A piano bench (seat)
See Accessories for keyboard instruments in the Muzyczny.pl store
When buying an instrument, few people think about the seat on which they will be sitting at the instrument. In the vast majority of cases, we end up with a chair when the instrument hits our home thresholds. If we hit the size of this chair, it may be okay, but it is worse when it is too high or too low for us. We must remember that one of the factors influencing our playing the instrument is the correct attitude with it.
If we sit too low, our hand and fingers will not be properly positioned, and this will translate directly into the articulation and the way the keys are played. The hand should not lie on the keyboard, but our fingertips should rest freely on it. We cannot sit too high, because it also adversely affects the correct positioning of the hands, and also forces us to slouch, which in turn has a negative effect on our general health. Additionally, even if we are sitting too high and we are still small, we may have problems with reaching the pedals.
In order to avoid such problems, it is best to get a specially dedicated bench right away with the purchase of the instrument. Such a bench is primarily height-adjustable. These are usually two knobs on the sides of our bench, which we can easily and quickly adjust the height of the seat to our height. Remember that only the correct body position and the correct positioning of the hands will allow us to play in the best possible way. If we sit uncomfortably, too low or too high, our hand will be in an uncomfortable position and it will automatically stiffen, which will directly translate into played sounds. Only when our hands are in the optimal position in relation to the instrument, will we be able to fully control the keyboard, and this means much better precision of the exercises and songs. If this position is inappropriate, apart from the fact that the comfort of playing will be worse, we will feel tired even faster. The correct position and position of the hand is very important, especially for people who are just starting learning. It is very easy to get used to bad habits, which are very difficult to get rid of later. Therefore, such an adjustable bench is an ideal solution for both those who are already playing and those who are just starting to learn.
Dedicated piano benches – pianos have a large adjustment range, so they can be easily used even by the youngest pianists. The child grows all the time, so this is an additional argument for making such a bench for a young artist, because it will be possible to adjust the height of the seat on an ongoing basis as the child grows. The seats are most often covered with ecological leather and set on four legs, which guarantees certain stability. In addition, in some models we can also find adjustment of individual legs.
As you can see, the use of a dedicated bench can bring us only benefits and not only the comfort of the game itself, but it will definitely improve. The right seat also means that we can position ourselves correctly at the instrument, which has a direct impact on our health and well-being. When we sit upright, we breathe more easily and fully, and our game becomes more relaxed. Keeping the correct base at the instrument, we do not have to worry about curvature of the spine and in the near future associated back and spine pain. The cost of a dedicated bench ranges from approximately PLN 300 to approximately PLN 1700 depending on the manufacturer. In fact, every pianist and a person learning to play the piano, who cares about the comfort of working with the instrument, should have such a dedicated seat. It is a one-time expense and the bench will serve us for many years.