Dominant |
Dominant (from lat. dominans, genus case dominantis – dominant; French dominante, German Dominante) – the name of the fifth degree of the scale; in the doctrine of harmony also called. chords that are built on this degree, and a function that combines the chords of the V, III and VII degrees. D. is sometimes called any chord located a fifth higher than the given one (J. F. Rameau, Yu. N. Tyulin). The sign of the function D. (D) was proposed by X. Riemann.
The concept of the second support of the fret existed as early as the Middle Ages. theory of modes under the names: tenor, repercussion, tuba (the first and main support bore the names: finalis, final tone, main tone of the mode). S. de Caux (1615) denoted by the term “D.” V step in authentic. frets and IV – in plagal. In Gregorian terms, the term “D.” (psalmodic. or melodic. D.) refers to the sound of repercussion (tenor). This understanding, widespread in the 17th century, has been preserved (D. Yoner). Behind the chord of the upper fifth of the fret, the term “D.” fixed by J.F. Rameau.
The meaning of the D. chord in functional harmonic. the key system is determined by its relation to the tonic chord. Main D.’s tone is contained in tonic. triads, in the overtone series from the tonic. fret sound. Therefore, D. is, as it were, generated by the tonic, derived from it. D. chord in major and harmonic. the minor contains an introductory tone and has a pronounced inclination towards the tonic of the mode.
References: see at Art. Harmony.
Yu. N. Kholopov