Contrabassoon: description of the instrument, composition, sound, history, use

Contrabassoon: description of the instrument, composition, sound, history, use

Contrabassoon is a wooden musical instrument. The class is wind.

It is a modified version of the bassoon. The bassoon is an instrument with a similar design, but differing in size. Differences in the device affect the structure and timbre of the sound.

The size is 2 times greater than the classical bassoon. Production material – wood. The length of the tongue is 6,5-7,5 cm. Large blades enhance the vibrations of the lower register of the sound.

Contrabassoon: description of the instrument, composition, sound, history, use

The sound is low and deep. The sound range is in the sub-bass register. Tuba and double bass also sound in the sub-bass range. The sound range starts at B0 and expands to three octaves and D4. Donald Erb and Kalevi Aho write the compositions above in A4 and C4. Virtuoso musicians do not use the instrument for its intended purpose. High sound is not typical for sub-bass.

The progenitors of the contrabassoon appeared in the 1590s in Austria and Germany. Among them were the quintbassoon, quartbassoon and octave bass. The first contrabassoon was made in England in the middle of the 1714th century. A famous example was made in XNUMX. It was distinguished by four components and three keys.

Most modern orchestras have one contrabassoonist. Symphonic groups often have one musician who is responsible for the bassoon and contrabassoon at the same time.

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