy to use and quite accurate. With their help, you can tune the guitar even to a person who first picked up an instrument and has not yet developed an ear for music.
The advantage of tuning forks is that they are inexpensive, take up little space and are completely non-volatile. They can be used anytime and anywhere, and if you do not lose this little thing, you can pass it on to your children or grandchildren.
However, the tuner is still more popular, as it can show not only the unison of sound vibrations, but also in which part of the register a the sound of an untuned guitar is shifted. Considering that beginners feel bad for excessive string tightening or, conversely, their slack, the tuner can be recommended for purchase by all guitarists.
How to choose a guitar tuner
All tuners are digital devices. In the description of the device you can find the word “chromatic”. This means that whatever sound you produce, the device will register it and compare it with the frequencies in memory. That is, a chromatic tuner is a universal device that is useful for tuning any instrument.
Form Factor
Guitar tuners come in the form of a small box equipped with a liquid crystal display. When an incoming signal appears, the screen can display either the name of the note that sounds (A, E, C, etc.), or a scale where the arrow or slider indicates in which direction you need to twist the peg to hit the note. Clothespin tuners are very popular among guitarists . They are attached to the headstock and pick up the vibrations of the instrument (piezoelectric pickups) or the air ( microphones ). There is also a tuner in the form of pedals.
Sometimes they are combined with some effect, such as a booster.
signal reception
The tuner receives information about the extracted sound in the following ways:
- With the built-in microphone a . Inexpensive universal devices, but with a high noise level, the result can “walk”.
- with a piezo sensor . Vibrations of the body of the guitar are perceived. This option is less dependent on noise, while being simple and affordable.
- Direct transmission of an electronic signal . There is a jack socket on the case . Highest accuracy, no interference. Minus: can only be used with semi-acoustic or electric guitar.
Tuners for guitarists on the website uchenikspb.ru
In the online store uchenikspb.ru , both a beginner and an experienced guitarist will be able to find the necessary equipment for tuning a guitar . All form factors are represented here – convenient and compact clothespins, classic portable tuners with digital input and microphone , as well as pedals for those who have to adjust the sound on stage. Trademarks and brands include Musedo, Shadow, Cherub, Korg and others.
Electric guitar lovers will certainly be interested in the tuner s-frames humbucker a, which give the musician new performance possibilities and make life easier.