Fluer: what is it, tool composition, types, use
Fluer is the national musical wind instrument of Moldova. It is a kind of open longitudinal wooden flute. It is made from various types of wood: elder, willow, maple or hornbeam.
A flute flute looks like a tube, the length of which is from 30 to 35 cm, and the diameter is up to one and a half centimeters. There are six or seven sound holes on the instrument. The sound range of the Moldavian flute is diatonic, up to two and a half octaves.
In addition to the classic variety of fluer, there is a whistle and the so-called zhemenat.
The whistle fluer is called “ku dop”, which means “with a cork” in Russian. Its length is from 25 to 35 cm. Its sound, in comparison with the classical variety, is not so intense, softer.
Zhemenat is a rare type of fluer. A type of double flute. Consists of two tubes of the same length. There are holes on the tubes – six on one, four on the other. Designed for playing melodies in two voices.
The use of the tool has been associated with animal husbandry since ancient times – it is used by shepherds to gather cattle into a herd.