Save your talent: how to save your voice?

The talented singer is worthy of admiration. His voice is like a rare instrument in the hands of a master. And therefore it must be handled with care and caution. Let’s see together how to preserve a singer’s voice. To prevent negative deviations, let’s consider possible problems of the vocal apparatus.

Runny nose

Appears as a result of a cold. For singers, it is unpleasant due to complications of the nasopharynx, larynx and trachea, and subsequently the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis). In the future, the development of a chronic form is possible, which will not allow the singing talent to fully develop. It is necessary to be treated by a doctor to avoid complications. Is it possible to sing with a runny nose? Without temperature – yes, with temperature – no.


An infectious disease with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, pharynx, and palatine tonsils. It is characterized by: severe headache, aches, fever. Treatment is indicated by a laryngologist, who will ensure that the consequences – inflammation of the middle ear, rheumatism, endocarditis – are avoided. You can’t sing with a sore throat. For a singer, removal of tonsils is undesirable, since a change in voice may occur due to damage to the pharynx muscles. If surgery is necessary, it should only be performed by an experienced surgeon.


Inflammation of the pharynx. Symptoms: scratching sensation, burning sensation, dry cough. They intensify after singing. Aggravating factors are: smoking, alcohol, hot and spicy foods, cold drinks, sudden changes in temperature, dust and others. The therapeutic effect of rinsing and lubricating is small. To preserve your voice, you need to avoid external stimuli and take hygienic care of your voice.


Characterized by unpleasant sensations and pain in the larynx, a rough, hoarse voice. The ligaments are enlarged and bright red. The disease occurs from hypothermia, or as a consequence of influenza and other infections. It can also occur from bad habits, sudden changes in temperature, or abuse of cold drinks. Singing for a long time is almost impossible. It is necessary to seek treatment from a doctor.

Tracheitis and bronchitis

This is an inflammatory process of the trachea and bronchi, respectively. Many singers are especially susceptible to these diseases. The usual purity of the voice is maintained, but the timbre changes, becoming harsher. Lightness and evenness disappear in different registers of sound. The top notes with tracheitis are tense and prone to detonation. “Noises” occur when breathing, forcing the sound, or singing incorrectly.

Nodules on ligaments

An occupational disease that is widespread among singers, more often among women. Symptoms: hoarseness in the voice, increasing over time. You can sing “forte”, you cannot sing “piano” and sound formation. There is also a “sharp nodule” form. It is characterized by an unexpected sharp breakdown of the voice. Treatment options include conservative vocal exercises and surgical ones. To avoid the appearance of this defect, you must beware of singing while sick.

Vocal cord hemorrhage

Occurs from excessive vocal tension when singing incorrectly (breathing overload). The age of the singer has an impact on the ligaments; in women – the menstrual period. When singing, hoarseness is heard, and sometimes aphonia occurs. A long period of “silence” is recommended.


Symptoms: rapid fatigue from singing (10-15 minutes), unpleasant sensation in the larynx, weakness in the voice. The disease is associated with a nervous disorder. When there is anxiety, sometimes it happens that a high note is simply not hit as usual. There is an urgent need to calm down.

How to preserve a singer’s voice?

The corresponding conclusions arise. It is necessary to protect yourself from colds and infections, hypothermia, and bad habits. Try to lead a “calm” lifestyle filled with positive emotions. And then your voice will be ringing, strong, dense, fulfilling its purpose – to inspire listeners. Boost your immunity! Be healthy!

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