Bibliography musical |
(from the Greek. biblion – a book and grapo – I write).
1) Bibliographic. manuals (indexes, reviews, lists, catalogs), giving systematized by subject, in alphabetical, chronological, topographic. and other order listing and description of works on music (books and other printed publications, as well as manuscripts) in terms of content and external design.
2) Scientific a discipline that studies the history, theory, methodology and classification of muses. bibliography.
In foreign countries, the object of B. m. is not only literature about music, but also music. prod. (music editions and musical manuscripts). In the USSR, they are dealt with by notography, which exists as independent. area along with B. m.
B. m. is auxiliary. branch of musicology, the most important section of music. source study. There are two basic type of B. m.: scientific and auxiliary (scientific and informational) and advisory. The task of scientific auxiliary mathematics is to help historians and theorists of music, folklorists, and instrumentalists in their research work (in choosing sources, establishing the historiography of the issue, searching for materials about the life and work of individual musicians—composers, musicologists, performers, etc.) . The task of recommendatory literature is to make it easier for readers to choose literature about music; it is intended to influence this choice and thereby contribute to the formation of musical and aesthetic. tastes, the expansion of music. interests and knowledge of readers. In accordance with this, dec. types of indexes, overviews, catalogs, annotated lists, etc.: general – according to nat. music culture of a particular country, its separate historical. periods; thematic – on the history and theory of music, music. genres, folklore, instrumentation, performance, etc.; personal – about composers, musicologists, folklorists, performers (they are also joined by such reference publications as, for example, Chronicle of Life and Creativity, Days and Years, Memo, etc.).
The first experiences B. м. belong to the end of the 1st half. 16 in. One of the earliest lists of books on music is contained in the bibliography. the work of the Swiss K. Gesner “Pandects … in the XXI book” (“Pandectarum … libri XXI”, 1548-49). However, only in the 18th century. specials appear. music-bibliographic. works of interest. arr. with historical critical points of view. In the 18-19 centuries. B. м. receives especially great development in Germany, where works are created, in which the B. м. (principles of classification, description, etc.). The term “B. m.” they have not yet been accepted. German the authors used the names “music criticism”, “music library”, “literature of music”, “musical literature”. (For the first time the term “B. m.” was used in France. Gardeton in the work “Musical Bibliography of France” – “Bibliographie musicale de la France …”, ed. in 1822.) Among this kind of work stand out “Musical Criticism” (“Critica musica”, Bd 1-2, 1722-25) by I. Matteson, “The Newly Discovered Musical Library, or Solid Mixing Along with an Unbiased Judgment of Musical Articles and Books” (“Neu eröffnete Musikalische Bibliothek, oder gründliche Nachricht nebst unpartheyischem Urtheil von musikalischen Schriften und Büchern”, Bd 1-4, 1736-54) L . TO. Mitzler, “Guide to musical learning” (“Anleitung zu der musikalischen Gelahrtheit”, 1758, 1783) J. Adlunga – the first musical bibliographic. work, in which an attempt was made critical. grades and logic. material classification. The most thorough and informative publication, which became a model for subsequent works, was the “General Literature of Music” (“Allgemeine Literatur der Musik …”, 1792, reprinted. 1962) I. N. Forkel, including critical. review of 3000 books and articles on music. It shows a tendency towards a broader understanding of B. м. as a science, the task of which is not only the systematization of the material, but also the disclosure of its content, for the first time the division of the material into works on the history and theory of music was applied. Based on the Forkel method, K. Becker, Systematisch-chronologische Darstellung der Musikliteratur, Lfg. 1-2, 1836, adj., 1839, reprinted, 1964, add. for 1839-1846 Rs. Eitner, 1885). In 1829 Mus. ed. F. Hofmeister in Leipzig published the first “Monthly Musical and Literary Communications” “Musikalisch-literarische Monatsberichte”), as a continuation of which, from 1843, the “German Musical Bibliography” (“Deutsche Musikbibliographie”) began to appear – one of the largest European nat. bibliographer. publications that continue to appear in the GDR. Since 1852, summaries of individual issues for each year (“Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Musikalien und Musikschriften”) have also been published. In 1895, the Yearbook of the Peters Music Library (Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters) began to be published, containing an extensive bibliography of literature on music. Since the end of 19 in. B. м. occupies an important place in music. magazines (for the first time in German) as independent. departments. One of the first B. м. of a similar kind – the section “Critical notes and abstracts” (“Kritiken und Referate”) in the “Quarter of Musical Science” (“Vierteljahrschrift für Musikwissenschaft”, 1885-94), ed. P. Crisander, P. Spitta and G. Adler, in which lists of published books and articles on music were regularly published. The largest musicologists of that time took part in their abstracting (O. Fleisher, K. Stumpf et al.). Later, sections of B. м. in magazines are widely distributed in many. countries, becoming one of the most important types of bibliographic. source studies: in Germany – “Journal” and “Collections of the International Musical Society” (“Zeitschrift” and “Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft”, 1899-1914), “Journal of Musicology” (“Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft”, 1918-35), cont. – “Archive of Musical Research” (“Archiv für Musikforschung”, 1936-43), “Archive of Musicology” (“Archiv für Musikwissenschaft”, 1918-26; 1952-61), “Communications of the International Society for Musicology” (“Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft”, 1928-30), cont. – “Chronicle of Musicology” (“Acta musicologica”, from 1931), etc.; in France – the magazine nat. section of the International Musical Society (Société internationale de musique, abbr. S. I. M.), published in 1905-15 under dec. titles – “Musical Mercury” (“Le Mercure musical”), “French Bulletin M. M. O.” (“Bulletin français de la S. I. M.”, from 1908), “Musical Review” (“Revue musicale”, from con.
Valuable sources containing descriptions of rare books and manuscripts are catalogs published by muses. antiques, for example. German. by the Lipmanzon firm, which published catalogs of its muses since 1872. auctions. Among others musical and bibliographic works that began to appear in the 19th century – biobiblio-graphic. dictionaries representing important sources B. m .: in Italy – “Dictionary and Bibliography of Music” (“Dizzionario e bibliografia della musica”, v. 1-4, 1826) P. Lichtenthal, in which the definition of B. m., its tasks and goals; Belgium – “General biography of musicians and a general bibliography of music” (“Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique, v. 1-8, 1837-44, 1860-65) F. Fetissa; add. (See l-2, 1870-75, 1878-81) A. Puzhena; in Spain – “Biobibliographic Dictionary of Spanish Musicians” (“Diccionario bibliográ fico de mesicos espanoles …”, n. 1-4, 1881) B. Saldoni and others. The largest edition of this type, which retains its value, despite some errors and omissions, is the work of German. musicologist R. Eitner “Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des 19. century», vols. 1-10, 1900-04). Extensive bibliographical materials are also contained in works such as nat. ice dictionaries, for example. in the book S. Stretton, British Musical Biography (1897). From the beginning 20 in. development b. м. goes beyond the countries of the West. Europe. О. Sonnek with his works, published in the beginning. 20th century, – “Classification of Music and Literature of Music”, 1904, add. 1917), “Catalogue of Opera Librettos printed before 1800”, v. 1-2, 1914) and others. – lays the foundations B. м. in the U.S.. Later, B. м. in the countries of Lat. America, where the first serious bibliographic works (chap. arr. in music folklore) appear only in the 1950s: “Brazilian Musical Bibliography” (“Bibliographia musical brasil”, 1952) by L. E. Correa di Azevedo; “Bibliographic guide to the study of Chilean folklore” (“Guña bibliográfica para el estudio del folklore Chileno”, 1952) V. Salas; Dictionary of American Folklore (Diccionario del folklore americana, v. 1, 1954) F. Coluxio; “Bibliography of Fine Arts in the Dominican Republic” (“Bibliographia de las bellas artes en Santo Domingo”, 1956) L. Floren-Lozano. Among the bibliographic music guides. folklore, especially in the countries of Africa and the Middle East, the work of Goll is of great importance. ethnographer and musicologist Ya. Kunst “Ethnographic Musicology” (“Ethnomusicology …”, 1959, addition, 1960), including St. 5000 titles. There are bibliographic work, especially afr. music. Such is, for example, “African Music. Brief annotated bibliography” (“African music. A brief annotated bibliography», 1964) Д. L.
In the 50-60s. in many countries, a lot of work is being done in the field of B. m. Among the periodicals. The largest international publications are: “Musical Index” (“The musical index”), ed. P. Kretschmer and J. Rowley, which is a bibliography of current music. periodicals pl. countries and published in the USA since 1949 annually (about 17 titles of articles in each volume), and W. Schmieder’s Bibliography of Musical Literature (Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums), published in Germany since 000 every 1950 years and covering lit. -ru about music, published in Europe. countries, especially research work. Since 2, a series of small monographs has been published in the USA. works Detroit Bibliographies (Detroit studies in music bibliography, 1961 editions through 1969). In 15, the “Bibliography of Musicological Dissertations Published in German in 1963-1861” was published. (“Verzeichnis deutschsprachigen musikwissenschaftlichen Dissertationen, 1960-1861”) R. Schal. Among the national music bibliographies, one should point to the “Bibliographic catalog of books on music in French” (“Catalogue bibliographique de livres de langue française sur la musique”) by J. Legy, published in 1960 (since that time, additions have been issued annually – over 1954 titles in each ), the work “Catalogue of musical periodicals of Belgium” (“Répertoire de périodique musicaux belges”, 2000) by A. Riedel, in the 1954nd section, a list of musicologists is given. and music. magazines, yearbooks, almanacs, articles on music, etc.
Means. work in the field of B. m. is carried out in a number of socialist. countries. In the GDR, the German Library. Annual index of German musical publications and musicological literature “(Deutsche Bücherei. Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Musikalien und Musikschriften”), which is a continuation of the bibliographic. index published by P. Hofmeister, and a series of bibliographies “Musicological Literature of the Socialist Countries” (“Musikwissenschaftliche Literatur sozialistischer Länder” (vols. 1966-1 were published in 2); “F. Chopin’s Bibliography” (“Bibliographia F. Chopin” was published in Poland , 1949, added 1954) B. E. Sidova, “Bibliography of Polish Musical Journals” (“Bibliografia polskich czasopism muzycnych”, t. 1, 1955), “Bibliography of Polish Literature on Music” (“Bibliografia polskiego pismeennictwa muzycznego”, 1955 ) and “Bibliography of Karol Szymanowski. Materials for 1906-1958” (“Bibliografia Karola Szymanowskiego. Materialy za lata 1906-1958”, in collection: “Z zycia i twуrczosci Karola Szymanowskiego”, 1960) K. Michalowski, “Polish Music in literary and public journals. 1864-1900 “(” Muzyka w polskich czasopismach literackich i spolecznych. 1864-1900 “, 1967) by E. Schavinskaya; in Hungary – a bibliography of the musicological works of B. Bartok and Z. Kodaly; in Yugoslavia in the journal. “Sound” regularly publishes reviews of articles in music in the fatherlands. periodicals. In some foreign countries, special music-bibliographic books are published. magazines: in Austria – “Austrian Musical Bibliography” (“Osterreichische Musikbibliographie”, since 1949), in Italy – “Music and Bibliographic Bulletin” (“Bolletino Bibliografico Musicale”, since 1931), in the USA – “Notes” (“Notes” , since 1934) and others. A number of publications on B. m. are carried out by UNESCO. The most important of them: “International Catalog of Musical Literature” (“Répertoire International de la Littérature Musicale”, abbr. RILM) – an annotated bibliography of current literature on music (books and important articles), published in various languages. countries (published since 1967, quarterly), and the “International Catalog of Musical Sources” (“Répertoire International des Sources Musicales”, abbr. RISM) – a description of books, music and music. manuscripts (before 1800) stored in libraries dec. countries (ed. since 1960). Both of these bibliographic index ed. international about-you musicology and associations of muses. libraries.
In Russia, the first experiments of B. м. notographs appeared later and belong to the end of the 1840s. In 1849, the well-known ethnographer-folklorist, archaeologist and paleographer I. AP Sakharov published “A Study on Russian Church Chanting” – a review and list of manuscripts and printed literature on ancient Russian church singing. In 1882, the first major work in the field of Russian was published. B. м. – “Musical almanacs of the XVIII century”, owned by the bibliographer H. M. Lisovsky. He also later compiled: “Russian literature on the history of music over the past 50 years, 1838-1889” (in his book: “Musical calendar-almanac and reference book for 1890”, St. Petersburg, 1889); “Review of literature on theater and music for 1889-1891. Bibliographic essay “(St. Petersburg, 1893). He is also the author of the first chronicle of the life and work of Rus. musician – “Chronicles of events in the life and work of A. G. Rubinstein (St. Petersburg, 1889). Simultaneously with Lisovsky, etc. prominent bibliographer V. AND. Mezhov in 1882 brought B. м. as independent. section, with a special classification, in his multi-volume “Russian Historical Bibliography for 1865-1876” (dep. print – St. Petersburg, 1884, joint. with N. AP Sobko). These works marked the beginning of the Russian. B. м. Following Lisovsky and Mezhov, A. Е. Molchanov published “Bibliographic index of literature about A. N. Serov and his works “(St. Petersburg, 1888, addition to it Mezhov – journal. “Bibliographer”, 1889, No 12) and “Bibliographic index of critical articles by P. AND. Tchaikovsky” (“Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters”. Season 1892/93), I. A. Korzukhin is a bibliographer. essay “Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky. 1813-1869 ”(“ Artist ”, 1894, book. 6 (38)). In the further development of the Russian B. м. H played a big role. P. Findeisen, to-ry the first among Russian. musicologists appreciated the importance of bibliography and paid great attention to it. He owns the “Bibliographic Index of Musical Works and Critical Articles of Ts. A. Cui” (St. Petersburg, 1894), “Bibliographic index of materials for the biography of A. N. Verstovsky” and an addition to it (“RMG”, 1899, No 7 and 48), “List of Russian books on music published in 1773-1873” (sat. “Musical Antiquity”, vol. I, St. Petersburg, 1903). Findeisen also compiled the first extensive bibliography of the literature on M. AND. Glinka (“Russian Biographical Dictionary”, volume (5) Gerbersky – Hohenlohe, St. Petersburg, 1917), etc. Big place B. м. Findeisen took away in the Russian Musical Newspaper published by him since 1894, to which a special was issued in 1913-1916. appendix – “Bibliographic sheet”. In 1908, a reference book by I. AT. Lipaev “Musical Literature. Index of books, brochures and articles on music education” (reviewed and enlarged, M., 1915). Useful for their time, experiments in systematizing the material were “Index of Articles for 10 Years. 1894-1903” and “Systematic Index of the Contents of the Russian Musical Newspaper 1904-1913” compiled by S. G. Kondroy. To the beginning 20 in. appear bibliographic. work, dedicated separate special. topics, e.g. “Index of books, brochures, journal articles and manuscripts on church singing” A. AT. Preobrazhensky (Ekaterinoslav, 1897, Moscow, 1910), “Bibliographic index of books and articles on musical ethnography” by A. L. Maslova (in the book: “Proceedings of the Musical and Ethnographic Commission …” vol. 1-2, M., 1906-1911), “The experience of a bibliographic index on literature about Russian folk songs” by N. AND. Privalov (in Sat: “Slavonic Concerts… Gorlenko-Valley…”, St. Petersburg, 1909). Among the bibliographic music works. folklore, placed in the general bibliographic. works, – sections of literature on music decomp. of the peoples of Russia in the “Bibliographic index of Russian ethnographic literature on the external life of the peoples of Russia. 1700-1910 years. (Housing. Clothing. Music. Art. Household life)” D. TO.
Soviet bibliographers, relying on the Marxist-Leninist methodology, the achievements of Soviet musicology, significantly expanded the scope of B. м. With sir. 20s to 1941 in the development of the Soviet B. м. a major role was played by Z. F. Savelova, especially her annotated reviews of foreign books and articles of foreign music. periodicals published in the journal “Musical Education” (1925-30), M. AP Alekseeva – “Materials for a bibliographic index of Russian literature about Beethoven” (vol. 1-2, Odessa, 1927-28) and “Franz Schubert. Materials for a bibliographic index” (in Sat: “Wreath to Schubert. 1828-1928. Sketches and materials”, M., 1928), developed by him jointly. with I. Z. Berman; R. AND. Gruber – “”Rossica” in the German musical periodical literature of the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century” (“De musica”, L., 1926, no. 2) and his own annotated index of literature in the book: “Richard Wagner” (M., 1934); BUT. N. Rimsky-Korsakov – “Musical Treasures of the Manuscript Department of the State Public Library named after M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Review of musical manuscript funds “(L., 1938), as well as those carried out under his leadership -” Russian Musical Bibliography for 1925 “(in Sat. «De musica», вып. 1, L., 1925, no. 2, L., 1926) and bibliographic. index lit. the works of V. G. Karatygin, including St. 900 titles. (in vol. “AT. G. Look at it. A life. Activity. Articles and materials”, vol. 1, L., 1927); “Bibliography about M. AP Mussorgsky in his works (1860-1928), comp. C. A. Detinov, O. AP and P. A. Lamm, S. C. Popov, S. М. Simonov and Z. F. Savelova (in collection: “M. AP Mussorgsky. On the fiftieth anniversary of his death. 1881-1931. Articles and materials”, M., 1932); “Literature about P. AND. Tchaikovsky for 17 years (1917-1934)”, comp. H. M. Shemanin (in Sat: Musical Heritage, vol. 1, Moscow, 1935); “Musical Literature. Bibliographic index of books and journal articles about music in Russian” (L., 1935) G. AP Orlova. A number of works are published in the journal “Soviet Music”: “Russian Books on Music, Published in the USSR in 1932” (1933, No 1), A. A. Steinberg – Musical periodicals for 15 years. 1917-1932» (1933, No 2), З. F. Savelova and so-called. Livanova – “Index of literature about N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov” (1933, No 3) and “Index of musical periodicals for 15 years. 1917-1932» (1933, No. 6), V. AT. Khvostenko – Wagnerian. Materials for the bibliographic index of literature in Russian about Rikh. Wagner (1934, No 11), Liszt in Petersburg (1936, No 11) and Liszt in Russia (1936, No 12). Bibliographer. notes and reviews of literature about music were regularly published in the magazines Musical News (1923-24), Musical Education (1925-31), Music and Revolution (1926-1929), Radianska Musica (1933- 34, 1936-41) and others, as well as in general journals and bulletins, for example. “Knigonosha”, in which in 1923-24 in the section “Summary of newly published books” bibliographical articles were published. notes and reviews by K. A. Kuznetsov about the newly released muses. books and brochures. Detailed bibliography. the indexes are given in the majority of the original translated editions on the issues of foreign music, published in the 1920s and 30s. ed. М. AT. Ivanov-Boretsky. Among them are the bibliography. index compiled by Z. F. Savelova to the translation of the monograph by A. Schweizera «I. C. Bach” (M., 1934). This tradition was continued in the following decades (bibliographical references). index of literature about L. Beethoven, compiled by N. L. Fishman for the 2nd edition of A. A. Alschwang “Ludwig van Beethoven”, M., 1963, index of literature about I. C. Bahe, attached by Ya. AND. Milstein to his book “The Well-Tempered Clavier by I. C. Bach”, M., 1967, etc.). In 1932-40, 1941, 1942 and 1945 lists of books and articles about music were published in the Annals of Musical Literature (ed. from 1931). Bibliographic lists of books about music in the form of catalogs were issued by the Musical Sector of the State Publishing House (1926). One of the first bibliographic reviews on the musical art of the Soviet national republics is the book by P. AP
After the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, a new period began in the development of owls. B. m., marked by an increased scientific. level and quantity. bibliographic growth. works, expansion and deepening of the subject. Among the bibliographic works about Russian. composers and musicologists – capital glinkiana (3336 titles), compiled by N. N. Grigorovich, O. AT. Grigorova, L. B. Kissina, O. AP Lamm and B. C. Yagolim (on Sat. “M. AND. Glinka, Moscow, 1958); bibliography of B. AT. Asafiev, compiled by T. AP Dmitrieva-Mei and B. AT. Saitov (in book. “Selected Works”, vol. 5, M., 1957, chronological. musicologist index. works includes 944 titles), I. AND. Sollertinsky, comp. О. A. Geinina (in book. “Selected articles about music”, L.-M., 1946, add. in the book “Critical articles”, L., 1963); the work of B. C. Yagolim – “Rakhmaninov and the Theater” (in the book. “WITH. AT. Rachmaninoff and Russian opera. Sat. Articles”, M., 1947), “Bibliography of Articles on Rachmaninov” (in the book. “WITH. AT. Rakhmaninov. Collection of articles ”, M.-L., 1947),“ Bibliography of literature about Borodino ”(in book. Dianina S. A., “Borodin. Biography, materials and documents”, M., 1955), “Literature in Russian. about Chopin” (in Sat. “Frederic Chopin. St. and research of owls. musicologists”, M., 1960) and others; G. B. In Bernand – “Bibliography S. AND. Taneyev” (in his book. “WITH. AND. Taneev”, M., 1950) and his own “Bibliography of the published musical and literary works of V. F. Odoevsky. 1822-1869» (in vol. “AT. F. Odoevsky. Musical and literary heritage”, M., 1956); team of authors – V. V. Stasov. Materials for the bibliography. Description of manuscripts”, M., 1956); FROM. М. Vilsker – “Bibliography of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. 1917-1957» (in vol. “N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and musical education. Articles and materials”, L., 1959); B. C. Steinpress – extensive bibliographic materials about A. A. Alyabyev (in the monograph “Pages from the life of A. A. Alyabyeva, Moscow, 1956); bibliography scientific-critical. Job. AT. Ossovsky, comp. М. AP Pancake (on Sat. “A. AT. Ossovsky. Selected articles, materials, L., 1961); AT. A. Kiseleva – bibliography of works about you. C. Kalinnikov (on Sat. Vasily Kalinnikov. Letters, documents, materials”, comp. AT. A. Kiselev, t. 1-2, M., 1959), bibliography of the published correspondence of M. A. Balakirev (on Sat. “M. A. Balakirev. Memoirs and Letters, L., 1962); bibliography of domestic publications about A. Dvorak (on Sat. “Antonin Dvořák”, comp. and general ed. L. C. Ginzburg, M., 1967); H. H. Grigorovich – Bibliography about Beethoven in Russian (in Sat. Beethoven, vol. 2, M., 1972, 1120 titles). Among the works of a broader profile is a bibliography (St. 1000 titles), the so-called Livanova in the 2nd volume of her work “Russian Musical Culture of the 1952th Century in Its Connections with Literature, Theater and Life” (Moscow, 1917); “Russian musical periodicals until XNUMX” B. C. Yagolim (in Sat: “Book. Research and materials”, Sat. 3, Moscow, 1960). Generalizing works of this type have been created, such as bibliographic indexes “Literature about music. 1948-1953″ and “Literature about music. 1954-56» S. L. Uspenskaya, covering all aspects of music. culture. Later this edition was continued by S. L. Uspenskaya in collaboration with B. C. Yagolim (“Soviet literature about music. Bibliographic index for 1957”, M., 1958), G. B. Koltypina (“Soviet literature about music. Bibliographic index of books, journal articles and reviews for 1958-1959, M., 1960), A. L. Kolbanovsky, I. AND. Startsev and B. C. Yagolim (“Soviet literature about music. 1960-1962″, M., 1967), A. L. Kolbanovsky, G. B. Koltypina and B. C. Yagolim (“Soviet literature about music. 1963-1965”, Moscow, 1971). In the same years, the work of I. AND. Startsev, Soviet Literature on Music (1918-1947). Bibliographic index of books” (M., 1963). It turns out the capital work of the so-called. Livanova “Musical bibliography of the Russian periodical press of the XNUMXth century” (vol. 1, Moscow, 1960; issue 2, Moscow, 1963; issue 3, Moscow, 1966; issue 4, book. 1, Moscow, 1967; issue 4, book. 2, Moscow, 1968; issue 5, book. 1, Moscow, 1971; issue 5, book. 2, M., 1972 (joint. with O. A. Vinogradova); issue 1-5 (kn. 1-2) cover the period 1801-70; ed. continues). This annotated work lists in great detail articles on music published in Russian. prerevolutionary periodic print. Issues are preceded by an introduction. articles by the compiler, revealing the features of Russian. ice journalism and music. criticism at a certain stage of their development. The bibliographic dictionary “Who wrote about music” by G. B. Bernandta and I. М. Yampolsky, including lists of works by muses. critics and others. persons who wrote about music in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR (vol. 1, A-I, M., 1971; t. 2, K-P, M., 1973). A completely new and original phenomenon in the domestic music. bibliography – abstract index of books “Foreign Literature about Music” by P. X. Kananova and I. AP Vulykh, who began to go out. issues since 1962 under the general editorship. G. М. Schneerson. Although the index includes only a part of the book literature on music published abroad (books available in the main Mosk. b-kah), it presents a wide range of issues in the history of world music. culture, theory, philosophy and aesthetics of music. lawsuit, problems of modern. ice creativity, folklore, acoustics, performance and many others. др. Detailed abstract references are given about the books. Out issue. 1-3, covering the time period from 1954 to 1958 (vol. 1. Abstract index of books for 1954-1958, M., 1960; issue 2. Musical culture of European countries, M., 1963; issue 2, h. 2. Musical culture of the peoples of Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Oceania, M., 1967; issue 3, h. 1. Types and genres of music, M., 1966; issue 3, h. 2, M., 1968) and no. 1 for the period 1959-66 (M., 1972). A valuable contribution to the Soviet B. м. contributed the work of G. B. Koltypina, Bibliography of Musical Bibliography. An annotated list of indexes of literature published in Russian” (M., 1963, addition for 1962-1967 – M., 1970) and “Reference literature on music … 1773-1962. Dictionaries. Collections of biographies. Calendars Chronicles. Memory books. Guides. Collections of librettos. Collections of citations ”(M., 1964). The list and characteristics of bibliographic dictionaries of figures of musical culture are given in the work of I. М. Kaufman “Russian biographical and biobibliographic dictionaries” (M., 1955), musical terminological dictionaries – in his own work “Terminological dictionaries” (M., 1961). The bibliography of musical folklore is presented in the works of M. Ya Meltz, Russian Folklore. Bibliographic index. 1945-1959″ (M., 1961) and V. М. Sidelnikov Russian folk song. Bibliographic index. 1735-1945″ (M., 1962). According to the recommendatory bibliography, there is a widely annotated work by A. AND. Stupel and V. Ya Trainin “Among the books about music” (vol.
Bibliographies of the works of owls. musicologists are given in Sat. of their works: Yu. V. Keldysh (“Criticism and Journalism”, Moscow, 1959), V. M. Bogdanov-Berezovsky (“Articles about Music”, Leningrad, 1960), M. S. Druskin (“History and Modernity”, L., 1960), I. F. Belza (“On Slavic Music”, M., 1963), V. M. Gorodinsky (“Selected Articles”, M., 1963), Yu. A. Kremlev ( “Selected Articles”, L., 1969), L. S. Ginzburg (“Research and Articles”, M., 1971), in jubilee collections (“From Lully to the present day”. To the 60th anniversary of the birth of L. A. Mazel, Collection of articles, Moscow, 1967); bibliography of articles by owls. composers are given in Sat. “N. Ya. Myaskovsky” (vol. 2, M., 1964), “V. I. Shebalin. Articles, memoirs, materials ”(M., 1970), etc., as well as in the bibliographic. section of some notographic. reference books – E. L. Sadovnikova (“D. D. Shostakovich”, Moscow, 1959; also contains a list of articles on the life and work of Shostakovich), etc. ., Composer Jan Ozolin… Bibliography, Jelgava, 1958, in Latvian), Komitas (Teimurazyan HA, Komitas… Bibliography, Yerevan, 1957, in Armenian and Russian), M. Yekmalyan (Teimurazyan HA, Makar Yekmalyan. Brief bibliography, Yerevan, 1959, in Armenian).
Lists of literature about music are systematically published in the publications of the All-Union Book Chamber – “Book Chronicle”, “Chronicle of Journal Articles”, “Chronicle of Newspaper Articles” and “Yearbook of the Book”. Work in the field of B. m. is carried out by republican book chambers and bibliographic. departments of republican banks. Section dedicated to Literature about music, is available in the yearbook “Bibliography of Musical Works”, published by the Book Chamber Gruz. SSR, in the annotated index by E. I. Novichenko and O. M. Salnikova “The Art of the Kirghiz SSR” (Frunze, 1958), in the book by K. M. Gudiyeva, V. S. Krestenko and N. M. Pastukhov “The Art of North Ossetia ”(Ordzhonikidze, 1959), in the fundamental work published by the Book Chamber of the Ukrainian SSR, “Musical Literature of the Ukrainian SSR. 1917-1965. Bibliographic reference book”, in which, along with the notation, a list of books on music is given, ed. during this period (in Ukrainian, Kharkov, 1966). Among other works dedicated to music lawsuit owls. nat. republics: book. V. M. Sidelnikova “Bibliographic index in Kazakh. oral art, vol. 1-1771-1916 (A.-A., 1951), an index of books, brochures, magazines and newspapers containing information about the Kazakhs. everyday life and people music creativity (in the book: Zhubanov A. Strings of centuries, A.-A., 1958), etc. Much work in the field of B. m. is carried out by the Sector of Source Studies and Bibliography of Leningrad. research in-that theater, music and cinematography, scientific music. b-ki Mosk. and Leningrad. conservatory, State library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin (Moscow), State. public library them. ME Saltykov-Shchedrin (Leningrad). State. library of the USSR. Since 1968, V. I. Lenin has been publishing monthly bibliographic publications. indexes “New Soviet literature on art” (books and articles), containing sections “Music” and “Musical theater”. Literature about music is also presented in general bibliographies (publications of the All-Union Book Chamber), in many bibliographies of a regional and local history character, and in bibliographies of other branches of knowledge (pedagogy, ethnography, etc.).
References: Uspenskaya S. L., Bibliography of musical literature, “Owls. bibliography”, 1950, no. 1(30), p. 71-85; Petrovskaya I.F., Reference and bibliographic work on theater and music in research and other institutions of Leningrad, in: Theater and Music. Documents and materials, M.-L., 1963; Danko L., Study and publication of sources, 2, Reference literature, in: Questions of theory and aesthetics of music, vol. 6-7, L., 1968; Sonnek O., Classification of music and literature of music, Wash., 1917; Brenet M., Bibliographie des bibliographies musicales, “Année musicale”, 1913, No 3; Mayer K., Lber Musikbibliographie, in: Festschrift für Johannes Wolf, Lpz., 1929; Deutsch O. E., Music bibliography and catalogues, “The Library”, L., 1943, III; Hopkinson C., The fundamentales of music bibliography, Fontes Artis Musicae, 1955, No 2; Hoboken A. van, Probleme der musikbibliographischen Terminologie, ibid., 1958, No 1; Klemancic J., Problematika muzicke bibliographia u Jugoslavyi, “Zwuk”, 1968, No 87-88.
I. M. Yampolsky