Introducing a new tutorial on musical notation!
Hello dear friends!
I am glad to inform you that now you can RECEIVE AS A GIFT a unique book from me SELF-TUTORIAL ON MUSIC LITERATURE. This book explains in simple words and with the help of pictures everything a beginning and advanced musician needs to know about musical notation.
Why do I think this book is unique? Yes, because until now I have not found such a guide on the Internet that, in one place, would simply and clearly outline musical notation for beginners. At the same time, traditional textbooks on music theory still do not lose their relevance, but you are unlikely to master them from scratch as a self-taught person: they contain too many professional terms that are not yet clear to someone who has just taken up music.
What is my music notation tutorial? This is an attempt to summarize my practical experience. Now I am a professional musician, but at one time I mastered notes as a self-taught person. So, I selected the 10 most important questions on the topic and revealed the answers to them.
Each such answer takes only a page or a spread and is necessarily illustrated with practical examples and pictures. After getting acquainted with such material, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY ANY TEXT OF NOTE.
How to get a self-instruction manual on musical notation?
As already mentioned, you can receive it as a gift, that is, absolutely free. Anyone can get it. Here’s what you need to do to do this:
- Fill out the book subscription form – enter your e-mail, your name and click the “Get!” button. How to find this very subscription form? Scroll up the page – it is in the most visible place (top right, you’ll understand from the picture).
- Confirm your book subscription from your mailbox. An automatic letter from the Smartresponder service is instantly sent to your email, in which you will be asked to confirm your intention to receive the book.
- Don’t be afraid of the word “subscription” – it doesn’t oblige you to anything (no money trick, no texts in small letters here!). Subscription confirmation is only needed to protect your personal data (name and e-mail). Rest assured, you will never receive spam from us by email!
- Pick up your book! The moment you click on the confirmation link, you will immediately receive your book by email. Enjoy reading!
- By the way, our Self-Teacher on Music Notation, like most e-books, is “packed” in pdf format. If the book does not open on your computer (rare, but sometimes it happens), download from the official website and install the free Adobe Reader program on your computer.
(P.s. since the subscription is not working at the moment, you can immediately download the book from Uchebnik-po-notnoj-gramote here 🙂 Thank you!
I’m not going to leave you alone with your problems. If you didn’t find answers to your questions in my book (for example, you came across something in the notes that you couldn’t hear about in the book…), then I will be happy to help you! For your questions, a special discussion topic has been created in contact – here. Write, don’t be shy!
(P.s. p.s p.s since the subscription is not working at the moment, you can immediately download the book here 😉 Thank you!