What to do with an old piano
If you happen to have an old piano that is taking up space that hasn’t been played for many decades, you should consider selling it. If it is completely faulty and unrepairable, creativity can be applied.
This bulky musical instrument will become the basis for a decorative item.
TOP ideas on what to make from an old piano
With a subtle creative vision, you can make a bookshelf. The process will require the removal of internal parts, legs. The hull will need to be sanded and painted. Decorations made of carnations, metal linings, leather and plastic are appropriate. In addition to books, toys, souvenirs and expensive dishes look harmonious on such a shelf.
There is
An accessory in the form of a rack with drawers will fit into the interior. The hinged lid and atmospheric lighting create a peaceful mood. You can place coasters for glasses on top, and a long stand on the keyboard.
To be honest, there is not always a place in the house for an old piano. If you want to free up space, you should think about outdoor applications. If the body of the old tool is filled with earth, you will get a decoration for the backyard. Such a flower bed can become a garden fountain if you let the water flow through the keys. A fabulous atmosphere in the country is guaranteed!
The overall body allows you to arrange a real pantry for the tool. To do this, you need to place a panel with hooks and stands. The box is closed with a special lid and can be locked with a key. Of course, the place for such a device is in the workshop.
The working surface in place of the keyboard is long and compact. You can also arrange a hinged cover on the brackets. The front part is supplied with shelves, drawers and lamps. You just need to decide where to put your feet.
On the lid of some pianos, it is convenient to arrange things. This subject just asks for this role! Removing the internal elements will make it much easier. The material from which the pianos are made is ideal for expensive furniture.
Other interesting ideas
The original solution is to assemble the aquarium inside the case. Looks elegant and presentable. The attention of the guests is guaranteed.
You can do a lot with piano keys. A decorative element from thematic components is noticeable. If you fix part of the keyboard on the front side of the shelf, stand or tabletop, you can achieve an interesting effect.
One of the successful applications of the overall body. The volume makes it possible to install a sufficient number of shelves. A long narrow table, arranged in place of the keyboard, is convenient for working with papers.
wood carving
For a lover of applied arts, the question of how piano hammers can be used will not cause reflection. The beech wood from which they are made is an ideal material for decorative crafts.
Selling an old piano
How to evaluate
Deciding to sell an old tool, a person faces the problem of an adequate assessment. The fact is that this is far from being an ordinary consumer item. To find out the correct value, you can take the following steps:
- turn to tuners working in music schools;
- invite an appraiser specializing in such transactions;
- chat with people on thematic forums.
A lot of things affect the price:
- Tool age . Antique tools are antiques and can be highly valued.
- State . Pianos with a deformed body and a completely out of tune mechanism cost no more than the services of their removal.
- The desire of the buyer or intermediary to take advantage of the low awareness of the owner. In this case, it is useful to invite at least three people for consultation.
Where to sell
There are several options for selling pianos:
- placement of advertisements on the Internet and free newspapers;
- an offer to sell at the nearest music school at a special stand;
- contacting a workshop specializing in piano restoration.
There are many services on the Web that specialize in evaluating and purchasing tools.
Employees of these organizations conduct inspection free of charge, professional movers take out tools. When dealing with a buyer’s squeak, it should be remembered that even an old piano made by German firms can have a high price, provided that it is in the appropriate condition, as a rule, after an expensive professional restoration.
An old piano is a special item that requires respect. Its restoration and sale is not always possible. Therefore, it remains to use the body and other elements for other purposes. Not everyone will find this acceptable, but creative thought is limitless. Having become acquainted with what can be made from an old piano, it is easy to understand what potential this item has, which should not be thrown away immediately, even if there is nowhere to put it.