Tadeusz Paciorkiewicz |
Tadeusz Paciorkiewicz
Studied with B. Rutkowski (organ, 1936, 1939-43) and K. Sikorski (composition, 1941-43) at the Warsaw Conservatory. He also graduated from the Higher Music. school in Lodz (1950). He worked in Plock and other cities of Mazovia. He performed as an organist (since 1947), taught at higher musical institutions. schools in Lodz (1949-54) and Warsaw (from 1954; from 1966 professor, in 1969-71 rector). The organ ops stand out. and production for spirit. orchestra. The music of the first period of creativity is in the spirit of the late romantics, from the 60s. began to use dodecaphony, aleatoric, etc.
Compositions: the radio operas Ushiko (1962) and Ligeya (1968); the oratorio De revolutionibus (1972); symphonies (1953, 1957); pieces for strings. orc.; overture (1965) and Soldier’s Fantasy (Fantazja zolnierska, 1968) for spirit. orchestra; concerts with orc. – for fp. (1952, 1954), skr. (1955), viola (1976), trombone (1971), for harp and flute (1979); chamber-instr. ensembles, incl. Chamber music for 2 brass quartets (1978), spirit. quintets; op. for choir a cappella (1979); pieces for piano, for organ; songs.