How to paint a piano without making mistakes

How to paint a piano without making mistakes

The need to change the appearance of a musical instrument arises from its obsolescence or renovation of the interior, with which the piano must be in harmony. Painting the piano fits it into the overall composition.

Masters who tune the instrument assure that the coloring of the body does not affect the sound quality.

Preliminary preparation

Before converting the appearance of the piano, you should:

  1. Prepare for painting.
  2. Purchase paint and varnish products, working tools.

Before restoration you need:

  1. Protect surfaces and objects near the piano from debris or paint. It is enough to move them away or cover them with a film, paper, cloth.
  2. Disassemble the removable parts of the piano.
  3. Treat parts of the instrument that are not to be painted with film or masking tape.

What will be required

How to paint a piano without making mistakesThe following tools are being prepared:

  1. Sandpaper.
  2. Primer.
  3. Roller or brush.
  4. Paint and varnish product: varnish, paint, other.

If you have a grinder, you should use it – so the work will go faster.

How to choose paint

How to paint a piano without making mistakesTo paint the piano, alkyd paint is suitable. If there are small damages on the surface that cannot be sanded down, it is enough to add a fine-fraction mixture to the alkyd enamel. For this purpose, dry finishing putty is suitable. It is mixed with paint, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream, and the surface is treated. To repaint the piano, use polyester varnish or a special varnish for musical instruments – piano, giving a deep shine.

In addition to alkyd, they use acrylic car paint. You can restore the piano with acrylic interior paint – it is high-quality and wear-resistant.

step by step plan

Piano restoration includes the following steps:

  1. Removing the old cover . Produced with a grinder or sandpaper. The advantage of the machine is that it will remove an even layer of old paint or varnish evenly, after which a perfectly smooth surface will remain. Removing the old finish ensures that the new paint adheres well to the surface of the piano.
  2. Repair of chips and cracks . Produced with a special putty on wood, gives the surface smoothness.
  3. Degreasing and primer treatment . After that, the paint adheres securely to the wood from which the instrument is made.
  4. Painting directly . It is produced with the selected paint or varnish intended for wood products.
  5. Lacquering of the painted surface . Not mandatory, but possible step. The piano takes on a glossy sheen. You can do without varnish, and then the surface will be matte.

It is important that the room is well ventilated during operation.

At the same time, dust, lint and other small debris should not get on the piano, especially if the surface is varnished. Otherwise, the appearance of the instrument will be spoiled, and the piano will look cheap.

Repainting in black

To paint the piano black, you can use black alkyd or acrylic paint, as required by the interior design. A good option would be to cover the black paint with piano varnish, and the old instrument will be transformed into a new one.

How to paint a piano without making mistakes

Repainting in white

Coloring in white is good to carry out with white matte paint. For this purpose, interior acrylic material is used.

How to paint a piano without making mistakes

More ideas

How to paint a piano without making mistakesHow to paint a piano without making mistakesHow to paint a piano without making mistakesHow to paint a piano without making mistakesHow to paint a piano without making mistakes

Common mistakes

A person who has never carried out restoration work on musical instruments, before repainting an old piano or piano in any color, should familiarize himself with the information on the forums, download a training video, a master class.

Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve a good result.

It is important not to rush, try to paint on a different surface in order to “fill your hand”. You should not save on paint, because poor quality material will spoil the appearance of the piano. All work from grinding to painting must be done as carefully and carefully as possible. This will affect the durability of the restored surface and the appearance of the instrument.


How to accurately paint the tool?

The brush does not always provide a perfect layer of paint. It is better to use a spray gun, airbrush or spray gun – these tools evenly spray paint.

Can spray paint be used?

No, you need to purchase products in banks.

How to apply paint correctly?

The coating is applied in 2 layers.

How to prime the surface?

The primer is applied in 1 layer.

Summing up

Piano painting is made not only in white or black, but any other color according to the taste of the owner of the instrument. The order of work does not depend on the design. First you need to prepare the surface, degrease and prime it, then paint it. It is important to practice on another wooden surface, apply the substance very carefully.

The main task of piano restoration is to give the instrument a new look, and not just protect it from negative influences, like other wood products. The more accurate the coloring, the better and richer the instrument looks.

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