The most famous producer of mechanical metronome
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The Wittner company is probably one of the most recognizable metronome producers in the world. And no wonder, because they have been present on the market for 120 years and from the very beginning they have specialized in the production of, among others, precision devices. Mechanical metronomes are one of them and this producer has been appreciated by many professional and amateur musicians for years. For decades, the Wittner company has released several dozen models of mechanical metronome.
The iconic models include the 813M with Bell metronome, the price of which is currently between PLN 450 and PLN 550. The most expensive model in this series currently costs about PLN 900. It can be said that entire generations of musicians grew up on this series of metronome, and in the 80s these metronomes, popularly known as pyramids, were one of the most sought-after and desirable. It should be emphasized that at that time they were quite difficult to get 😊. The metronomes from the with Bell series, numbered 803, 808, 813M, 816, 818, 819, are among the more expensive devices of this brand. Models 801 to 809 have no bell, while models 811 to 819 have a bell to accentuate the opening of a measure. It can be set every 2,3,4 or 6 beat beats. The Wittner brand also offers cheaper metronomes, although you must be aware that these devices, in relation to digital metronome, are generally not cheap. The more affordable mechanical metronomes cost around PLN 150-180 and include the following models: Super Mini, Piccolino, Taktell Junior, Piccolo. The more expensive casing has a wooden case, and the most commonly used wood was mahogany, walnut and oak. The cheaper ones are made of plastic and there is a whole range of colors to choose from. It can be said that mechanical metronomes have remained unchanged since their inception until today. These metronomes have a similar principle of operation to mechanical watches. You have to wind up, set a certain speed and set the pendulum in motion. Despite the strong competition from digital and electronic metronome that have recently flooded the market with their models, mechanical metronomes continue to enjoy great popularity. Many people even prefer to practice with a mechanical metronome rather than an electronic one. The real movement of the pendulum and the work of the mechanism has a certain magic of action in it. Mechanical metronomes are perfect for practicing on acoustic instruments such as piano, violin, cello or flute. They are also of interest to collectors who can pay a lot for well-preserved items from the last century.
Regardless of which model we choose, we must remember to use it systematically. This is not only meant to be an ornament standing on a piano or a shelf, but it is a device that helps us practice the ability to keep the pace evenly. Unfortunately, many people disregard this and do not attach importance to what is a big mistake. This is really important, especially in the early stages of music education. Despite technological advances, no one has come up with a better device for practicing keeping pace than a metronome.
Wittner metronomes are high-quality products, look good and can also be a form of decoration in our music room. The purchase of such a device guarantees our satisfaction and many years of use. Looking at it from this point of view, an expenditure of PLN 150 or PLN 250 should not be a major problem.