Which instrument is right for me?
Do you want to start your adventure with music, but you don’t know which instrument to choose? This guide will help you make the right choice and help dispel your doubts.
Let’s start with important concepts
Let’s break down the types of instruments into appropriate categories. Instruments such as guitars (including bass) are plucked instruments because the string is plucked in them with your fingers or a plectrum (commonly known as a pick or a feather). They also include banjo, ukulele, mandolin, harp etc. Instruments such as piano, piano, organ and keyboard are keyboard instruments, because to produce a sound you have to press at least one key. Instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, double bass, etc. are string instruments because they are played with a bow. The strings of these instruments can also be plucked, but this is not the primary method of making them move. Instruments such as trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, trombone, tuba, flute etc. are wind instruments. There’s a sound coming out of them, blowing them. Percussion instruments, such as snare drums, cymbals, etc., are part of a drum kit, which, unlike other instruments, cannot play a melody, but only the rhythm itself. Percussion instruments are also, among others. djembe, tambourine, as well as bells (incorrectly called cymbals or cymbals), which are examples of a percussion instrument that can play a melody and even harmony.
What are you listening to?
The obvious question you have to ask yourself is: what kind of music do you like to listen to? Which instrument sound do you like the most? A metal fan is unlikely to want to play the saxophone, although who knows?
What are your abilities?
People with an amazing sense of rhythm and great coordination of all limbs can play the drums without any problems. Drums are recommended for those who prefer rhythm over melody. If you have a very good sense of rhythm, but you don’t feel able to play with your hands and feet at the same time, and / or want to influence the rhythm as well as influence the melody, choose a bass guitar. If your hands are agile and strong at the same time, choose a guitar or strings. If you have excellent attention, choose a keyboard. If you have very strong lungs, choose a wind instrument.
Do you sing
The most suitable instruments for playing by yourself are keyboards and acoustic, classical or electric guitars. Of course, wind instruments also develop musically, but you cannot sing and play them at the same time, although you can play them during breaks from singing. A great instrument for such a style is the harmonica, which can accompany even a singing guitarist. Bass guitars and strings do not support the vocals that well. Drums will be quite a poor choice for a vocalist, although there are cases of singing drummers.
Do you want to play in a band?
If you’re not going to play in a band, choose an instrument that sounds great solo. These are acoustic, classical and electric guitars (played more “acoustic”) and keyboards. As for the ensemble… All instruments are suitable for playing in an ensemble.
Who do you want to be in the team?
Suppose you want to be a team member after all. If you want all the flashes to be aimed at you, choose an instrument that plays a lot of solos and main melodies. These are mainly electric guitars, wind instruments, and string instruments mainly violins. If you want to stay behind, but also have a huge impact on the sound of your band, go for drums or bass. If you want an instrument for everything, choose one of the keyboard instruments.
Do you have exercise space?
Drumming is not a very good idea when it comes to an apartment block. Wind and string instruments can give your neighbors a headache. Loud electric guitars and the sounds of bass guitars carried over great distances are not always their advantage, although you can use headphones while playing them. Pianos, pianos, organs and double basses are very large and not very mobile. Alternatives are electronic drum kits, keyboards, and acoustic and classical guitars.
Each instrument is a step forward. There are tons of multi-instrumentalists in the world. Thanks to playing many instruments, they are great in music. Remember that nobody will ever take away the skills of playing a given instrument. It will always be our advantage.
to ROMANO: The diaphragm is a muscle. You can’t blow the diaphragm. The diaphragm helps in proper breathing when playing brass.
in wind instruments you do not breathe from the lungs, but from the diaphragm !!!!!!!!!