Chinese bells: what the instrument looks like, varieties, use
Bianzhong is part of the ancient national tradition of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. Chinese bells sound in Buddhist temples, at solemn events, concerts and holidays. The chime of Chinese bells accompanied the opening of the Beijing Olympics and joyfully announced the official return of Hong Kong to China.
Outwardly, the musical instrument has nothing in common with Orthodox bells, primarily due to the lack of language. The oldest variety of this self-sounding percussion is called “nao”. Until the XIII century BC. it was actively used by the Chinese to create music, and after that it became the main signal instrument, the sound of which announced the beginning and end of the battle.
Nao was mounted on a stick with the hole up. The performer hit him with a wooden or metal pike. Based on this bell, other types appeared:
- yongzhong – it was hung diagonally;
- bo – suspended vertically;
- zheng is a strategic tool not used in making music;
- goudiao – used only in bells.
Sets of bells were combined, classified by sound and hung on a wooden frame. This is how the bianzhong musical instrument turned out. An ancient representative of percussion is still used in orchestral sound. It is also important in Buddhism. The sound of Chinese bells announces prayer times and is an integral part of religious ceremonies.