Sybyzgy: what is it, instrument composition, sound, history

Sybyzgy: what is it, instrument composition, sound, history

Sybyzgy is one of the most popular wind instruments in Kazakhstan.

The musical instrument entered the life of Kazakh shepherds even before the 18th century. Then khybyzgy brightened up the loneliness of shepherds on remote pastures and made people happy during the hours of rest and festivities. They continue to win hearts with their incredible sound even now. Many legends and tales are associated with them.

Zoor belongs to the genus of the longitudinal flute, outwardly it resembles a flute. Sybyzgy consists of 2 hollow reed, wooden or silver tubes 60-65 cm long, connected by a thread. May have 3, 4 or 6 holes.

Sybyzgy: what is it, instrument composition, sound, history

Taking into account the performing traditions, the zoor can be of two types:

  • eastern – has a small length, small diameter, conical shape;
  • western – longer, larger.

The peculiarity of khybyzgy lies in the simplicity of their manufacture. But as for the application, not everyone can learn to play them.

The sound is two-part: one voice comes from the instrument, and the other comes from the throat of the performer. For the appearance of beautiful music, earlier it was necessary to master the technique of simultaneous sounding of 2 voices.

Today, sybyzgy are part of various Kazakh musical and ethnographic groups, their use has been greatly simplified.

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