Notography |
from lat. nota – sign, note and Greek. Grapo – I write
1) Benefits (indexes, reviews, lists, catalogs), in which they are described, listed and systematized in a definition. order (alphabetical, chronological, thematic, etc.) musical publications and manuscripts.
2) Scientific a discipline that studies the history, theory, method of description and classification of muses. prod. in their notation. In foreign N. countries as independent. the area is not allocated, the study of musical publications and manuscripts is engaged in muses. bibliography.
N. – auxiliary. branch of musicology. There are different types, forms and types of N. Osn. types are: registration N., created for the general accounting of the musical production of the country, scientific-auxiliary (scientific-information) N., which provides assistance to specialists in their research, performing, pedagogical. activity, and advisory N., osn. the task of the swarm is the selection and promotion of muses. prod. considering music. development and interests determined. population groups. N. can be industry-wide (taking into account musical works of all types and genres), personal (works of one composer or performer’s repertoire), thematic (limiting the selection to one genre, means of performance, theme). Depending on the chronological N. coverage of material can be current and retrospective. At last, N. can be national and international, can be published otd. publications or as stand-alone. sections in periodicals. publications, lists attached to books, articles, musical collections.
The earliest form of N., perhaps, should be considered indexes in handwritten tonarii (collections of Gregorian chants, distributed according to modes) of the 9th-11th centuries, compiled in order to help the performer find a melody by its initial notes. The method of compiling indexes with initial fragments of musical text (incipits) was subsequently widely used in foreign countries. N., indexes with musical samples (themes or their initial fragments) were received in the 18th century. name thematic. One of the early printed N. — systematist. list of 1299 sheet music, prem. German, editions in the book German. pastor and bibliographer P. Balduan “Philosophical Library” (Bolduanus P., “Bibliotheca philosophica”, Jenae, 1616). Among others few N. 17 in. – “Catalogue of the Musical Library of the Portuguese King John IV”, comp. AP Kraesbeck (P. Craesbeck, “Primeira parte do Index da livraria de musica, do muyto alto, e poderoso Rey Don Iogo o IV… Anno 1649”), the first personal index is thematic. index to essays organist and comp. Johann Kerl (Kerll J. K., “Organic Modulation”, Münch., 1686). In the 2nd half. 17 in. in Great Britain and Italy, and in the 18th century. stage catalogs appeared in France and Germany. works published or staged, incl. performances accompanied by music. One of the earliest is “An authentic, complete and accurate catalog of all comedies, tragedies … which were printed and published before 1661.” ((Kirkman F.), “A true, perfect, and exact catalog of all the comedies, tragedies, tragicomedies, pastorals, masques and interludes that were ever yet printed and published, till this present year 1661”). At 18 in. in Italy, chronicles of musical productions began to be published. AMD in the shopping centers of Venice, Bologna, Genoa. In France, the Theater Library was published in 1733, containing an alphabetical list of plays and operas ((Maupoint), “Bibliotheque de thübres, contenant le catalogue alphabétique des pièces dramatiques, opira, parodies …”), and in 1760 an index was published listing the chronological about 1750 titles of operas, ballets, etc. “лирических сочинений” ((La Vallière Louis-Cйsar de la Baume le Blanc), “Ballets, operas and other lyrical works, in chronological order, from their origin”). In the 2nd half. 18 in. printed catalogs of music merchants and publishers I. G. E. Breitkopf, I. Yu and B. Hummel, J. G. Embo, Artaria, etc. Breitkopf catalogs (Breitkopf J. G. I., «Catalog of symphonies (solos, duets, trios and concertos for the violin…), pt. 1-6, Lpz., 1762-65, suppl. 1-16, dei catalogi delle sinfonie, partite, ouverture, soli, duetti, trii, quattre e concerti…”, Lpz., 1766-87) contain lists of the manuscripts of St. 1000 composers with 14 music samples. Several public and private directories. a book with a description of musical funds was published in the 18th century. in Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, the Netherlands. From the 19th century N. developed rapidly in Europe. countries, especially in Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, and later in the USA. Numerous catalogs and descriptions of muses. funds b-to diff. types: national, public, private, library account. institutions, museums, archives, monasteries, churches, palaces. With sir. 19 in. catalogs began to appear. One of the oldest national b-k – B-ka Brit. Museum (now Brit. b-ka), which began publishing descriptions of its collections in 1842, since 1884 regularly publishes catalogs of new acquisitions (“Catalogue of printed music in the British Museum. Accessions»). In addition, published: 3-volume catalog of manuscripts (Hughes-Hughes A., “Catalogue of manuscript music in the British Museum”, v. 1-3, L., 1906-09, reprint, 1964-66); “Catalogue of music published in the period 1487-1800…” (Squire W. В., «Catalogue of printed music published between 1487 and 1800 now in the British Museum», v. 1-2, L., 1912; approx. 30 names); “The British Union-catalogue of early music printed before the year 000”, ed. by E snapper, v. 1-2, L., 1957; St. 55 titles. production, stored in more than 100 banks of the country). Preparations are underway for publication of the Complete Catalog of Sheet Music held in Brit. museum (ca. 200 titles). Music catalog. b-ki Brit. broadcasting (British Broadcasting Corporation. Music Library», (v. 1-9), L., 1965-67) contains 269 names. The largest catalog of musical funds of the Amer. The library has been published since 1953 as part of the general Nat. union catalog (“U. S. Library of Congress. (Music and phonorecords. A cumulative list of works, represented by Library of Congress printed cards…»)). New York Public. The Library has published a Dictionary Catalog of Musical Funds, which includes 532 titles. («New York. Public library. Dictionary catalog of the music collection», v. 1-33, Boston, 1964). Among the catalogs b-k etc. countries – “Catalogue of early music in the National Library of France” (Ecorcheville J., “Catalogue du fonds de musique ancienne de la Bibliothéque Nationale”, v. 1-8 (do “Sca”), P., 1910-14), catalog of the library of the Brussels Conservatory (Wotquenne A., “Catalogue de la bibliothéque du Conservatoire royal de musique de Bruxelles”, v. 1-4, Brux., 1898-1912), Mus. лицея в Болонье (Gaspari G., “Catalog of the Library of the Musical High School of Bologna”, v. 1-4, Bologna, 1890-1905) and others. The earliest and well organized nat. N. – “German Musical Bibliography” – appeared in Leipzig in 1829 in the form of “Monthly Musical and Literary Communications” (the name of several. times changed), published by F. Hofmeister (Deutsche Musikbibliographie). In addition to the monthly editions, an annual compilation (“Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Musikalien und Musikschriften”) is published. Since 1957, The British catalog of music has been published in Great Britain, which contains descriptions of all new publications (reissues and light music are not included). In the USA, music products are taken into account in special. issues of the Catalog of state. Copyright Office (U. S. Copyright office. Catalog of copyright entries. 3-d series, pt 5 – Music), which has been published since 1906. To “Nat. Bibliography of France” (“Bibliographie de la France”) is published special. application (“Supplement C. Musique”), which takes into account the notes received by the National. b-ku. Swede. nat. N. — «Swedish Music Registration» and «Reference Book for the Swedish Music Trade». Austr. musical editions are taken into account in the special. editions of the national bibliography (“Österreichische Bibliographie”), published since 1945. Music publications are also reflected in nat.
The completeness and thoroughness of accounting differ nat. socialist bibliography. countries, which include information about musical publications: Bulgaria (“Bulgarski knipipis”), Hungary (“Magyar nemzeti bibliogrаfia”), Poland (“Przewodnik bibliograficzny”), Romania (“Bibliografia Republicii Socialiste Romвnia”), Czechoslovakia ( “Bibliograficky katalog”) with spec. parts: “Czech Music” (“Ceske hudebniny”) and “Slovak Music” (“Slovenske hudebniny”), Yugoslavia (“Bibliografija Jugoslavije”). Almost every country published N., compiled in nat. aspect. In Great Britain in 1847 one of the earliest N. vok. music “Library of madrigals” with descriptions of madrigals, arias, canzonettes, etc. works published in England in the 16th and 17th centuries. (Rimbault E. F., “Bibliotheca madrigaliana”, L., 1847). In the book R. Steele (Steele R., “The earliest English music printing”, L., 1903) provides information about the earliest English. musical publications (before the 16th century); editions before 1650 are described in the work of A. Deakin “Essays on musical bibliography” (Deakin A., “Outlines of musical bibliography”, pt 1, Birmingham, 1899). The arch of the shotl. music from 1611 is H., attached to the dictionary of D. Бапти (Baptie D., «Musical Scotland past and present, being a dictionary of Scottish musicians from about 1400 till the present time», Paisley, 1894). Brit. ice folklore is reflected in numerous directories and indexes. Among them – the work of Simpson “British folk ballad and its music” (Simpson SM., “The British broadside ballad and its music”, New Brunswick, (1966)), which includes approx. 7 descriptions of ballads, “Guide to collections of English folk songs published in 500-1822”, comp. М. Dean-Smith (Dean-Smith M., “A guide to English folk song collections …”, Liverpool, 1954), full description of English. songbooks of the period 1651-1702, comp. TO. Day and E. Marry (Day S. L. and Murrie E. В., «English song-books. 1651-1702″, L., 1940) and others. Among N., sacred. ital. music, – 2 volumes of the “Library of Italian secular vocal music, published in 1500-1700”, comp. E. Vogel (Vogel E., “Bibliothek der gedruckten weltlichen Vocalmusik Italiens, aus den Jahren 1500-1700”, Bd 1-2, V., 1892, neue Aufl., Hildesheim, 1962), “Bibliography of instrumental music published in Italy before 1700, comp. TO. Сартори (Sartori С., «Bibliography of Italian instrumental music printed in Italy until 1700», Florence, 1968) и др. Means work on H. amer. Music – “A Bibliography of Early American Secular Music” by O. Sonneck (Sonneck O. G. Th., «Bibliography of early secular American music», Wash., 1905, rev. ed., Wash., 1945 and N. Y., 1964), “American Folk Music” R. Wolf (Wolfe R. J., «Secular music in America», 1801-1825, v. 1-3, N. Y., 1964), Index Amer. popular songs, comp. H. Shapiro (Shapiro N., “Popular music. An annotated index of American popular songs», v. 1-3, N. Y., 1964-67), “Guide to Latin American Music” G. Чейза (Chase G., «A guide to Latin American music», (Wash., 1945), 1962). Among the French N. – catalog of hymns and songs of the Great French. revolution, comp. TO. Пьером (Peter С., “Hymns and Songs of the Revolution. General overview and catalog with historical, analytical and bibliographical notices”, P., 1904). Finland. music is represented by the Catalog of Finnish orchestral works and vocal works with orchestra (Hels., 1961). Among H. Scand. music – bibliography swed. ice literature from 1800 to 1945, comp. A. Davidson (Davidsson A., “Bibliografi ver svensk musikliteratur”, 1800-1945, Uppsala, 1948), index K. Nisser “Swedish Instrumental Works” (Nisser S. M., “Svensk ins-trumentalkomposition 1770-1830”, Stockh., 1943), index of songs in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish. composers, comp. A. Nielsen (Nielsen A., “Song-katalog”, Kшbenhaven, 1916) and covering the period up to 1912, with additions to it until 1922 (ed. in 1924). The largest N. Slovak music – “List of Slovak musical works 1571-1960” by Yu. Потучека (Potucek J., “Inventory of Slovak music. 1571-1960», Brat., 1952; in. 1-2, 1967). In Hungary, in 1969, a systematic Hungarian catalog printed music publications for the period 1945-60 (Pethes I., Vecsey J., “Bibliographie Hungarica. 1945-1960. A systematic catalog of musical notes published in Hungary», Bdpst, 1969). In the GDR – a catalog of wok. literature, published in 1945-58 (“Was wir singen.
Wide development, especially in Germany, was received by personal N. One of her highest achievements is ed. in the 1860s German labor. scientist and bibliographer L. Köchel “Chronological-thematic list of Mozart’s works” (Köchel L., “Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Tonwerke W. A. Mozarts», Lpz., 1862, Wiesbaden, 1964; edit by A Einstein, Lpz., 1969). Trud L. Kochel, which has become a classic, reflects a new direction in N. – the traditional description is supplemented by research information. character. The emergence of personal catalogs prepared with scientific. carefulness, distinguished by accuracy and extensiveness of information, was due to the development of musicology in the 19th century, the publication of complete collections of works by outstanding composers. Among others valuable personalities – thematic. essay indexes i. C. Bach (comp. AT. Schmider), L. Beethoven (comp. G. Nottebohm, and G. Kinsky and X. Halmom), Y. Haydn (comp. A. van Hoboken), L. Boccherini (comp. N. Gerardom), F. Schubert (comp. G. Nottebohm; O. E. Deutsch), K. AT. Gluck (comp. A. Watkenn), A. Dvorak (comp. Ya Burghauser) and others. From numerous notographer. international indexes. nature, created in the 19th century, the most important is the fundamental “Biobibliographic dictionary of sources of information about composers and musicologists of the Christian chronology until the middle of the XNUMXth century” by R. Эйтнера (Eitner R., “Biographical-bibliographical source encyclopedia of musicians and music scholars of the Christian era up to the middle of the nineteenth century”, vol. 1-10, Lpz., 1900-04), переизд. with add. 11th volume in 1959-60. Eitner’s dictionary contained not only biobibliographical information, but also indicated the location of the muses. prod. in the libraries of the world. In connection with the partial destruction and relocation of library collections after the 2nd World War of 1939-45, the dictionary lost its meaning of a consolidated index and is replaced by the “new Eitner” – “International Repertoire of Music. sources ”(RISM:“ Répertoire international des sources musicales ”), work on the Crimea is being carried out under the arm. International musicologist. about-va and Intern. music associations. b.c. This multi-volume index of printed and manuscript music, more than 1000 books from 30 countries are working on compiling it, it is published in 3 series: A – Alphabetical list of muses. prod., B – Systematic. index, C – Index of music. b.c. Edition dep. Series B began in 1960, Series A in 1971. The work on the creation of RISM is of fundamental importance for the muses. documentation. The published volumes of RISM contain descriptions of musical materials up to 1800, in the future RISM of the 19th century is planned; for editions of the 19th century. A valuable source is the “Handbook of Musical Literature of All Times and Peoples”, compiled by F. Pazdirek (Pazdнrek F., “Universal-Handbuch der Musikliteratur aller Zeiten und Völker”, Bd 1-34, W., (1904-10)), containing about 500 descriptions. Regular current H. intl. coverage is published in the journals: “Notes” (N. Y.), «Acta musicologica» (Kassel), «Music review» (Camb.), «Fontes artis musicae» (Kassel) и др. Generalizing codes of musical literature were also created according to the types of music and means of performance. Among the signs wok. music, the most famous are the works of E. Challier: “Great catalog of songs” (Challier E., “Grosser Lieder-Katalog”, V., 1885, and 15 vols. additions for 1886-1914); “Great catalog of duets” (Challier E., “Grosser Duetten-Katalog”, (Giessen, 1898); a number of catalogs of choirs. prod. (Challier E., “Grosser Männergesang-Katalog”, Giessen, 1900, 6 additions for 1901-1912; Challier E., “Grosser Chor-Katalog”, Giessen, 1903, with three additions, ed. в 1905, 1910, 1913; Challier E., “Large catalog of women’s and children’s choirs with an appendix”, Giessen, 1904). Catalog E. Chalière is described by hundreds of thousands of wok editions. works. A valuable guide for vocalists is the index S. Kagen “Music for solo singing” (Kagen S., “Music for the voice”, rev. ed., Bloomington — L., 1959). In the field of instr. music major works are indexes, comp. German. musicologist V. Altmann: “Orchestral Literature Catalog” (Altmann W., “Orchester-Literatur-Katalog”, Lpz., 1919, Bd 1, Lpz., 1926, Bd 2-1926 bis 1935, Lpz., 1936, reprinted. – (Wiesbaden – Münch.), 1972), in which St. 20 works published 000-1800. Its direct continuation is the reference book by V. Buschkötter W. L. H., «Handbook of international concert literature», В., 1961). A number of works by V. Альтмана (Altmann W., «Kammermusik-Literatur», Lpz., 1910, 1945 (под загл.: Kammermusik-Katalog); «Handbook for string quartet players», vol 1-4, В., 1928-31; Handbook for piano trio players, Wolfenbüttel, 1934) and dr. Supplement to Altman’s reference books – “Catalogue of chamber music”, comp. AND. Richter J. F., “Kammermusik-Katalog”, Lpz., 1960) – sheet music for 1944-58 (ca. 8 titles). Production for organ are listed in the “Guide to Organ Music” (Kothe B., Forchhammer Th., “Führer durch die Orgel-Literatur”, Bd 1-2, Lpz., 1890-95, 1909, ca. 6 names); it is supplemented by the “Handbook of organ literature B. Вейгля (Weigl В., «Handbook of Organ Literature», Lpz., 1931). Abundance of fp. lit-ry led to the emergence of numerous. pointers. “Handbook of Piano Literature” A. Prosnitsa (Prosniz A., “Handbuch der Klavier-Literatur von 1450 bis 1830”, (Bd 1), W., 1887, W., 1908, (Bd 2) – 1830-1904, Lpz. – W., 1907) represents the historical and critical. review of St. 12 editions for the period 000-1450. Among others. pointers – “Guide to Piano Literature” by I. Eshman (Eschmann J. С., «Guide through piano literature», Lpz., 1888, 1910), А. Рутхардта (Ruthardt А., «Guide through the piano literature», Lpz., 1914, Lpz. – Z., 1925); “List of works for 4- and 6-manual performance, as well as for 2 or more pianos” by V. Altman (Altmann W., “Verzeichnis von Werken für Klavier vier- und sechshändig sowie für zwei und mehr Klaviere”, Lpz., 1943); “Notes on Literature for Piano” by A. Lockwood (Lockwood A., “Notes on the literature of the piano”, Ann Arbor – L., 1940); “Literature for Piano” by E. Хатчесона (Hutcheson E., «The literature of the piano. A guide for amateur and student», L., 1948, N. Y., 1964); “Music for Piano” by J. Friskina and I. Freundlich (Friskin J., Freundlich I., “Music for the piano. A handbook of concert and teaching material from 1580 to 1952», N. Y., 1954); “Encyclopedic repertoire of the pianist” G. Parent (Parent H., “Répertoire encyclopédique du pianiste”, v. 1-2, P., (1900-07)). Among the literature indexes for bowed instruments are “Notes for Strings” by M. Farish (Farish M. К., «String music in print», N. Y., 1965, 1973, Supplement, 1968, approx. 20 prod. for violin, viola, cello and double bass); “Index of works for viola and viol d’amour”, comp. AT. Altman and owls. violist V. Борисовским (Altmann W., Borissowsky W., «Bibliography for viola and viola d’amore, Wolfenbьttel», 1937); для альта — P Zeyringer (Zeyringer Fr., “Literatur für Viola”, Hartberg, 1963); for cello – B. Weigl (Weigl V., “Handbuch der Violoncell-Literatur”, W., 1911, 1929); for violin – E. Хеймом (Heim E., “New guide through the violin literature”, Hanover, (1889), (1901)); A. Totman (Tottmann A. K., “Führer durch die Violinliteratur”, Lpz., 1873, 1935); for viols – R. Сметом (Smet R., «Published music for the viola da gamba and other viols», Detroit, 1971). Among the indicators of literature for wind instruments are N. works for flute (Prill E., “Führer durch die Flöten-Literatur. Grosser Katalog, enthalten über 7500 Nummern”, Lpz., (1899)), (Vester F., “Flute repertoire catalogue: 10 titles”, L., 000); for blockfly (Alker H., “Blockflöten-Bibliographie”, (Bd 1967-1), W., 2-1960; Wilhelmshaven, 61); for clarinet (Foster L. W., “A directory of clarinet music”, Pittsfield, (1940)); French horns (Brüchle B., “Horn-Bibliographie”, Wilhelmshaven, 1970); saxophone (Londeix J.-M., “125 ans de musique pour saxophone”, P., 1971), etc. A generalizing code of an old instr. music is notation X. М. Brown H. M., «Instrumental music printed before 1600», Camb., Mass., 1965, L., 1966). The predominant place in zarub. N. occupies scientific-auxiliary. N., descriptions of music. sources, historical and paleographer. research. Main attention is paid to descriptions of ancient and cult music. Among them are indexes dedicated to early printed editions, for example. “Incunabula of Liturgical Music”, comp. TO. Meyer-Beer (Meyer-Beer K., “Liturgical musical incunabula”, L., 1962), “Library of Musical Liturgy” by W. Frere with a description of the Middle Ages. manuscripts preserved in the libraries of Great Britain and Ireland (Frere W. H., «Bibliotheca musico-liturgica», v. 1-2, L., (1894)?1932, repr. Hildesheim, 1967). Much attention was paid to the description of musical manuscripts; their catalogs were created in almost all major European music repositories. Among the newest indexes of manuscripts is the work of G.
The earliest notographic form in Russia were publishing and trade catalogs that appeared in the 2nd half. 18 in. In 1767 «Academic. store” in St. Petersburg announced the sale of “printed musical notes, which can also be obtained from the catalog.” The catalogs were published by G. Klosterman, I. D. Gerstenberg and others. In the 1st sex. 19 in. music catalogs were issued by publishers and merchants G. Dalmas, G. Reinsdorp and I. Kertselli, I. Petz, K. Lengold, K. Lisner, M. Bernard, F. Stellovsky, K. Schildbach, Yu. Gresser, A. Gabler and others; shops “Musical echo”, “Minstrel”, “Troubadour of the North”. In Vilnius, catalogs of the publishing house I. Zavadsky (base. 1805). During the period 1850-1917, St. 500 catalogs published by 100 publishers and merchants. Most regularly published catalogs large Moscow. and Peterb. firm P. AND. Jurgenson A. B. Gutheil, W. AT. Bessel, Yu. G. Zimmerman, M. AP Belyaeva, S. Yambora and others. In the 2nd half. 19 in. and early 20 in. catalogs of music shops and publishing houses appeared in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Kazan, Orel, Rostov-on-Don, etc. cities. In publishing and commercial notography pre-revolutionary. period formed diff. types of catalogs, among which the consolidated catalogs published by P. Yurgenson under the general title “Catalogue général de musique de tous les pays” (“General catalog of music of all countries”) and reflecting the presence in the warehouses of the largest Russian. music trade products of almost all Russian. and many others. hem. firms. Goals of retrospective accounting of all fatherlands. publications has set itself the “Russian Society of Publishers of Musical Works and Traders of Notes and Musical Instruments” (main. 1898), which undertook the publication of consolidated musical catalogs under the general title “Complete Catalog of Musical Works Published in Russia”. Only 2 issues were published (St. Petersburg, 1908-1911/12), covering the literature for the piano, published by 67 publishers (ca. 40 titles). Catalogs of music publishers and shops are one of the main. sources of information about pre-revolutionary musical publications. period, since the state there was no record keeping system for musical publications at that time. In the 18th and 1st sex. 19 cc there were catalogs of b-k (“subscriptions for reading music”), organized at music stores (A. Gabler, Grotrian and Lang, L. Snegirev and others) from the commercial. purpose. State catalogs. and societies. ice b-to appear in the 2nd floor. 19 in. These are: “The Musical Catalog of the Central Library” (M., 1895); “Catalogue of the Music Department of the Kharkov Public Library” (Khar., 1903); “Catalogue of the Music Department of the Perm City Public Library” (Perm, 1913); “Catalogue of notes of the Odessa Music Library” (Od., 1888). The largest collections of manuscripts music funds Public. libraries in St. Petersburg were partially reflected in the work of V. AT. Stasov “Autographs of Musicians in the Imperial Public Library”, first published in “Notes of the Fatherland” for Oct.-Dec. 1856 and in the reports of the library for 1870, 1900, 1901. One of the initiators of the current critical N. A appeared. N. Serov, who led the notographic. department of journalism “Musical and Theater Bulletin” (1856-60), organized to familiarize the public with the best products. “without fear of receiving musical junk.” Critic-notographer. departments had almost all the muses. magazines, incl. “Russian Musical Newspaper” (1894-1917), “Music and Life” (1908-12), “Musical Contemporary” (1915-17). In 1900-06 Petersburg. Society of Music collections published special. bibliographer. and notographer. journal “News of the St. Petersburg Society of Musical Meetings”, 1896-97, 1900-09. The first biblio-notographic. work in the field of music. folklore was reviewed by I. AP Sakharova – “Collections of Russian songs” (in his book: “Songs of the Russian people”, part XNUMX. 1, St. Petersburg, 1838), in which the author “had the honor to count 126 editions” for the period 1770-1838. Reviews of published collections of songs are given in the works: A. N. Serov – “Russian folk song as a subject of science. Article 3 – Collectors and harmonizers of Russian songs ”(“ Musical Season ”, 1871, No 3); N. Lopatin in the book: Lopatin N. M., Prokunin V. P., “Collection of Russian folk lyrical songs”, part XNUMX. 1 (M., 1889); P. Bezsonova – “On the issue of collecting and publishing monuments of” folk song creation “” (M., 1896); D. Arakchieva – “Review of Georgian collections of songs and chants” (“Works of Musical and Ethnographic. Commission of the Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography, vol. 1, M., 1906) and others. In the same “Proceedings of Musical-Ethnographic. commissions (vol. 1-2, 1906-11) was published “Bibliographic index of books and articles on musical ethnography” by A. Maslov, which lists books, articles and music collections of Nar. music of all countries and peoples. The first notographic the index of the creativity of the peoples of Russia was the “Experience of an index of the literature of foreign songs”, app. to the book: Rybakov S. G., “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims” (St. Petersburg, 1897). Information about musical notations of folklore was also included in the bibliographic. pointers: Zelenin D. K., “Bibliographic index of Russian ethnographic literature”, 1700-1910 (St. Petersburg, 1913); Grinchenko B. D., “Literature of Ukrainian folklore. 1777-1900″ (Chernigov, 1901), etc. Since 80-ies. 19 in. A number of recommendatory indexes intended for muses were published. education and enlightenment. Among them: Lebedev V. and Nelidov K., “Review of children’s, school and choral musical literature. The experience of an alphabetical index for mothers, singing teachers and choir conductors, Tambov, 1907; “Review of Russian musical and pedagogical literature”, in the book: S. AND. Miropolsky, “On the musical education of the people in Russia and Western Europe” (St. Petersburg, 1882). On the content of the repertoire offered by school and nar. choirs, reflected the strong influence of the church on the bunks. education, signs filled with prayers and monarchic. hymns. Among N., comp. to help special ice learning, the work of K. М. Mazurin “On the history and bibliography of singing”, M., 1893, containing an overview and list of wok.-ped. literature; pedagogical repertoires for piano; Kunz I., “Index of piano pieces, distributed according to degrees of difficulty” (St. Petersburg, 1868); works of pianist and methodologist A. N. Bukhovtseva. In 1898, the well-known Rus. teacher S. F. Schlesinger (“Our repertoires as a guide for the study of piano literature”, “RMG”, 1898, No. 12, dep. print, St. Petersburg, 1899). From N. according to dep. types of music should be pointed to a series of works by M. AT. Matveeva; “Review and list of all secular choral compositions for mixed choir with distribution according to degrees of difficulty and other instructions for choosing pieces” (St. Petersburg, 1912); the same for a homogeneous chorus (St. Petersburg, 1913); the same – spiritual and musical compositions (St. Petersburg, 1912). Specific form N. there were signs of music. prod. by their titles, compiled to help sellers and buyers: Ditman E. F., “A complete catalog of notes for singing in alphabetical order” (Rostov on / D., 1889; 1st and 2nd additions to it, comp. L. TO. Frize, Nakhichevan, 1898, K., 1903); Duka P., “Catalogue of gypsy romances in alphabetical order by title, beginning of words and choruses” (M., 1916); “Notor’s Companion.
For research on the history of Russian music, descriptions of handwritten and printed muses are important. sources: Undolsky V., “Remarks for the history of church singing in Russia” (M., 1846); Sakharov I.P., “Studies on Russian Church Chanting” (“Journal of the Ministry of Public Education”, 1849, No. 7-8, separate print, St. Petersburg, 1849); Smolensky S., “On the collection of Russian ancient singing manuscripts at the Moscow Synodal School of Church Singing” (“RMG”, 1899, separate print, St. Petersburg, 1899); A. Ignatiev, “A Brief Review of Kryukov and Musical Linear Singing Manuscripts of the Solovetsky Library” (Kazan, 1910), etc. Personal N. appeared in the 1840s, when review articles on the work of J. S. Bach and G. F. Handel, D. Steibelt, E. Garzia in the journal. “Repertoire and Pantheon” (for 1844-45), but it has been most developed since the 1890s. In the pre-revolutionary Russia was published approx. 100 books and articles containing lists of products. 20 rub. and 40 rus. composers. Among them is the work of HP Findeisen: “Bibliographic index of musical works and critical articles by Ts. A. Cui”, M., 1894; “Catalogue of musical manuscripts, letters and portraits of M. I. Glinka”, St. Petersburg, 1898; Bibliographies and notations by D. V. Razumovsky and A. N. Verstovsky (“RMG”, 1894, No. 9 and 1899, No. 7); works by A. E. Molchanov “Alexander Nikolaevich Serov” (issue 1-2, St. Petersburg, 1888); I. A. Korzukhina – “Musical works of A. S. Dargomyzhsky” (“Artist”, 1894, book 6, No 38); M. Komarova – “Bibliographic index of musical and literary activity of N. V. Lysenko” (K., 1904), etc. Catalogs with incipits (beginnings of musical text) were published: “Thematic list of romances, songs and operas of M. I. Glinka, comp. K. Albrecht (M., 1891), “Thematic catalog of the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky”, comp. B. Jurgenson (M., 1897).
At the first stage of development of owls. ice culture, the leading role was played by the advisory N. as part of the general educational work in Nar. the masses. As early as 1918, manuals on the organization and methods of music began to be published. works of clubs and red corners with approximate lists of repertoire for amateurs. poison. circles, strings. and spirit. orchestras. The material in the lists was arranged by topic. principle, the annotations noted the degree of difficulty, were given methodical. instructions for the leader. Indexes and reviews were intended for peasants, soldiers of the Red Army, “summer mass work”, etc. Recommendation. N. to help the music. amateur performances got mean. development in the 30s, when the type of repertoire indexes was formed. “Repertoires”, published by Ch. arr. houses creativity, contain ready-made programs of concerts or lists of recommendations. prod. and are the operational form of owls. N., designed to serve the revolutionary. holidays, current socio-political. campaigns, anniversaries, etc. Already in the early years of the Soviet authorities appeared lists of works recommended for music. raising children. One of the earliest is List of School Choirs, in the book: Music at School, published by Narkompros in 1921. Scientific-auxiliary. N. 20-30s concerned the premier past Russian. and hem. music. Such works appeared as “Literature on Music” – a review of publications of the 18th century, in the book: N. Findeisen, “Essays on the History of Music in Russia”, vol. 2 (M. – L., 1928-29); “The list of the most noteworthy musical publications, mainly of the 15th-16th centuries. Russian musical editions of the 18th and 1st floor. 19th century”, in the book: Yurgenson B. P., “Essay on the history of music printing” (M., 1928); “List of songs used for this work”, in the book: Ovsyannikov A., “The Great French Revolution in the songs of contemporaries of 1789” (P., 1922); Kuznetsova V., Kuznetsov K., “German song before Schubert”, in the book: “Wreath to Schubert. 1828-1928 ”(M., 1928) and others. We also note the work of A. N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Musical Treasures of the Manuscript Department of the State. public b-that im. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (review of musical manuscript collections)” (L., 1938). N began to appear. ice creativity of the peoples of the USSR, for example. indexes in the books: Horoshikh P. P., “Musical instruments, theater and folk entertainment of the Buryat-Mongols” (Irkutsk, 1926); Pavlov F. P., “Chuvashs and their song and musical creativity” (Cheboksary, 1926), etc. In the 20-30s. came out many monographs devoted to the work of the department. composers and containing lists of their works. Among them: “The list of works by K. Yu Davydov” (in the book: Ginzburg S. OK. Yu Davydov, L., 1936); Lamm P., “List of works and musical works of Mussorgsky” (in the book: “M. AP Mussorgsky. On the fiftieth anniversary of his death, Moscow, 1932); Shemanin N., “Notography and bibliography of P. AND. Tchaikovsky” (in the book: “Days and Years of P. AND. Tchaikovsky, M. — L., 1940) and others. Since 1927, the first N. prod. owls. composers: A. N. Aleksandrova, S. N. Vasylenko, D. C. Vasilyeva-Buglaya A. F. Gedike, R. М. Gliera, M. P. Gnesina, M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova A. A. Kreina, H. G. Lobacheva A. AT. Mosolova, N. Ya Myaskovsky, S. C. Prokofiev and others. The original work was the reference book by Igor Glebov (B. AT. Asafiev) “Russian poetry in Russian music. (Notography of the Russian romance) ”(P., 1921). Specific to the era of silent cinema were the indexes of productions recommended for music. design of films (“Catalog-reference book for film illustrators”, M., 1930; “Music for the film”, comp. A. Gran et al., Moscow, 1932). Publishing and trade N. continued to maintain the importance of industry-wide registration of notes until 1931. The first “Catalogue of publications of the State Musical Publishing House”, which took into account the publications of 1919-22, was published in 1922, followed by catalogs of publications of the Muses. Gosizdata sector (St. 20 basis catalogs until 1930), the southeastern branch of the State Publishing House in Rostov-on-Don (1924), the Samara Province Publishing House (1927), the State. publishing houses of Ukraine (1927, 1930), catalogs of joint-stock and private publishing houses: “Triton” (5 catalogs for the period 1925-35), “Kiev Musical Enterprise” (1926-28), music store “Music” in Leningrad ( 1927, 1928). For the purpose of information about new products, the following were published: “Bulletin of New Editions” (1930-31), “Information Bulletin of Muzgiz and the Bookselling Association” (1931-35); “Notes and books on music” (1935-41). In 1931 the USSR Book Chamber began issuing a quarterly periodical. publications “Musical Chronicle” (change of title: 1939-40 – “Bibliography of Musical Literature”, 1941-66 – “Chronicle of Musical Literature”), which continues to be published (since 1967 – under the same title “Musical Chronicle”). Thus, the beginning of the state current registration of musical publications. Until 1936, the Musical Chronicle included notes published in the RSFSR and, in part, in Ukraine and Belarus. Since 1936, all music publications of the CCCP have been registered. In the post-war period, further development of owls takes place. N. and the formation of its main directions. In the area of advisory N. the types of publications intended to serve the broad masses of music lovers, participants of amateur performances, were entrenched. collectives: “Repertoire for mixed choir”, comp. О. G. Okhlyakovskaya and others. (L., 1960); “Songs for the VI World Festival of Youth and Students”, comp. L. N. Pavlova-Silvanskaya (L., 1957); Songs of the Soviet Army and Navy, comp. L. N. Pavlova (L., 1963); “Songs about the Motherland”, comp. L. N. Pavlov (M. – L., 1964); “Great October in Music”, comp. T. AT. Andreeva and others. (L., 1967) and others. A special place is occupied by notographic. Leninian – pointers to music. works associated with the name of the great leader: “Index of vocal works about Lenin and the Party”, comp. Е. Serdechkov, and V. Fomin (L., 1962); “Soviet composers about V. AND. Lenin, comp. Yu Buluchevsky and others. (L., 1969); “Music about Lenin”, comp. Yu Buluchevsky (L., 1970); Musical Leniniana. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. AND. Lenin, comp. X. Khakhanyan (M., 1970) and others. extensive N. given in the book: “V. AND. Lenin in the songs of the peoples of the USSR. Articles and materials” (M., 1971); “Lenin and musical culture” (M., 1970). Among N., published to help the muses. education of children, – “Choirs for children’s voices”, comp. О. G. Okhlyakovskaya A. A. Rachkova, N. AT. Talankin (L., 1959); “Index of Russian pioneer songs”, comp. L. Pavlova and O. Okhlyakovskaya (L., 1962); “Works for school choirs and orchestras for the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution” (M., 1966); Ochakovskaya O. S., “Musical publications for secondary schools”, vol. 1-2 (M., 1967-72). The post-war period is rich in publications on the history of music, many of which contain notographic. lists and reviews. Specialists appeared. scientific. studies, the object of which was musical publications (Volman B. L., “Russian printed notes of the XVIII century”, L., 1957; his, “Russian musical editions of the XIX – early XX centuries”, L., 1970). Information about musical notations. folklore were included in the capital bibliographic. works (Meltz M. Ya., “Russian folklore”, 1917-44, L., 1966; the same, 1945-59, L., 1961; the same, 1960-65, L., 1967; Sidelnikov V. M., “Russian folk song”, 1735-1945, M., 1962, etc.). The personal N. Hundreds of studies published since 1945 contain lists of prod. composers. In 1960-ies. formed a type of personal directory containing a list of prod. composer with bibliography, discography and auxiliary. pointers. These are the indexes compiled by E. L. Sadovnikov (“D. D. Shostakovich», M., 1961, 1965; “IN. Ya Shebalin”, M., 1963; “YU. A. Shaporin”, M., 1966; “BUT. AND. Khachaturian”, M., 1967), S. AND. Shlifshtein (“S. C. Prokofiev, Moscow, 1962; “N. Ya Myaskovsky”, M., 1962) and others. A valuable contribution to the study of rukop. heritage catalogs appeared, in which personal funds stored in museums and archives are described. A series of similar reference books describing the autographs of S. AT. Rachmaninoff, P. AND. Tchaikovsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. A. Balakireva, A. AP Borodin and others. Russian composers was published by the State. center. music museum. culture them. М. AND. Glinka. Among others publications, dedicated description of the manuscripts: “Autographs by P. AND. Tchaikovsky in the archives of the House-Museum in Klin, no. 1-2 (M. — L., 1950-52); Lyapunova A. C. “Manuscripts M. AND. Glinka”. Catalog (L., 1950); Fishman N. L., “Autographs L. van Beethoven in the vaults of the USSR (Moscow, 1959); “Meetings D. AT. Razumovsky and V. F. Odoevsky. Archive D. AT. Razumovsky” (M., 1960). A number of N. appeared, devoted. reflection of art. literature in music: “Russian poetry in Russian music” (until 1917), comp. G. TO. Ivanov, vol. 1-2 (M., 1966-69); “Russian Literature in Soviet Music”, comp. H. H. Grigorovich and S. AND. Shlifstein, vol. 1 (M., 1975). Reflection of creativity otd. writers in music reference books: “Shevchenko and music. Notographic and bibliographic materials (1861-1961)”, comp. A. AND. Kaspert (KIIB, 1964, in Ukrainian) and Russian dam.); Ivanov G. K., N. A. Nekrasov in music” (M., 1972), etc. Leading importance in the post-war. period kept state. current registration of musical publications (“Music Chronicle”). Registration N. in the national Republics: Belarus (“Musical Literature of the BSSR. 1917-1961”, Minsk, 1963, in Belarusian. lang.); Georgia (Kutsia-Gvaladze T., “Bibliography of Georgian Musical Works. 1872-1946″, Tb., 1947, on cargo. and Russian lang.; Bibliography of Musical Works. 1947-1956″, Tb., 1965, then annually); Kazakhstan (“Musical Literature of Soviet Kazakhstan. 1938-1965, A.-A., 1969, Kazakh. and Russian lang.); Lithuania (Juodis E., “Musical Literature. 1959-1963”, Vilnius, 1965, in lit. lang.; the same, 1964-1965, Vilnius, 1968); Chuvashia (“Chronicle of Musical Literature. 1917-1952”, Cheboksary, 1960, in Chuvash. and Russian lang.); Ukraine (“Musical Literature of the Ukrainian SSR. 1917-1965″, Khar., 1966, in Ukrainian. lang.; “Chronicle of Musical Literature”, in Ukrainian. lang., ed. since 1954); Estonia (“Music Literature of Soviet Estonia. 1940-1960″, Tallinn, 1967, in Estonian.
N. as a scientific the discipline that studies the history, theory and methodology of musical notation and classification of notes developed as an integral part of the muses. bibliography. Only recently the technique and theory of notation began to stand out as independent. areas of activity with their tasks and methods. Planned activity of owls. library scientists to develop a methodology for musical notation and classification began in the 1930s. In 1932, for the first time in the USSR, the Rules for the Cataloging of Musical Works were published, comp. the Cataloging Commission of the Institute of Library Science in Moscow; the organization of the Musical Chronicle was accompanied by the creation of rules for the classification of muses. works. In the postwar period finally formed owls. theory and methodology of musical notation. “Unified Rules” were developed for describing musical publications in versions for large and small books, and a Library and Bibliographic Library was created. music classification. Prod., published a number of theoretical. works devoted to the problems of musical notation. The unification of various traditions of description, the development of an international classification of music have become urgent tasks of muses in recent years. library science; their decision is handled by the International. music association. b-k, osn. in 1951. Developed by international. rules for the cataloging of music, to-rye are published under the general title “International code for the cataloging of music” (“Code international de catalogage de la musique”, Frankfurt – L. – NY, since 1957), the development of an international. classification systems, research is underway on ways to date musical publications, etc. The focus of librarians and musicologists is the problems associated with the identification of muses. works, the approval of uniform standards of description, the use of electronic calculations. techniques in data processing, the creation of universal thematic. directories.
References: Cheshikhin V., On the issue of cataloging musical publications, “Music”, 1913, No 118; Rules for cataloging musical works, M., 1932; Uspenskaya S. L., Classification of musical literature according to its intended purpose, “Soviet Bibliography”, 1935, no. 1-2; her, Bibliographic description and classification of musical publications, M., 1949; her, Bibliography of musical literature. (From the experience of working on the publications of the All-Union Book Chamber), “Soviet Bibliography”, 1960, No 5; Novikova E. A., Guide to cataloging musical works, M., 1937; her, Bibliographic description and organization of the catalog of musical publications, M., 1948; her own, Actual issues of modern musical notation, “Soviet bibliography”. 1961, No 1; Uniform rules for the description of printed works for library catalogs, part XNUMX 4 – description of musical publications, M, 1952, 1963; Library and bibliographic classification. Tables for scientific libraries. Issue. XXI. Section II 9, art, M., 1964 (section 9 – Musical works); Shugalova S. L., Development of the theory and practice of cataloging musical publications in the USSR. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, L., 1970; her, Development of the methodology for describing musical publications in Russia, in collection: Proceedings of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture, vol. 24, L., 1972; Turovskaya A. A., Publication of musical literature and notography in the USSR, L., 1971; Zubov Yu. S., Pogorelaia E. P., Turovskaya A. A., Bibliography of art, M., 1973; Koltypin G. B., Nevraev V. Yu., Some features of the bibliographic record model and the coding system for musical publications, “Soviet library science”, 1974, No 2; Brenet M., Bibliographie des bibliographies musicales, in the book: L’ Année musicale, 1913, P., 1914 (nouv. ed., Gen., 1972); Sonneck О., Classification; music and books ot music, Wash., 1917; Кrоhn E., The bibliography of music, «MQ», 1919, No 2; Russell J. F., The cataloguing of music, «The library association record», 1938, No 6; Deutsche E., Music bibliography and catalogues, «The library», 1943, No 4; Кing A. H., Recent work in music bibliography, там же, 1945, No 2-3; Hopkinson С., The fundamentals of music bibliography, «Fontes Artis musicae», 1955, No 2; Gооver J. В., The current status of music bibliography, «Notes», 1956, No 4; KrummeI D. W., Soover J. В., Current national bibliographies. Their music coverage, ibid., 1960, v. 17, No 3; The British Catalogue of music classification. Compileb by E. J. Coates, L., 1960; Heckmann H., New methods of processing musical data, «Mf», 1964, vol. 17, No. 4; Вernstein L., Data Processing and the Thematic Index, “Fontes Artis Musicae”, 1964, No. 3; Вrооk B. S., Utilization of data processing techniques in music documentation, там же, 1965, No 2-3; его же, The simplified «plaine and easie code system» for notation music: a proposal for international adoption, там же; его же, Some new paths for music bibliografhy, в сб.: Computers in humanistic research, Englewood Cliffs, 1967); его же, Thematic catalogues in music. An annotated bibliography, N. Y., (1972); Riedel F. W., On the history of musical source tradition and source study, “Acta Musicologica”, 1966, No. 1; Duckles V., Music reference and research materials. An annotated bibliography, N. Y. — L., 1967; Pethes I., A flexible classification system of music and litterature on music, Bdpst, 1967; Krummel D. W., Guide for dating early music. A synopsis, “Sources of the Art of Music”, 1971, No 1-2; его же, Bibliotheca Bolduaniana A Renaissance music bibliography, Detroit, 1972; его же, Guide for dating early published music, Hackensack-Kassel (a.
G. B. Koltypina