Lorenzo Perosi |
Lorenzo Perosi
Member National Academy dei Lincei (1930). From 1892 he studied at the Milan Conservatory, in 1893 at the School of the Church. music in Regensburg (Germany) with F.K. Haberl. In 1894 he received the priesthood, from the same year he was regent of the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice, then conducted many others. church choirs, incl. since 1898 the Sistine Chapel (since 1905, by decree of Pope Pius X, he was appointed its leader for life). P. made a great contribution to the development of the Italian. church music early. 20th century In addition to Op. church genres (including 25 masses), created works. on biblical and gospel stories. In these Op. combines principles coming from Palestrina, J. S. Bach, and modern. musical means. expressiveness: “Passion according to Mark” (1897), oratorios “Moses” (1900), “Unraveled dream” (“Il sogno interpretato”, 1937, San Remo), “Nazarene” (1942-44, Spanish 1950), requiem “In memory of the father” (“In patris memoriam”, 1909), as well as Stabat mater (1904); a series of symbols suites, concertos with orchestra – for piano. (1914), 2 for Skr. (1903, 1914), for clarinet (1928); chamber-instr. ensembles, etc.
References: Damеrini A., L. Perosi, Rome, 1924; его же, L. Perosi, Mil., 1953; Rinаldi M., L. Perosi, Rome, 1967.