Tangyra: instrument composition, sound, use
In the Udmurt national culture, there are many self-sounding instruments that are a reflection of the life and lifestyle of the people. Tangyra is a representative of drums. The closest relatives are beat, xylophone. The ancients used it to create a noise effect, with the help of which they gathered people for important meetings. It allowed hunters not to get lost in the forest, was used in pagan rituals.
Wooden bars, logs, boards suspended at a height of two meters on one crossbar – this is how the design looks like. Oak, birch, ash were chosen as pendants, which among the Udmurts are considered trees with light energy. The musical instrument was made from different types of wood. The suspensions were struck with sticks, similar to playing a suspended xylophone. The number of elements is arbitrary. The musician had to play the tangyr with both hands.
Sound and use
Dried wooden elements made sonorous, booming sounds. The resonance was so powerful that the sound could be heard for several kilometers and was heard by people in different villages. Often the instrument was made in the forest between two trees, sometimes in vegetable gardens. Today it can only be seen in national museums. The last sound of tangyr was recorded in the 70s of the last century.