How to learn notes quickly and easily

The proposed training contains a number of useful tips and exercises for those who want to quickly and easily memorize all the notes in the treble and bass clef in one day. To do this, instead of tormenting yourself for a month with the question of how to learn notes, you will have to sit down for 40 minutes and simply do all the suggested exercises…

 1.  Learn well and forever remember the order of the main steps of the musical scale – . You should be able to easily and quickly recite this order out loud in different directions and modes of movement:

  1. in a direct or upward movement ();
  2. in the opposite, or downward movement ();
  3. in an upward movement through one step ();
  4. in a downward movement through one step ();
  5. in an upward and downward movement through two steps ();
  6. double and triple steps through one step in an upward movement ( and so on from all levels; etc.).

 2.  The same exercises with scale steps should be performed at the piano (or on another musical instrument) – finding the necessary keys, extracting the sound and defining it by the accepted syllabic name. You can read about how to understand the piano keys (where is which note on the keyboard) in this article.

 3.  To quickly memorize the location of notes on the staff, it is useful to do written work – the same exercises with scale steps are translated into graphic notation format, the names of the steps are still pronounced out loud. It should be borne in mind that now the work is carried out within the framework of the action of keys – for example, the treble clef, which is most common in musical practice. Examples of records you should get:

 4.   Remember that:

treble clef indicates a note salt first octave, which is written in second line the note bearer (the main lines are always counted from the bottom);

bass clef indicates a note F small octave occupying fourth line the note bearer;

note “to” the first octave in the treble and bass clefs is located on the first additional line.

Knowing these simple landmarks will also help you recognize notes when reading.

5.  Learn separately which notes are written on the rulers and which are placed between the rulers. So, for example, in the treble clef five notes are written on the rulers: from the first octave, и from the second. This group also includes the note first octave – it occupies the first additional line. Row –  – play on the piano: each note of the series in turn in ascending and descending directions, naming the sounds, and all together at the same time, i.e. chord (with both hands). Between the rulers (as well as above or below the rulers) the following sounds are written in the treble clef: first octave и second.

 6.  In the bass clef, the following notes “sit” on the rulers: it is more convenient to identify them in a descending direction, starting with the note first octave –  small octave, big. Notes are written between the lines: big octave, small.

 7.  Finally, an important stage in mastering musical notation is training the skill of recognizing notes. Take the notes of any musical composition unfamiliar to you and try to quickly find on the instrument (piano or other) all the notes in order that are on the page. For self-control, you can also download and install the “note simulator” program on your computer.

To get effective results, the recommended exercises must be performed once or twice. The skill of fluently reading music increases with experience of regular independent music lessons – this can be playing a musical instrument, singing from notes, viewing scores, copying any notes, recording one’s own composition. And now, attention…


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