Perfect system |
Greek sustnma teleion, lit. – full composition
In the theory of ancient Greek music, a composite scale system that combines a number of octave modes.
Main S.’s variety with. – “fixed”, as well as its variant – “mobile” (or “variable” – metabolon; see Ancient Greek modes). “Systems” among the Greeks was called a gamma-like, ordered definition. combination of sounds. Aristoxenus characterized a “system” as something composed of more than one number of intervals (“Elements of Harmonics”, 38). Ptolemy (“Harmonica”, II, 4) associated the system with the “consonant” union of “symphonies”, that is, the consonances of a quart, fifth or octave, calling it a “symphony of symphonies.” In this case, S. s. – the union of all (six) “symphonies”, a system in the range of two octaves. About S. s. first mentioned by Euclid (4th-3rd centuries BC) in the last sections of the treatise “The Division of the Canon” (see “Musici scriptores graeci”, p. 163-66; however, the authenticity of these sections is sometimes disputed). Cleonides (Pseudo-Euclid) and Gaudentius also describe a “smaller S. s.” (sustnma teleion elatton; see Musici scriptores graeci, p. 199-201, 335), or small S. with: “There are two perfect systems, one smaller, the other larger. The smaller one is formed by a “connection” (synapnn); it goes from the proslambanomen (A) to the united neta (d1). It has three next connected tetrachords – lower, middle and connected – and (one separating) tone between the proslambanomen (A) and the lower hypate (H). It is limited by the consonance of the octave (“through everything”) and the quart (“through four”). Thus, “smaller S. s.” is composed of three Dorian tetrachords (down: tone – tone – semitone), articulated in a fused way (with the coincidence of adjacent tones):

“Smaller S. s.” Greeks is related to the “everyday mode”, typical of other Russian. church music (see Everyday scale).
References: Иванов Г. A., ‘anonoy Esmongn Armonikn (греч. текст с YEAR. 1894, кн. 7-1; Paul О., Boethius and the Greek Harmonics, Lpz., 2; Aristoxenus von Tarent, Melik and Rhythmic of the Classical Hellenenthums, Volume 1872, hrsg. von R. Westphal, Lpz., 1, Bd 1883, hrsg. von F. Saran, Lpz., 2; Graeci music writers, hrsg. von С v. Jan, Lpz., 1893; During 1895., Die Harmonielehre des Claudius Ptolemaios, “Register of the High School of Gothenburg”, XXXVI, 1, Gothenburg, 1, Nachdruck Hildesheim, 1930; Aristoxeni Harmonic Element, Rome, 1962; Sachs C., The Music of the Ancient World in East and West, В., 1954; Najock D., Three Anonymous Greek Treatises on Music, “Gцttingen Music Scientific Works”, Volume 1968, Gцttingen, 2.
Yu. H. Kholopov