Submotive |
Submotive – the smallest constructive part of the motive that can be distinguished, unlike the latter, it has only the most elementary semantic and figurative independence.
S. can be distinguished only in motives, which are characterized by a clear rhythmic. division into smaller units. S. is often singled out and used as an element of a new motive:
W. A. Mozart. Symphony in g minor, movement I.
Often S. has a characteristic, due to which it is easily recognized when it is repeated:
HK Methner. Sonata-elegy for piano op. 11 No. 2, beginning of part 1.
References: Musical form, under the general editorship of Yu. Tyulin, M., 1965, p. 39-40; Mazel L., Zuckerman V., Analysis of musical works, M., 1967, p. 560-61.